
function New-BuildboxManifest()
    This function creates a new manifest file.
    This function will create a new manifest file at the specified location and returns a [Acklann.Buildbox.Versioning.Manifest] object. If a -Path is not provided it will default to the current directory. Use the -Force switch to override an existing file.
    The path of the manifest file.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Determines whether an existing file should be overriden.
    This example creates a new 'manifest.json' file in the current directory.
    New-BuildboxManifest "C:\new_project\manifest.json";
    This example creates a new 'manifest.json' file at the specified path.

        [string]$Path = "$PWD\manifest.json",

    if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)
        $Path = "$Path\manifest.json";

    if ((Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf) -and (-not $Force.IsPresent))
        throw "Cannot create '$Path' because it already exists. Use the -Force switch to overwrite the existing file.";

    $manifest = New-Object Acklann.Buildbox.Versioning.Manifest($Path);
    return $manifest;