
Install the flyway command-line tool from '' to the specified directory.
This function will install the flyway command-line tool from '' to the specified directory. Returns a PSCustomObject the stores the full path of the flyway executable ([string] Filename) and its configuration file ([string] ConfigFile).
.PARAMETER InstallationDirectory
The installation folder.
The version number. (default: 4.2.0).
Install-Flyway "c:\temp";
In this example, the flyway cli is downloaded into a temp directory.
$flyway = Install-Flyway "c:\temp";
In this example, the flyway cli is downloaded into the current directory.

function Install-Flyway()
        [Alias('p', 'dir', 'path')]
        [string]$InstallationDirectory = "$(Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent)\bin",

        [Alias('v', 'ver')]
        [string]$Version = "4.2.0"

    $flyway = Get-ChildItem $InstallationDirectory -Recurse -Filter "flyway.cmd" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1;
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($flyway) -or (-not (Test-Path $flyway -PathType Leaf)))
        # Download the flyway CLI
        $archive = "$InstallationDirectory\";
            if (-not (Test-Path $InstallationDirectory -PathType Container)) { New-Item $InstallationDirectory -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; }
            if (-not (Test-Path $archive -PathType Leaf)) { Invoke-WebRequest "$Version/flyway-commandline-$" -OutFile $archive; }
            Expand-Archive $archive -DestinationPath $InstallationDirectory;
            $newDir = "$InstallationDirectory\flyway";
            if (-not (Test-Path $newDir -PathType Container)) { New-Item $newDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; }
            Move-Item "$InstallationDirectory\flyway-$Version" -Destination $newDir;
            Rename-Item "$newDir\flyway-$Version" -NewName $Version;
            $flyway = Get-ChildItem $InstallationDirectory -Recurse -Filter "flyway.cmd" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1;
            if (Test-Path $archive -PathType Leaf) { Remove-Item $archive -Force; }

    return New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{
        "ConfigFile"="$(Split-Path $flyway -Parent)\conf\flyway.conf";