
function Export-CMHealthCheckHTML {
        Publish CMHealthCheck HTML Report
        Converts the data output from Get-CMHealthCheck to generate an HTML report file
    .PARAMETER ReportFolder
        Path to output data folder (e.g. ".\2019-03-06\cm01.contoso.local")
    .PARAMETER OutputFolder
        Path to write new report file (default = User Documents folder)
    .PARAMETER Detailed
        Collect more granular data for final reporting, or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER CustomerName
        Name of customer (default = "Customer Name"), or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER AutoConfig
        Use an auto configuration file, cmhealthconfig.txt in $env:USERPROFILE\documents folder
        to fill-in AuthorName, CopyrightName, Theme, CssFilename, TableRowStyle
    .PARAMETER AuthorName
        Report Author name (default = "Your Name"), or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER CopyrightName
        Text to use for copyright footer string (default = "Your Company Name"), or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER Theme
        CSS style theme name, or 'Custom' to specify a file (default = 'Ocean'), or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER CssFilename
        CSS file path to import when Theme is set to 'Custom', or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER ImageFile
        Path to jpg or png file for custom logo on report. Default is using PS gallery icon
    .PARAMETER TableRowStyle
        Apply CSS table style: Solid, Alternating, or Dynamic. Default is Solid, or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER Overwrite
        Overwrite existing report file if found, or use AutoConfig file
    .PARAMETER Healthcheckfilename
        Healthcheck configuration XML file name (default = ".\assets\cmhealthcheck.xml")
        The file can be local, UNC or URI sourced as well
    .PARAMETER MessagesFilename
        Status and error message lookup table (default = ".\assets\messages.xml")
        The file can be local, UNC or URI sourced as well
    .PARAMETER Healthcheckdebug
        Enable verbose output (or use -Verbose)
        Export-CMHealthCheckHTML -ReportFolder "2019-03-06\cm01.contoso.local" -Detailed -CustomerName "Contoso" -AuthorName "David Stein"
        Export-CMHealthCheckHTML -ReportFolder "2019-03-06\cm01.contoso.local" -Detailed -CustomerName "Contoso" -AuthorName "David Stein" -CopyrightName "ACME Consulting" -Overwrite -Verbose
        Export-CMHealthCheckHTML -ReportFolder "2019-03-06\cm01.contoso.local" -OutputFolder "c:\reports" -Detailed -CustomerName "Contoso" -AuthorName "David Stein" -CopyrightName "ACME Consulting" -Theme 'Ocean' -TableRowStyle Dynamic -Verbose
        Export-CMHealthCheckHTML -ReportFolder "2019-03-06\cm01.contoso.local" -AutoConfig -CustomerName "Contoso"
        Applies custom parameters using "cmhealthconfig.txt" file in $env:USERPROFILE\Documents folder
        Sample AutoConfig file cmhealthconfig.txt...
        AuthorName=John Wick
        CopyrightName=Retirement Specialists

    param (
        [parameter (Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Collected data folder")]
            [string] $ReportFolder,
        [parameter(HelpMessage="Log folder path")]
            [string] $OutputFolder = "$(($env:COMPUTERNAME, $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) -join '.')",
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "Export full data, not only summary")]
            [switch] $Detailed,
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "Customer company name")]
            [string] $CustomerName = "Customer Name",
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "Use Auto Config File")]
            [switch] $AutoConfig,
        [parameter ()] [string] $SmsProvider = "",
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "Author's full name")]
            [string] $AuthorName = "",
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "Footer text")]
            [string] $CopyrightName  = "Skatterbrainz",
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "HealthCheck query file name")]
            [string] $Healthcheckfilename = "",
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "HealthCheck messages file name")]
            [string] $MessagesFilename = "",
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "Debug more?")]
            $Healthcheckdebug = $False,
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "Theme Name")]
            [string] $Theme = 'Ocean',
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "CSS template file")]
            [string] $CssFilename = "",
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "Table Row Style option")]
            [string] $TableRowStyle = 'Solid',
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "Image Log file")]
            [string] $ImageFile = "",
        [parameter (HelpMessage = "Overwrite existing report file")]
            [switch] $Overwrite,
        [parameter()][switch] $Show
    Write-Log -Message "*** Export-CMHealthCheckHTML ***" -LogFile $logfile
    $time1      = Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:ss"
    $ModuleData = Get-Module 'CMHealthCheck'
    $ModuleVer  = $ModuleData.Version -join '.'
    $ModulePath = (Split-Path $ModuleData.Path -Parent)
    $logFolder  = Join-Path -Path $OutputFolder -ChildPath "_Logs"
    $logfile    = Join-Path -Path $LogFolder -ChildPath "Export-CMHealthCheckHTML.log"
    #$tsLog = Join-Path -Path $LogFolder -ChildPath "Export-CMHealthCheckHTML-Transcript.log"
    if (-not (Test-Path $logFolder)) {
        Write-Verbose "creating log folder: $logFolder"
        New-Item -Path $logFolder -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
    } else {
        Write-Verbose "log folder already exists: $logFolder"

    $Script:TableRowStyle = $TableRowStyle
    $TempFilename   = "cmhealthreport.htm"
    $bLogValidation = $False
    $bAutoProps     = $True
    $poshversion    = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
    $osversion      = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
    $ReportFile     = Join-Path -Path $OutputFolder -ChildPath "cmhealthreport`-$SmsProvider-$(Get-Date -f 'yyyyMMdd').htm"

    if ($Healthcheckfilename -eq "") {
        $Healthcheckfilename = Join-Path -Path $ModulePath -ChildPath "assets\cmhealthcheck.xml"
    Write-Verbose "using healthcheck file: $HealthcheckFilename"

    if ($MessagesFilename -eq "") {
        $MessagesFilename = Join-Path -Path $ModulePath -ChildPath "assets\messages.xml"
    if ($ImageFile -eq "") {
        $ImageFile = Join-Path -Path $ModulePath -ChildPath "assets\cmhclogo-275x237.png"
    Write-Log -Message "converting logo image to base64 encoding" -LogFile $logfile
    $ImageData = Convert-Image2Base64 -Path $ImageFile
    if ($ImageData) {
        $LogoTag = "<img src=`"$ImageData`" width=`"100`" />"
        Write-Log -Message "image tag has been updated" -LogFile $logfile
    } else {
        $LogoTag = ""
        Write-Log -Message "no logo image was provided" -LogFile $logfile 
    Write-Verbose "using messages file: $MessagesFilename"

    $autoconfigfile = Join-Path -Path $env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath "documents\cmhealthconfig.txt"
    if ($AutoConfig -and (Test-Path $autoconfigfile)) {
        Write-Verbose "importing settings from config file: $autoconfigfile"
        $cfgdata = Get-Content -Path $autoconfigfile
        $cfgdata | ForEach-Object {
            $rowset = $_ -split '='
            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($rowset[1])) {
                switch($rowset[1]) {
                    'True' {
                        Set-Variable -Name $rowset[0] -Value $True
                        Write-Verbose "...$($rowset[0]) == $($rowset[1])"
                    'False' {
                        Set-Variable -Name $rowset[0] -Value $False
                        Write-Verbose "...$($rowset[0]) == $($rowset[1])"
                    default {
                        Set-Variable -Name $rowset[0] -Value $rowset[1]
                        Write-Verbose "...$($rowset[0]) == $($rowset[1])"
    if ($Theme -eq 'Custom') {
        if ($CssFilename -eq "") {
            Write-Warning "No stylesheet was specified for [custom] option. Using default.css"
            $CssFilename = Join-Path -Path $ModulePath -ChildPath "assets\default.css"
        } else {
            if (!(Test-Path $CssFilename)) {
                Write-Warning "$CssFilename was not found!"
    } else {
        $CssFilename = Join-Path -Path $ModulePath -ChildPath "assets\$Theme.css"
        if (!(Test-Path $CssFilename)) {
            Write-Warning "$CssFilename was not found!"
    Write-Log -Message "importing css template: $CssFilename" -LogFile $logfile
    $css = Get-Content $CssFilename

    if ($healthcheckdebug -eq $true) {
        $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{"*:Verbose"=$True}

    if ($reportFolder.Substring($reportFolder.length-1) -ne '\') { $reportFolder+= '\' }


    $poshversion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major

    [xml]$HealthCheckXML = Get-CmHealthCheckFile -XmlSource $HealthcheckFilename
    [xml]$MessagesXML    = Get-CmHealthCheckFile -XmlSource $MessagesFilename

    if ($HealthCheckXML -and $MessagesXML) {
        $bLogValidation = $true
        Write-Log -Message "----- Provisioning config table -----" -LogFile $logfile
        $ConfigTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable 'ConfigTable'
        $ConfigTable = Get-CmXMLFile -Path $reportFolder -FileName "config.xml"
        if ($ConfigTable -eq "") {
            Invoke-Error -Message "File $configfile does not exist, no futher action taken"; break
        Write-Log -Message "Provisioning report table" -LogFile $logfile
        $ReportTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable 'ReportTable'
        $ReportTable = Get-CmXMLFile -Path $reportFolder -FileName "report.xml"
        if ($ReportTable -eq "") {
            Invoke-Error -Message "File $repfile does not exist, no futher action taken"; break
        Write-Log -Message "Assigning number of days from config data..." -LogFile $logfile
        if ($poshversion -eq 3) {
            $NumberOfDays = $ConfigTable.Rows[0].NumberOfDays
        } else {
            $NumberOfDays = $ConfigTable.NumberOfDays

        if (!(Test-Powershell64bit)) { Invoke-Error -Message "Powershell is not 64bit, no futher action taken"; break }

        Write-Log -Message "Generating HTML report file from collected data" -LogFile $logFile -ShowMsg

        $htmlContent = @"
<title="CMHealthCheck Report">
<style type="text/css">
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />

        Write-Log -Message "inserting title caption" -LogFile $logfile
        $htmlContent += @"
<table class=`"reportTable`" style=`"border-color:#fff`">
<tr><td style=`"width:120px`">
</td><td style=`"vertical-align:top`">`n<h1>MEMCM HealthCheck Report</h1>
<p>Microsoft Endpoint Management`: Configuration Manager Healthcheck Report</p>

        $htmlTable = [ordered]@{
            Customer       = $CustomerName
            Author         = "$AuthorName ($($env:USERNAME))"
            ReportDate     = (Get-Date).ToLongDateString()
            ReportFolder   = $ReportFolder
            WindowsVersion = $(Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
            PSVersion      = $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -join '.')
            ComputerName   = $($env:COMPUTERNAME)
        $htmlContent += New-HtmlTableVertical -Caption "Report Information" -TableHash $htmlTable

        Write-Log -Message "--- inserting abstract content block" -LogFile $logfile

        $htmlContent += @"
<table class=`"reportTable`"><tr><td>
This document provides a point-in-time report of the current state of the MEMCM site environment for $CustomerName.
For questions, concerns or comments, please consult the author of this assessment report.
This report was generated using CMHealthCheck $ModuleVer on $(Get-Date). Thanks to Raphael Perez and David O'Brien for
their work which laid the foundation on which this code was developed.

        Write-Log -Message "--- entering section reports" -LogFile $logfile

        $htmlContent += Write-HtmlReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -Section '1' -LogFile $logfile
        $htmlContent += Write-HtmlReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -Section '2' -LogFile $logfile
        $htmlContent += Write-HtmlReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -Section '3' -LogFile $logfile
        $htmlContent += Write-HtmlReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -Section '4' -LogFile $logfile
        if ($Detailed) {
            $htmlContent += Write-HtmlReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -Section '5' -LogFile $logfile -Detailed
        else {
            $htmlContent += Write-HtmlReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -Section '5' -LogFile $logfile
        $htmlContent += Write-HtmlReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -Section '6' -LogFile $logfile


        Write-Log -Message "inserting copyright footer" -LogFile $logfile
        $htmlContent += @"
<p class=`"footer`">CMHealthCheck $ModuleVer by David Stein. Copyright &copy; $((Get-Date).Year)&nbsp;
$CopyrightName - <a href=`"`" target=`"_blank`">GitHub</a></p>

        Write-Log -Message "writing output file: $ReportFile" -LogFile $logfile
        $htmlContent | Out-File -FilePath $ReportFile -Force
        Write-Host "report saved to $ReportFile" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        if ($Show) { Start-Process $ReportFile }
    else {
        Write-Log -Message "Unable to load Healthcheck or Messages XML data" -Severity 3 -LogFile $logfile -ShowMsg

    $Difference = Get-TimeOffset -StartTime $time1
    Write-Log -Message "Completed in: $Difference (hh:mm:ss)" -LogFile $logfile -ShowMsg