
    Get a solution project object.
    Returns the object that represents the Visual Studio project.
    The name of the project.
    Determines whether or not to find the project by exact match.
    The following example will search for "Web" using several search conditions.
    C:\PS> Get-SolutionProject -Name "Web"
    The following example will search for "Web" exactly as case-insensitive.
    C:\PS> Get-SolutionProject -Name "Web" -ExactMatch
    Author: Casey Crouse
    Created On: 07/18/2019

Function Get-SolutionProject {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($null -eq $dte){
        Write-Error "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) stopped - this command requires Visaul Studio."
        return $null

    # Standardizing checks against lowercase only
    $script:Name = $Name.ToLower()

    $projects = Get-SolutionProjects -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference

    Write-Verbose "Searching visual studio projects for: $script:Name"
    Write-Verbose " "

    if ($ExactMatch) {
        foreach($project in $projects) {
            Write-Verbose "Name: $($project.Name)"
            $local:projectName = $project.Name.ToLower()

            if ($null -ne $project -and $local:projectName -eq $script:Name) {
                Write-Verbose "Found project exact match: $($project.Name)"
                return $project;
    } else {
        # Search for the project name using other search conditions.
        foreach($project in $projects) {
            Write-Verbose "Name: $($project.Name)"
            $local:projectName = $project.Name.ToLower()
            # Project names can sometimes contain several prefixes such as
            # CompanyName.Prefix2.Prefix3.Web where 'Web' is the name that is searched for.
            $lastNameSection = $local:projectName.Split(".")[-1].ToLower()

            Write-Verbose "Compare Items:"
            Write-Verbose "`tLast Section: $lastNameSection"
            Write-Verbose "`tName: $local:projectName"
            Write-Verbose " "

            if ($null -ne $project -and (
                $lastNameSection -eq $script:Name -or <# Name Match #>
                $local:projectName -eq $script:Name <# Last Section Match #>
                <# Add new search conditions here #>
            )) {
                Write-Verbose "Found project match: $($project.Name)"
                return $project;

    Write-Verbose "Project not found."
    return $null;