
    Find the latest AWS EC2 AMI based on search critera
    Outputs only the image ID of the latest AWS EC2 AMI based on option you specficy such as Windows version, SQL verison and SQL Edition or Amazon Linux(2) or Ubuntu
    Supports Core and Container based AMIS and Windows version 2012 R2, 2016, 1709, 1803, 1809 and 2019
    It does this mostly by querying the SSM public paramter store, so the user that is running this must have the AWS PowerShell Module installed and configured as well permission to the ssm:describeparameter action
    PS C:\> (Get-CmEc2ImageId -OsVersion WindowsServer2022 -Region us-east-1).ImageId
    Above finds the latest Windows Server 2016 Base AMI in us-east-1 region
    PS C:\> Get-CmEc2ImageId -OsVersion 2019 -Core -Containers -Region us-east-1
    Here we specify we want Windows Server 2019 Core edition with Containers in the us-east-1 region
    PS C:\> New-EC2Instance -Region us-east-1 -Subnet subnet-97654567890 -ImageId (Get-CmEc2ImageId -OsVersion WindowsServer2016 -Region us-east-1).ImageId -KeyPair MyKeyPair
    This launches an instance in the us-east-1 region getting the latest AMI for Windows Serve 2016 in that region.
    Image (String)
    General notes
    The component this cmdlet belongs to
    The role this cmdlet belongs to the CMAWS Module
    The functionality that best describes this cmdlet

Function Get-CmEc2ImageId {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Windows')]
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [string] $OsVersion = "WindowsServer2022",
        [ValidateSet("2022","2019", "2017", "2016", "2014")]
        [string] $SqlVersion,

        [ValidateSet("Express", "Web", "Standard", "Enterprise")]
        [string] $SqlEdition = "Standard",

        [switch] $Core,
        [switch] $Containers,
        [switch] $EcsOptimized,
        [ValidateScript( { @((Get-AWSRegion).Region) })]
        [string] $Region,
        # The CPU Architecture to use. Available values, arm64 or x86_64.
        [string] $Architecture = "x86_64",
            "Chinese_Traditional", "Chinese_Simplified", "Czech",
            "Dutch", "English", "French", "German", "Hungarian",
            "Korean", "Japanese", "Polish", "Portuguese_Brazil",
            "Russian", "Spanish", "Swedish", "Turkish"
        )][string] $Language = "English",
        # Return only the Image Id as a string.
        [switch] $ImageIdOnly,
        # The AWS CLI/ SDK Credential Profile to use
        [string] $ProfileName
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    $GeneralParams = @{}
    If ($Region)     { $GeneralParams.Region      = $Region}
    If ($ProfileName){ $GeneralParams.ProfileName = $ProfileName}
    If ($OsVersion -like "WindowsServer*") {     # Windows Image Logic
        $WindowsVersion = $OsVersion.Substring(13)
        if ($Architecture -ne "x86_64") { Write-Error "Windows Server only available on x86_64" }
        $Base         = $True
        $LatestStable = "22H2", "2022"
        if ($WindowsVersion -match '2[12]H2') { $Core = $True }
        if ($Containers) {
            if ($WindowsVersion -match '2012R2') {
                Write-Warning "Container AMIs only available for Windows Server 2016 and later, Switching to Windows Server $($LatestStable[1])"
                $WindowsVersion = $LatestStable[1]
        if ($SqlVersion) {
            If ($Core -and $WindowsVersion -ne 2016 -and $SqlVersion ) { Write-Warning "SQL only avaialable on Core Editions of Windows Server 2016, Switching to Full"; $Core = $False }
            If ($SqlVersion -eq "2014") { $SqlSp = "_SP3" }
            If ($SqlVersion -eq "2016") { $SqlSp = "_SP3" }
            $SqlVersion = $SqlVersion.ToUpper()
            $SqlEdition = $SqlEdition.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $SqlEdition.Substring(1).ToLower()
            $SqlText    = "-SQL_" + $SqlVersion + $SqlSp + "_" + $SqlEdition
            if ($WindowsVersion -notmatch '201[69]' -and $SqlVersion -match '201[79]') {
                Write-Warning "SQL Server $SqlVersion only supported on Windows Server 2016 and 2019, switching to Windows 2019"
                $WindowsVersion = "2019"
            if ($WindowsVersion -NE '2022' -and $SqlVersion -EQ '2022') {
                Write-Warning "SQL Server $SqlVersion only supported on Windows Server 2022, switching to Windows 2022"
                $WindowsVersion = "2022"
            if ($WindowsVersion -notmatch '201(2R2|[69])' -and $SqlVersion -eq "2016") {
                Write-Warning "SQL Server 2016 only supported on Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016 and 2019, switching to Windows 2019"
                $WindowsVersion = "2019"
            if ($WindowsVersion -NE '2012R2' -and $SqlVersion -eq "2014") {
                Write-Warning "SQL Server 2014 only supported on Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2, switching to Windows 2012 R2"
                $WindowsVersion = "2012R2"
        if ($EcsOptimized -or $SqlVersion -or $Containers) { $Base = $False }
        $WindowsVersion = $WindowsVersion.ToUpper()
        $Language  = $Language.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $Language.Substring(1).ToLower()
        $BaseText  = "/aws/service/ami-windows-latest/Windows_Server-"

        if ($WindowsVersion -match '2[12]H2') {
            $SearchString = $BaseText + $WindowsVersion + "-" + $Language + "-Core"
            if ($Base) { $SearchString += "-Base" }
            else { $SearchString += "-ContainersLatest" }
        if ($WindowsVersion -match '20(16|19|22)') {
            if ($Core) { $SearchString = $BaseText + $WindowsVersion + "-" + $Language + "-Core" }
            else { $SearchString = $BaseText + $WindowsVersion + "-" + $Language + "-Full" }
            if ($Base) { $SearchString += "-Base" }
            elseif ($SqlVersion) { $SearchString += $SqlText}
            elseif ($Containers) {
                if ($WindowsVersion -eq '2016') { $SearchString += "-Containers" }
                if ($WindowsVersion -match '20(19|22)') { $SearchString += "-ContainersLatest" }
            elseif ($EcsOptimized) {
                $SearchString += '-ECS_Optimized/image_id'
        if ($WindowsVersion -eq "2012R2") {
            if ($Base) {
                if ($Core) { $SearchString = $BaseText + "2012-R2_RTM-" + $Language + "-64Bit-Core" }
                else { $SearchString = $BaseText + "2012-R2_RTM-" + $Language + "-64Bit-Base" }
            elseif($SqlVersion) { $SearchString = $BaseText + "2012-R2_RTM-" + $Language + "-64Bit" + $SqlText }
    If ($OsVersion -match "^Ubuntu(18|2[02])\.04$") {
        if ($Architecture -EQ 'x86_64'){ $UbuntuArch = 'amd64' }
        else{$UbuntuArch = $Architecture}
        $Filter = @{Name = "name"; Values = "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-*-$($OsVersion.TrimStart("Ubuntu"))-$UbuntuArch-server-20??????" }
        $Images = Get-Ec2Image @GeneralParams -Filter $Filter
    If ($OsVersion -in @("AmazonLinux2022","AmazonLinux2")) {
        $BaseText = "/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/"
        $ALVersion = $OsVersion.TrimStart('AmazonLinux') 
        if     ($ALVersion -eq "2")    {$SearchString = $BaseText+"amzn2-ami-hvm-$Architecture-gp2"} 
        elseif ($ALVersion -eq "2022") {$SearchString = $BaseText+"al2022-ami-kernel-default-$Architecture"} 
        if ($EcsOptimized){
            $SearchString = "/aws/service/ecs/optimized-ami/amazon-linux-$ALVersion/"
            if ($Architecture -EQ "x86_64") { $SearchString += "recommended/image_id" }
            else { $SearchString += "$Architecture/recommended/image_id" }
    If ("AmazonLinux2NetCore", "AL2NetCore" -contains $OsVersion) {
        $Images = Get-Ec2Image @GeneralParams -Filter @{ Name = "name"; Values = "amzn2-$Architecture-*DOTNET*" }
    If ($SearchString) {
        Try   { 
            $ImageId = (Get-SSMParameter @GeneralParams -Name $SearchString ).Value
            Write-Verbose "Got ImageId $ImageId"
        Catch { Write-Error "AMI Not Found" }
    if ($Images) { $Image = $Images | Where-Object Name -NotMatch "beanstalk" | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object -Last 1 }
    If ($ImageIdOnly) {
        If ($Image)   { return $Image.ImageId }
        If ($ImageId) { return $ImageId }
    If ($Image)   { return $Image }
    If ($ImageId) { return Get-EC2Image @GeneralParams -ImageId $ImageId }