
#requires -RunAsAdministrator
#requires -version 5

function Invoke-CMSiteConfig {
        SCCM site configuration script
        Yeah, what he said.
    .PARAMETER XmlFile
        Path and Name of XML input file
    .PARAMETER Detailed
        Verbose output without using -Verbose
    .PARAMETER ShowMenu
        Override XML controls using GUI (gridview) selection at runtime
        Invoke-CMSiteConfig -XmlFile .\cmsiteconfig.xml -Detailed
        Invoke-CMSiteConfig -XmlFile .\cmsiteconfig.xml -ShowMenu
        Invoke-CMSiteConfig -XmlFile .\cmsiteconfig.xml -Detailed -ShowMenu
        Invoke-CMSiteConfig -XmlFile .\cmsiteconfig.xml -Detailed -WhatIf
        1.0.6 - 11/16/2017 - David Stein
        Read the associated XML to make sure the path and filename values
        all match up like you need them to.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Path and name of XML input file")]
            [string] $XmlFile,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Display verbose output")]
            [switch] $Detailed,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Override control set from XML file")]
            [switch] $ShowMenu
    Write-Host "CMSiteConfig $CMBuildVersion" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    try {stop-transcript -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} catch {}
    try {Start-Transcript -Path $Script:tsFile -Force} catch {}

    Write-Host "------------------- BEGIN $(Get-Date) -------------------" -ForegroundColor Green

    $RunTime1 = Get-Date
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "Script version.... $ScriptVersion"

    Set-Location "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Documents"
    if (-not(Test-Path $XmlFile)) {
        Write-Warning "unable to locate input file: $XmlFile"

    Set-Location $env:USERPROFILE

    [xml]$xmldata = Get-CMxConfigData -XmlFile $XmlFile
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "----------------------------------------------------"
    if ($xmldata.configuration.schemaversion -ge $SchemaVersion) {
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "xml template schema version is valid"
    else {
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "xml template schema version is invalid: $($xmldata.configuration.schemaversion)"
        Write-Warning "The specified XML file is not using a current schema version"
    $sitecode = $xmldata.configuration.cmsite.sitecode
    if (($sitecode -eq "") -or (-not($sitecode))) {
        Write-Warning "unable to load XML data from $xmlFile"
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "site code = $sitecode"

    if ($sitecode -eq "") {
        Write-Warning "site code could not be obtained"
    if (-not (Import-ConfigMgrModule)) {
        Write-Warning "failed to load ConfigurationManager powershell module"

    # Set the current location to be the site code.
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "mounting CM Site provider_ $sitecode`:"
    Set-Location "$sitecode`:" 

    $Site = Get-CMSite -SiteCode $sitecode
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "site version = $($site.Version)"

    if ($ShowMenu) {
        $controlset = $ | Out-GridView -Title "Select Features to Run" -PassThru
    else {
        $controlset = $ | Where-Object {$_.use -eq '1'}
    Invoke-CMSiteConfigProcess -ControlSet $controlSet -DataSet $xmldata
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "---------------------------------------------------"
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "restore working path to user profile"
    Set-Location -Path $env:USERPROFILE
    Write-Host "---------------- COMPLETED $(Get-Date) ------------------" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Log -Category info -Message "total runtime: $(Get-TimeOffset $Runtime1)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-CMSiteConfig