
function New-BurntToastNotification
        Creates and displays a Toast Notification.
        The New-BurntToastNotification cmdlet creates and displays a Toast Notification on Microsoft Windows 10.
        You can specify the text and/or image displayed as well as selecting the sound that is played when the Toast Notification is displayed.
        You can optionally call the New-BurntToastNotification cmdlet with the Toast alias.
        You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet.
        New-BurntToastNotification displays the Toast Notification that is created.
        The New-BurntToastNotification function is classified as: Basic
        This command creates and displays a Toast Notification with all default values.
        New-BurntToastNotification -Text 'Example Script', 'The example script has run successfully.'
        This command creates and displays a Toast Notification with customized title and display text.
        New-BurntToastNotification -Text 'WAKE UP!' -Sound 'Alarm2'
        This command creates and displays a Toast Notification which plays a looping alarm sound and lasts longer than a default Toast.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Sound')]
        [String[]] $Text = 'Default Notification',

        #[ValidateScript({ Test-ToastImage -Path $_ })]
        [String] $AppLogo,

        #[ValidateScript({ Test-ToastAppId -Id $_ })]
        [String] $AppId = $Script:Config.AppId,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Sound')]
        [String] $Sound = 'Default',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   ParameterSetName = 'Silent')]
        [Switch] $Silent,

        [Switch] $SnoozeAndDismiss
    $TextObjects = @()

    foreach ($Txt in $Text)
        $TextObjects += New-BTText -Text $Txt

    if ($AppLogo)
        $AppLogoImage = New-BTImage -Source $AppLogo -AppLogoOverride -Crop Circle
        $AppLogoImage = New-BTImage -AppLogoOverride -Crop Circle

    if ($Silent)
        $Audio = New-BTAudio -Silent
        if ($Sound -ne 'Default')
            if ($Sound -like 'Alarm*' -or $Sound -like 'Call*')
                $Audio = New-BTAudio -Source "ms-winsoundevent:Notification.Looping.$Sound" -Loop
                $Long = $True
                $Audio = New-BTAudio -Source "ms-winsoundevent:Notification.$Sound" -Loop

    $Binding = New-BTBinding -Children $TextObjects -AppLogoOverride $AppLogoImage
    $Visual = New-BTVisual -BindingGeneric $Binding

    if ($SnoozeAndDismiss)
        $SnoozeAction = New-BTAction -SnoozeAndDismiss

        if ($Long)
            $Content = New-BTContent -Audio $Audio -Visual $Visual -Actions $SnoozeAction -Duration Long
            $Content = New-BTContent -Audio $Audio -Visual $Visual -Actions $SnoozeAction
        if ($Long)
            $Content = New-BTContent -Audio $Audio -Visual $Visual -Duration Long
            $Content = New-BTContent -Audio $Audio -Visual $Visual

    Submit-BTNotification -Content $Content -AppId $AppId