
    Finds and removes if exists, and sets a new global variable for a Solution Explorer path in Visual Studio.
    This function is specifically for holding on to Solution Explorer path values.
    After unloading a project, the path is no longer dynamically accessible and the
    only way to reload the project is to know the path.
    The name for the global variable. This should be the name of the project..
    The value for the global variable. This should be the path that is used to select the project in the Solution Explorer.
    Reset-SolutionExplorerPathVariable -Name "MyFirst.WebApi" -Value "MySolutionName\src\Prentation\MyFirst.WebApi"
    Author: Casey Crouse
    Created On: 07/23/2019

Function Reset-SolutionExplorerPathVariable() {

    $pathName = "se_path_$Name"

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value)) {
        Write-Verbose "Storing the following as a global variable:"
        Write-Verbose "`tName: $pathName"
        Write-Verbose "`tValue: $Value"
        $variable = $(Get-Variable -Name $pathName -Scope Global -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference | Out-Null).Value
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($variable)) {
            Remove-Variable $pathName -Scope Global -Force -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference | Out-Null
            Set-Variable -Name $pathName -Value $Value -Option ReadOnly -Scope Global -Visibility Public -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference | Out-Null
        } else {
            Set-Variable -Name $pathName -Value $Value -Option ReadOnly -Scope Global -Visibility Public -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference | Out-Null