
function Get-BMEnvironment
    Returns environments from a BuildMaster instance.
    The `Get-BMEnvironment` function gets all the environments from an instance of BuildMaster. By default, this function returns all active environments. Use the `Force` switch to return inactive environments, too.
    To return a specific environment (even one that's inactive), pass its name to the `Name` parameter. If an environment with the given name doesn't exist, you'll get an error. You can use wildcards to search for active environments. When searching for an environment with wildcards, inactive environments are not searched. Use the `Force` switch to include inactive environments in the search.
    Pass a session object representing the instance of BuildMaster to use to the `Session` parameter. Use `New-BMSession` to create a session object.
    This function uses BuildMaster's native APIs.
    Demonstrates how to return a list of all BuildMaster active environments.
    Get-BMEnvironment -Force
    Demonstrates how to return a list of all active *and* inactive BuildMaster environments.
    Get-BMEnvironment -Name '*Dev*'
    Demonstrates how to use wildcards to search for active environments.
    Get-BMEnvironment -Name '*Dev*' -Force
    Demonstrates how to use wildcards to search for active *and* inactive environments.

        # An object representing the instance of BuildMaster to connect to. Use `New-BMSession` to create session objects.

        # The name of the environment to return. If one doesn't exist, you'll get an error. You may search for environments by using wildcards. If no environments match the wildcard pattern, no error is returned. When searching with wildcards, only active environments are searched. Use the `Force` switch to also search inactive environments.

        # By default, inactive/disabled environments are not returned. Use the `Force` to return inactive environments, too.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    $environments = $null

    $wildcardSearch = [wildcardpattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($Name)

    # The Native API uses POST, which is interpreted as a data-modification, so
    # is subject to the user's WhatIfPreference. Since we know this method
    # doesn't modify data, disable WhatIf.
    $WhatIfPreference = $false

    # There's no way to get inactive environments from BuildMaster's infrastructure API so we have to use the native API. :(
    Invoke-BMNativeApiMethod -Session $session -Name 'Environments_GetEnvironments' -Parameter @{ IncludeInactive_Indicator = $true } -Method Post |
        ForEach-Object {
                                id = $_.Environment_Id;
                                name = $_.Environment_Name;
                                active = $_.Active_Indicator;
                                parentName = $_.Parent_Environment_Name;
        } |
        Where-Object {
            # Only return environments that match the user's search.
            if( $Name )
                return $ -like $Name
            return $true
        } |
        Where-Object {
            # Only return active environments unless the user is using the Force or retrieving a specific environment.
            if( $Force -or ($Name -and -not $wildcardSearch) )
                return $true
            return $
        } |
        Tee-Object -Variable 'environments'
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All' -or $environments )
    if( -not $wildcardSearch )
        Write-Error -Message ('Environment "{0}" does not exist.' -f $Name) -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference