
#requires -Version 2
function New-BurntToastNotification
        Creates and displays a Toast Notification.
        The New-BurntToastNotification cmdlet creates and displays a Toast Notification on Microsoft Windows 8 and Windows 10 operating systems.
        You can specify the text and/or image displayed as well as selecting the sound that is played when the Toast Notification is displayed.
        You can optionally call the New-BurntToastNotification cmdlet with the Toast alias.
        You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet.
        New-BurntToastNotification displays the Toast Notification that is created.
        Assume that you have logged into Windows as Example\User01 and have run a PowerShell host as Example\Admin01.
        When you run the New-BurntToastNotification cmdlet a toast would attempt to be displayed using Admin01's notification manager but this does not exist.
        In this situation you should use the Credential parameter to specify Example\User01 as the user for which notifications should be displayed.
        This command creates and displays a Toast Notification with all default values.
        New-BurntToastNotification -FirstLine 'Example Script' -SecondLine 'The example script has run successfully.'
        This command creates and displays a Toast Notification with customized title and display text, but with the default image.
        New-BurntToastNotification -Template 'ToastText01' -FirstLine 'The example script has run successfully. This toast has no title.'
        This command creates and displays a Toast Notification using an imageless template and no embolden title.
        New-BurntToastNotification -FirstLine 'WAKE UP!' -Sound 'Alarm2'
        This command creates and displays a Toast Notification which plays a looping alarm sound and lasts longer than a default Toast.
        $cred = Get-Credential
        PS C:\>New-BurntToastNotification -FirstLine 'Admin Example Script' -SecondLine 'The administrative example script has run successfully.' -Credential $cred
        This example prompts for a username and password and supplies the resulting object to the New-BurntToastNotification.
        This enables being able to run a script as an admin user while still being able to display a toast notification to the regular user that is logged into Windows.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Sound')]
        # Specifies the first line of text of the Toast Notification.
        # This could be considered the heading/title of the Toast depending on the selected template.
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [String] $FirstLine = 'BurntToast',

        # Specifies the second line of text of the Toast Notification.
        # This could be considered the text/body of the Toast depending on the selected template.
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        [String] $SecondLine,

        # Specifies the third line of text of the Toast Notification.
        # This will only be used if you select a template that includes three lines of text.
        [Parameter(Position = 2)]
        [String] $ThirdLine,
        # Specifies the template used to build the Toast Notification.
        # A catalog of available templates can be found on MSDN:
        [String] $Template = 'ToastImageAndText02',
        # Specifies the image displayed on the Toast Notification.
        # The image is only displayed if supported by the selected template.
        # The path to the image must be on a local/mapped disk. Images on a UNC path will not be displayed.
        [ValidateScript({ Test-ToastImage -Path $_ })]
        [String] $Image = ( Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'BurntToast.png' ),

        # Specifies the AppId used to generate and display the Toast Notification.
        # The AppId needs to be for a shortcut present under 'All Programs' on the Windows Start Screen/Menu.
        [ValidateScript({ Test-ToastAppId -Id $_ })]
        [String] $AppId = ( ((Get-StartApps -Name '*PowerShell*') | Select-Object -First 1).AppId ),

        # Specifies the sound that is played when the Toast Notification is displayed.
        # If an alarm or call sound is chosen, the toast will be displayed for an extended period of time and the sound will loop while the toast is displayed.
        # A catalog of available sounds can be found on MSDN:
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
                   ParameterSetName = 'Sound')]
        [String] $Sound = 'Default',

        # Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
        # Type a user name, such as "User01" or "Domain01\User01", or enter a PSCredential object, such as one from the Get-Credential cmdlet.
        # Note 1: This parameter is only used if the cmdlet is run from a PowerShell host process owned by an account other than the account that has logged into Windows.
        # Note 2: Toasts created using the Credential parameter are processed within a PowerShell background job and will take longer to display than normal.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty,

        # Specifies that the Toast Notification should not play any sound when displayed.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   ParameterSetName = 'Silent')]
        [Switch] $Silent
        if (Test-PSDifferentUser)
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('credential'))
                $ToasterJob = Start-Job -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock {
                    New-BurntToastNotification @BoundParameters
                } -ArgumentList ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Key -ne 'Credential'})
                Write-Warning -Message 'Toast notifications must be created by the same account with which you logged into Windows.'
                Write-Warning -Message 'Use the Credential parameter to specify the proper account to generate notifications.'
            if ($AppId -ne $null -and $AppId -ne '')
                $null = [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager, Windows.UI.Notifications, ContentType = WindowsRuntime]
                [xml]$ToastTemplate = ([Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager]::GetTemplateContent(

                $TextElements = $ToastTemplate.GetElementsByTagName('text')
                foreach ($TextElement in $TextElements)
                    switch ($
                        '1' { $null = $TextElement.AppendChild($ToastTemplate.CreateTextNode($FirstLine)) }
                        '2' { $null = $TextElement.AppendChild($ToastTemplate.CreateTextNode($SecondLine)) }
                        '3' { $null = $TextElement.AppendChild($ToastTemplate.CreateTextNode($ThirdLine)) }
                if ($Template -like '*Image*')
                    $ImageElements = $ToastTemplate.GetElementsByTagName('image')
                    $ImageElements[0].src = "file:///$Image"

                $ToastNode = $ToastTemplate.SelectSingleNode('/toast')
                if ($Silent)
                    $AudioElement = $ToastTemplate.CreateElement('audio')
                    $AudioElement.SetAttribute('silent', 'true')

                    $null = $ToastNode.AppendChild($AudioElement)
                    if ($Sound -ne 'Default')
                        $SoundEvent = $Sound
                        if ($SoundEvent -like 'Alarm*' -or $SoundEvent -like 'Call*')
                            $ToastNode.SetAttribute('duration', 'long')
                            $SoundEvent = 'Looping.' + $SoundEvent

                        $AudioElement = $ToastTemplate.CreateElement('audio')
                        $AudioElement.SetAttribute('src', "ms-winsoundevent:Notification.$SoundEvent")
                        if ($SoundEvent -like 'Looping*')
                            $AudioElement.SetAttribute('loop', 'true')

                        $null = $ToastNode.AppendChild($AudioElement)
                $ToastXml = New-Object -TypeName Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument

                throw 'There is no PowerShell shortcut present on the Start Menu/Screen. Please create one or specify another ' +
                'AppId which you can find with the Get-StartApps cmdlet.'