
Configure a Restart with Post-Start Resume
Configures scripts and a scheduled task to resume CMBuild after
a restart. Then invokes a restart.
[xml] [required] Name of XML template file
Invoke-CMxRestart -XmlFile .\cmbuild.xml

function Invoke-CMxRestart {
    param (
        [string] $XmlFile
    $psfile  = "$($env:SYSTEMROOT)\temp\resume_cmbuild.ps1"
    $batfile = "$($env:SYSTEMROOT)\temp\resume_cmbuild.bat"
    $stask = 'SCHTASKS /Create /TN $($Script:RSJobName) /TR '+$batfile+' /RU SYSTEM /SC OnStart /RL HIGHEST /F'
    $psx = @"
Import-Module CMBuild -Force
Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName `"$($Script:RSJobName)`" | Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm`:`$False
Invoke-CMBuild -XmlFile $((Get-Item $XmlFile).FullName) -NoCheck -NoReboot -Detailed -Verbose

    $psx | Out-File $psfile -Encoding utf8
    Write-Log -Category 'Info' -Message "PowerShell file... $psfile"
    $cmd = @"
`@echo off
set LOG=$($env:TEMP)\resume_cmbuild.log
echo %DATE% %TIME% user context... %USERNAME% >%LOG%
echo %DATE% %TIME% host name...... %COMPUTERNAME% >%LOG%
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile -File $psfile >>%LOG%

    $cmd | Out-File $batfile -Encoding utf8
    Write-Log -Category 'Info' -Message "Batch file........ $batfile"

    try {
        Invoke-Expression -Command $stask -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Log -Category 'Info' -Message "Scheduled Task.... $stask"
    catch {
        Write-Log -Category 'Error' -Message $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message