
function Export-CMHealthReport {
        Convert extracted ConfigMgr site information to Word Document
        Converts the data output from Get-CMHealthCheck to generate a
        report document using Microsoft Word (2010, 2013, 2016). Intended
        to be invoked on a desktop computer which has Office installed.
    .PARAMETER ReportFolder
        Path to output data folder (e.g. ".\2019-03-06\cm01.contoso.local")
    .PARAMETER AutoConfig
        Use an auto configuration file, cmhealthconfig.txt in $env:USERPROFILE\documents folder
        to fill-in AuthorName, CopyrightName, Theme, CssFilename, TableRowStyle
    .PARAMETER Detailed
        Collect more granular data for final reporting, or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER CoverPage
        Word theme cover page (default = "Slice (Light)"), or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER Template
        Word document file to use as a template. Should have a cover page already in place.
        If Template is specified, CoverPage and Copyright are ignored.
    .PARAMETER CustomerName
        Name of customer (default = "Customer Name"), or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER AuthorName
        Report Author name (default = "Your Name"), or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER CopyrightName
        Text to use for copyright footer string (default = "Your Company Name")
    .PARAMETER Overwrite
        Overwrite existing report file if found, or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER Healthcheckfilename
        Healthcheck configuration XML file name (default = ".\assets\cmhealthcheck.xml")
        The file can be local, UNC or URI sourced as well
    .PARAMETER MessagesFilename
        Status and error message lookup table (default = ".\assets\messages.xml")
        The file can be local, UNC or URI sourced as well
    .PARAMETER Healthcheckdebug
        Enable verbose output (or use -Verbose)
        Export-CMHealthCheck -ReportFolder "2019-03-06\cm01.contoso.local" -Detailed -CustomerName "Contoso" -AuthorName "David Stein" -CopyrightName "ACME Consulting" -Overwrite -Verbose
        Export-CMHealthCheck -ReportFolder "2019-03-06\cm01.contoso.local" -Detailed -Template ".\contoso.docx" -CustomerName "Contoso" -AuthorName "David Stein" -CopyrightName "ACME Consulting" -Overwrite -Verbose
        Export-CMHealthCheck -ReportFolder "2019-03-06\cm01.contoso.local" -AutoConfig -CustomerName "Contoso"
        Sample AutoConfig file cmhealthconfig.txt...
        AuthorName=John Wick
        CopyrightName=Retirement Specialists

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ReportFolder,
        [parameter()] [ValidateSet('HTML','Word')] [string] $ReportType = 'HTML',
        [parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $OutputFolder = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Documents",
        [parameter()] [string] $CustomerName = "Customer Name",
        [parameter()] [switch] $AutoConfig,
        [parameter()] [string] $SmsProvider = "",
        [parameter()] [switch] $Detailed,
        [parameter()] [string] $CoverPage = "Slice (Light)",
        [parameter()] [string] $Template = "",
        [parameter()] [string] $AuthorName = "",
        [parameter()] [string] $CopyrightName  = "Your Company Name",
        [parameter()] [string] $Healthcheckfilename = "",
        [parameter()] [string] $MessagesFilename = "",
        [parameter()] [bool] $Healthcheckdebug = $False
    if ($env:USERPROFILE -eq 'c:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile') {
        $OutputFolder = $env:TEMP
    Write-Host "Analyzing collected data, publishing report"
    $StartTime = Get-Date
    switch ($ReportType) {
        'HTML' {
            $expParams = @{
                ReportFolder  = $ReportFolder 
                AutoConfig    = $AutoConfig
                CustomerName  = $CustomerName 
                CopyrightName = $CopyrightName 
                AuthorName    = $AuthorName
                SmsProvider   = $SmsProvider
                OutputFolder  = $OutputFolder
                Detailed      = (!(!$Detailed))
                Overwrite     = $True
                Theme         = "Ocean"
                TableRowStyle = "Solid"
            Export-CMHealthCheckHTML @expParams
        'Word' {
            $expParams = @{
                ReportFolder  = $ReportFolder 
                CustomerName  = $CustomerName 
                CopyrightName = $CopyrightName 
                AuthorName    = $AuthorName 
                SmsProvider   = $SmsProvider
                Detailed      = $Detailed
                Overwrite     = $Overwrite
                AutoConfig    = $AutoConfig
                CoverPage     = "Slice (Light)"

            Export-CMHealthCheck @expParams
    $RunTime  = Get-TimeOffset -StartTime $StartTime
    Write-Output "Report publishing process completed. Total runtime: $RunTime (hh`:mm`:ss)"