
#requires -RunAsAdministrator
#requires -version 5

function Invoke-CMBuild {
    SCCM site server installation script
        Yeah, what he said.
    .PARAMETER XmlFile
        Path and Name of XML input file
    .PARAMETER NoCheck
        Skip platform validation restrictions
    .PARAMETER NoReboot
        Suppress reboots until very end
    .PARAMETER Detailed
        Show verbose output
    .PARAMETER ShowMenu
        Choose package items to execute directly from GUI menu
    .PARAMETER Resume
        Indicates a resumed process request
        Invoke-CMBuild -XmlFile .\cmbuild.xml -Verbose
        Invoke-CMBuild -XmlFile .\cmbuild.xml -NoCheck -NoReboot -Detailed
        Invoke-CMBuild -XmlFile .\cmbuild.xml -ShowMenu -Verbose
        1.0.6 - 11/16/2017 - David Stein
        Read the associated XML to make sure the path and filename values
        all match up like you need them to.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Path or URI of XML input file")]
            [string] $XmlFile,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Skip platform validation checking")]
            [switch] $NoCheck,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Suppress reboots")]
            [switch] $NoReboot,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Display verbose output")]
            [switch] $Detailed,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Override control set from XML file")]
            [switch] $ShowMenu,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Resume from previous unfinished processing")]
            [switch] $Resume
    Write-Host "CMBuild $CMBuildVersion" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    $ScriptPath = Get-ScriptDirectory
    $RunTime1   = Get-Date
    $tsFile     = "$LogsFolder\cm_build`_$HostName`_transaction.log"
    try {stop-transcript -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} catch {}
    try {Start-Transcript -Path $tsFile -Force} catch {}

    if ($Resume) {$OpenKey = 'RESUME'} else {$OpenKey = 'BEGIN'}
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "******************* $OpenKey $(Get-Date) *******************"
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "script version = $CMBuildVersion"

    [xml]$xmldata = Get-CMxConfigData $XmlFile
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "----------------------------------------------------"
    if ($xmldata.configuration.schemaversion -ge $SchemaVersion) {
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "xml template schema version is valid"
    else {
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "xml template schema version is invalid: $($xmldata.configuration.schemaversion)"
        Write-Warning "The specified XML file is not using a current schema version"

    Set-CMxTaskCompleted -KeyName 'START' -Value $(Get-Date)

    if ($ShowMenu) {
        $controlset = $xmldata.configuration.packages.package | Out-GridView -Title "Select Packages to Run" -PassThru
    else {
        $controlset = $xmldata.configuration.packages.package | Where-Object {$_.use -eq '1'}

    if ($controlset) {
        $project   = $xmldata.configuration.project
        $AltSource = $xmldata.configuration.sources.source | 
            Where-Object {$ -eq 'WIN10'} | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty path
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "alternate windows source = $AltSource"
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "----------------------------------------------------"
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "project info....... $($project.comment)"

        if (-not (Import-CMxFolders -DataSet $xmldata)) {
            Write-Warning "error: failed to create folders (aborting)"
        if (-not (Import-CMxFiles -DataSet $xmldata)) {
            Write-Warning "error: failed to create files (aborting)"

        Write-Host "Executing project configuration" -ForegroundColor Green

        Disable-InternetExplorerESC | Out-Null
        Set-CMxRegKeys -DataSet $xmldata -Order "before" | Out-Null

        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "beginning package execution"
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "----------------------------------------------------"
        $continue = $True
        $pkgcount = 0
        foreach ($package in $controlset) {
            if ($continue) {
                $pkgName  = $
                $pkgType  = $package.type 
                $pkgComm  = $package.comment 
                $payload  = $xmldata.configuration.payloads.payload | Where-Object {$ -eq $pkgName}
                $pkgSrcX  = $xmldata.configuration.sources.source | Where-Object {$ -eq $pkgName}
                $pkgSrc   = $pkgSrcX.path
                $pkgFile  = $payload.file
                $pkgArgs  = $payload.params
                $detRule  = $xmldata.configuration.detections.detect | Where-Object {$ -eq $pkgName}
                $detPath  = $detRule.path
                $detType  = $detRule.type
                $depends  = $package.dependson

                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "package name.... $pkgName"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "package type.... $pkgType"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "package comment. $pkgComm"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "payload source.. $pkgSrc"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "payload file.... $pkgFile"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "payload args.... $pkgArgs"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "rule type....... $detType"

                if (!(Test-CMxPackage -PackageName $dependson)) {
                    Write-Log -Category "error" -Message "dependency missing: $depends"
                    $continue = $False
                if (($detType -eq "") -or ($detPath -eq "") -or (-not($detPath))) {
                    Write-Log -Category "error" -Message "detection rule is missing for $pkgName (aborting)"
                    $continue = $False
                $installed = $False
                $installed = Get-CMxInstallState -PackageName $pkgName -RuleType $detType -RuleData $detPath
                if ($installed) {
                    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "install state... $pkgName is INSTALLED"
                else {
                    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "install state... $pkgName is NOT INSTALLED"
                    $x = Invoke-CMxPackage -Name $pkgName -PackageType $pkgType -PayloadSource $pkgSrc -PayloadFile $pkgFile -PayloadArguments $pkgArgs
                    if ($x -ne 0) {$continue = $False; break}
                $pkgcount += 1
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "----------------------------------------------------"
                if (Test-PendingReboot) {
                    if ($NoReboot) {
                        Write-Log -Category 'info' -Message 'a reboot is required - but NoReboot was requested.'
                        Write-Warning "A reboot is required but has been suppressed."
                    else {
                        Write-Log -Category 'info' -Message 'a reboot is requested.'
                        Invoke-CMxRestart -XmlFile $XmlFile
                        Write-Warning "A reboot is requested. Reboot now."
                        Restart-Computer -Force
            else {
                Write-Warning "STOP! aborted at step [$pkgName] $(Get-Date)"
        } # foreach

        if (($pkgcount -gt 0) -and ($continue)) {
            Set-CMxRegKeys -DataSet $xmldata -Order "after" | Out-Null

    Write-Host "Processing finished at $(Get-Date)" -ForegroundColor Green
    $RunTime2 = Get-TimeOffset -StartTime $RunTime1
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "finished at $(Get-Date) - total runtime = $RunTime2"
    if ((Test-PendingReboot) -and ($NoReboot)) {
        Write-Host "A REBOOT is REQUIRED" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-CMBuild