
Don't hate me for not being able to remember who wrote this, but it wasn't me.

function Convert-Image2Base64 {
    param (
        HelpMessage="this is a path to either a file on the web or locally on the network to convert")]
    Write-Log -Message "(Convert-Image2Base64): $Path" -LogFile $logfile
    if (($Path -match '\.jpg') -or ($Path -match '\.jpeg') -or ($Path -match '\.png')) {
        Write-Log -Message "importing image from file system" -LogFile $logfile
        if (Test-Path -Path "$Path") {
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
                $content = Get-Content $Path -Encoding Byte
            else {
                $content = Get-Content $Path -AsByteStream
            $EncodedImage = [convert]::ToBase64String($content)
        else {
            Write-Log -Message "Image file not found: $path" -LogFile $logFile -Severity 3
            Return $false
    elseif ($Path -match '^http[s]://.*(\.png|\.jpg)$') {
        Write-Log -Message "importing image from URL" -LogFile $logfile
        $tempfile = "${env:TEMP}\logo31337$ext"
        if (Test-Path $tempfile) {Remove-Item -Path $tempfile -Force}
        try {
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Path -OutFile $tempfile
        catch {
            Write-Log -Message "logo image file not found, returning nothing" -LogFile $logfile
            Return $false
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) {
            $content = Get-Content $tempfile -Encoding Byte
        else {
            $content = Get-Content $tempfile -AsByteStream
        $EncodedImage = [convert]::ToBase64String($content)
    else {
        Write-Log -Message "Path does not match pattern: $path" -LogFile $logfile -Severity 3
        Return $false
    if ($path.EndsWith(".jpg")) {
        $imgtype = "jpg"
    elseif ($path.EndsWith(".png")) {
        $imgtype = "png"
    Write-Log -Message "imagetype = $imgtype" -LogFile $logfile