
Function Write-HtmlReportSection {
    param (
        [switch] $Detailed,
    Write-Log -Message "---------------------------------------------------" -LogFile $logfile
    Write-Log -Message "function...... Write-HtmlReportSection ****" -LogFile $logfile
    Write-Log -Message "section....... $section" -LogFile $logfile
    Write-Log -Message "detail........ $($detailed.ToString())" -LogFile $logfile
    $result = ""
    foreach ($healthCheck in $HealthCheckXML.dtsHealthCheck.HealthCheck) {
        if ($healthCheck.Section.ToLower() -ne $Section) { continue }
        $Description = $healthCheck.Description -replace("@@NumberOfDays@@", $NumberOfDays)
        if ($healthCheck.IsActive.ToLower() -ne 'true') { continue }
        if ($healthCheck.IsTextOnly.ToLower() -eq 'true') {
            if ($Section -eq 5) {
                if ($detailed -eq $false) { 
                    $Description += " - Overview" 
                else { 
                    $Description += " - Detailed"
            $result += "<h3>$Description</h3>"
            #Write-WordText -WordSelection $selection -Text $Description -Style $healthCheck.WordStyle -NewLine $true
        Write-Log -Message "..................................................." -LogFile $logfile
        Write-Log -Message "description... $Description" -LogFile $logfile
        $result += "<h2>$Description</h2>"
        $bFound = $false
        $tableName = $healthCheck.XMLFile
        if ($Section -eq 5) {
            if (!($detailed)) { 
                $tablename += "summary" 
            else { 
                $tablename += "detail"
        foreach ($rp in $ReportTable) {
            if ($rp.TableName -eq $tableName) {
                $bFound   = $true
                $filename = $rp.XMLFile
                Write-Log -Message "xmlfile....... $filename" -LogFile $logfile
                if ($filename.IndexOf("_") -gt 0) {
                    $xmltitle = $filename.Substring(0,$filename.IndexOf("_"))
                    $xmltile  = ($rp.TableName.Substring(0,$rp.TableName.IndexOf("_")).Replace("@","")).Tolower()
                    switch ($xmltile) {
                        "sitecode"   { $xmltile = "Site Code: "; break; }
                        "servername" { $xmltile = "Server Name: "; break; }
                    switch ($healthCheck.WordStyle) {
                        "Heading 1" { $CapStyle = "h2"; break; }
                        "Heading 2" { $CapStyle = "h3"; break; }
                        "Heading 3" { $CapStyle = "h4"; break; }
                        default { $newstyle = $healthCheck.WordStyle; break }
                    $xmltile += $filename.Substring(0,$filename.IndexOf("_"))
                    Write-Log -Message "--- xmlTile = $xmlTile" -LogFile $logfile
                    $result += "<$CapStyle>$xmlTile</$CapStyle>"
                if (!(Test-Path ($reportFolder + $filename))) {
                    $result += "<table class=`"reportTable`"><tr><td>$($healthCheck.EmptyText)</td></tr></table>"
                    Write-Log -Message "Table does not exist" -LogFile $logfile
                else {
                    Write-Log -Message "importing XML file: $filename" -LogFile $logfile
                    $datatable = Import-CliXml -Path ($reportFolder + $filename)
                    $count = 0
                    $datatable | Where-Object { $count++ }
                    if ($count -eq 0) {
                        $result += "<table class=`"reportTable`"><tr><td>$($healthCheck.EmptyText)</td></tr></table>"
                        Write-Log -Message "Table......... 0 rows" -LogFile $logfile

                    switch ($healthCheck.PrintType.ToLower()) {
                        "table" {
                            Write-Log -Message "table type.... table" -LogFile $logfile
                            $Columns = 0
                            foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                if ($section -eq 5) {
                                    if (($detailed) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('1','2'))) { continue }
                                    elseif ((!($detailed)) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('2','3'))) { continue }
                            } # foreach
                            $i = 1;
                            Write-Log -Message "--- structure..... $count rows and $Columns columns" -LogFile $logfile
                            Write-Log -Message "--- writing table column headings..." -LogFile $logfile
                            $table = "<table class=`"reportTable`"><tr>"
                            foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                if ($section -eq 5) {
                                    if (($detailed) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('1','2'))) { continue }
                                    elseif ((!($detailed)) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('2','3'))) { continue }
                                $table += "<th class=`"headingRow1`">$($field.Description)</th>"
                            } # foreach
                            $table += "</tr>"
                            $records = 1
                            $rownum = 0
                            $xRow = 2
                            $y = 0
                            Write-Log -Message "--- writing data rows for table body..." -LogFile $logfile
                            foreach ($row in $datatable) {
                                if ($records -ge 500) {
                                    Write-Log -Message ("Exported..... $(500*($y+1)) records") -LogFile $logfile
                                    $records = 1
                                switch ($Script:TableRowStyle) {
                                    'Solid' {
                                        $table += "<tr class=`"rowstyle3`">"
                                    'Alternating' {
                                        if ($rownum % 2 -eq 0) {
                                            $table += "<tr class=`"rowstyle3`">"
                                        else {
                                            $table += "<tr class=`"rowstyle4`">"
                                    'Dynamic' {
                                        $table += "<tr class=`"rowstylex`">"
                                $i = 1;
                                foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                    if ($section -eq 5) {
                                        if (($detailed) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('1','2'))) { continue }
                                        elseif ((!($detailed)) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('2','3'))) { continue }
                                    $TextToWord = "";
                                    switch ($field.Format.ToLower()) {
                                        "message" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageInformation -MessageID ($row.$($field.FieldName))
                                            break ;
                                        "messagesolution" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageSolution -MessageID ($row.$($field.FieldName))
                                            break ;
                                        default {
                                            $TextToWord = $row.$($field.FieldName);
                                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TextToWord)) { 
                                        $TextToWord = " " 
                                        $val = " "
                                    elseif (Test-Numeric $TextToWord) {
                                        $val = ([math]::Round($TextToWord,2)).ToString()
                                    else {
                                        $val = Get-AutoLinkText -StringValue $TextToWord.ToString() -NewPage
                                    $table += "<td>$val</td>"
                                } # foreach
                                $table += "</tr>"
                            } # foreach
                            Write-Log -Message "--- appending table row count: $Count" -LogFile $logfile
                            $table += "<tr class=`"headingRow1`"><td colspan=`"$Columns`">$Count items found</td></tr></table>"
                            $result += $table
                            if ($count -gt 2) {
                                Write-Verbose "SORT OPERATION - SORTING TABLE"
                                Write-Log -Message "NEW: appending row count label below table" -LogFile $logfile
                                #Write-WordText -WordSelection $selection -Text "$count items found" -Style "Normal" -NewLine $true
                                $result += "<p>$count items found</p>"

                        "simpletable" {
                            Write-Log -Message "table type.... simpletable" -LogFile $logfile
                            $Columns = 0
                            foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                if ($section -eq 5) {
                                    if (($detailed) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('1','2'))) { continue }
                                    elseif ((!($detailed)) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('2','3'))) { continue }
                            Write-Log -Message "structure..... $Columns rows and 2 columns" -LogFile $logfile
                            $records = 1
                            $rownum = 0
                            $i = 1;
                            $table = "<$CapStyle>$Caption</$CapStyle> <table class=`"reportTable`">"
                            Write-Log -Message "--- building simpletable column heading cells" -Logfile $logfile
                            foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                if ($section -eq 5) {
                                    if (($detailed) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('1','2'))) { continue }
                                    elseif ((!($detailed)) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('2','3'))) { continue }
                                if ($records -ge 500) {
                                    Write-Log -Message ("Exported..... $(500*($y+1)) records") -LogFile $logfile
                                    $records = 1
                                if ($poshversion -ne 3) { 
                                    $TextToWord = "";
                                    switch ($field.Format.ToLower()) {
                                        "message" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageInformation -MessageID ($datatable.Rows[0].$($field.FieldName))
                                            break ;
                                        "messagesolution" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageSolution -MessageID ($datatable.Rows[0].$($field.FieldName))
                                            break ;
                                        default {
                                            $TextToWord = $datatable.Rows[0].$($field.FieldName)
                                    } # switch
                                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TextToWord)) { $TextToWord = " " }
                                else {
                                    $TextToWord = "";
                                    switch ($field.Format.ToLower()) {
                                        "message" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageInformation -MessageID ($datatable.$($field.FieldName))
                                            break ;
                                        "messagesolution" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageSolution -MessageID ($datatable.$($field.FieldName))
                                            break ;
                                        default {
                                            $TextToWord = $datatable.$($field.FieldName) 
                                    } # switch
                                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TextToWord)) { $TextToWord = " " }
                                switch ($Script:TableRowStyle) {
                                    'Solid' {
                                        $table += "<tr class=`"rowstyle3`">"
                                    'Alternating' {
                                        if ($rownum % 2 -eq 0) {
                                            $table += "<tr class=`"rowstyle3`">"
                                        else {
                                            $table += "<tr class=`"rowstyle4`">"
                                    'Dynamic' {
                                        $table += "<tr class=`"rowstylex`">"
                                $table += "<td class=`"rowstyle1`" style=`"width:300px`">$($field.Description)</td>"
                                $table += "<td>$(Get-AutoLinkText -StringValue $TextToWord.ToString() -NewPage)</td></tr>"
                            } # foreach
                            Write-Log -Message "--- appending simpletable row count: $Count" -LogFile $logfile
                            $table += "<tr class=`"headingRow1`"><td colspan=2>$Count items found</td></tr></table>"
                            $result += $table
                        default {
                            Write-Log -Message "table type.... default" -LogFile $logfile
                            $records = 1
                            foreach ($row in $datatable) {
                                if ($records -ge 500) {
                                    Write-Log -Message ("Exported...... $(500*($y+1)) records") -LogFile $logfile
                                    $records = 1
                                foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                    $TextToWord = "";
                                    switch ($field.Format.ToLower()) {
                                        "message" {
                                            $TextToWord = ($field.Description + " : " + (Get-MessageInformation -MessageID ($row.$($field.FieldName))))
                                            break ;
                                        "messagesolution" {
                                            $TextToWord = ($field.Description + " : " + (Get-MessageSolution -MessageID ($row.$($field.FieldName))))
                                            break ;
                                        default {
                                            $TextToWord = ($field.Description + " : " + $row.$($field.FieldName))
                                    } # switch
                                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TextToWord)) { $TextToWord = " " }
                                    $result += "<table class=`"reportTable`"><tr><td>$($TextToWord.ToString())</td></tr></table>"
                                } # foreach
                            } # foreach
                            #Write-Verbose "NEW: appending row count label below table"
                            $result += "<p>$($count+1) items found . . .</p>"
                        } # end of default switch case
                    } # switch
        } # foreach
        if ($bFound -eq $false) {
            $result += "<table class=`"reportTable`"><tr><td>$($healthCheck.EmptyText)</td></tr></table>"
            Write-Log -Message ("Table does not exist") -LogFile $logfile -Severity 2
    } # foreach
    Write-Output $result