
    Activates a window within Visual Studio UI.
    This function finds a window by its caption and activates it.
    The caption used to search for the window. This value will likely be visible within the UI on the target window.
    Set-FocusOnWindow -Caption "Solution Explorer"
    Author: Casey Crouse
    Created On: 07/24/2019

Function Set-FocusOnWindow() {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($null -eq $dte) {
        Write-Error "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) stopped - this command requires Visaul Studio."
    Write-Warning "Performing UI Macro: Activating Window ($Caption)"

    $window = $dte.Windows | Where-Object { $_.Caption -eq $Caption }

    if ($null -eq $window) {
        Write-Error "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) stopped - window with caption '$Caption' not found."


    # WARNING: Do not put any code here that would change the focus of the UI to ensure the window stays active.