
function Get-CCMResourceMissingUpdate {
   Short description
   Long description
   Example of how to use this cmdlet
   Another example of how to use this cmdlet
   Query which updates are missing from a resource based on sms_updatecompliancestatus
   General notes


        [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [alias('ComputerName', 'Name', 'ResourceId')]


    begin {

        if (-not $All.IsPresent) {
            $isDeployed = 'AND sms_softwareupdate.isdeployed = 1'

        $query = @'
Select *
FROM SMS_SoftwareUpdate
Where isdeployed = 1
AND ArticleID in (
    Select ArticleID From sms_updatecompliancestatus
    WHERE status in (0,2)
    AND MachineID in (
        SELECT ResourceID from SMS_R_System
        WHERE ResourceID LIKE "{0}" or Name LIKE "{0}"
ORDER By LocalizedDisplayName
 -f $isDeployed

    process {
        $resourceInfo = switch ($InputObject) {
            { $PSItem.CimClass.CimSuperClassName -eq 'SMS_Resource' } {
                'sms_r_system.ResourceId = {0}' -f $PSItem.ResourceId
            { $PSItem -is [string] -or $PSItem -is [int] } {
                'sms_r_system.ResourceId = "{0}" OR sms_r_system.Name = "{0}"' -f $PSItem

            default {
                'unexpected input type: {0}' -f $PSItem.GetType().Fullname
        Get-CCMCimInstance -Query ($query -f $resourceInfo)
