
   This module contains functions related to Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch)
   You can use it to modify properties of multiple Distribution Points at once
   Set-CMDistributionPointProperty -EnableOnDemandDistribution
    Set-CMDistributionPointProperty -SiteCode 'ABC' -EnableContentValidation
    Set-CMDistributionPointProperty -EnableContentValidation
   You can use it to modify properties of multiple Distribution Points at once
    1.0 - 09.07.2019 - Set-CMDistributionPointProperty with EnableOnDemandDistribution
    1.1 - 09.07.2019 - Added EnableContentValidation to Set-CMDistributionPointProperty, first public release
    1.1.1 - 10.07.2019 - Added ContentMonitoringPriority parameter to Set-CMDistributionPointProperty, this changelog and basic description
    1.2.0 - 10.07.2019 - Added EnableBranchCache to Set-CMDistributionPointProperty
    1.3.0 - 10.07.2019 - Added EnableLEDBAT to Set-CMDistributionPointProperty

function Set-CMDistributionPointProperty {
    param (
        [datetime]$ValidationScheduleStartDate = (Get-Date -Year 2019 -Month 07 -Day 06 -Hour 21 -Minute 0 -Second 0),
        [string]$ValidationScheduleDay = "Saturday",
        # import cm module
        Import-Module ($Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Substring(0,$Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Length-5) + '\ConfigurationManager.psd1')
        # change to the cm site drive
        $PSD = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSite
        Set-Location "$($PSD):"
        If ($SiteCode)
                $DPs = Get-CMDistributionPoint -SiteCode $SiteCode
                Write-Error "Could not get distribution points for the specified Site Code"
            $DPs = Get-CMDistributionPoint -AllSite
        ForEach ($DP in $DPs)
            $DPInfo = $DP | Get-CMDistributionPointInfo
            $DPProperties = $DP.EmbeddedProperties
            $ServerName = If (($DPInfo).ServerName -ne '')

            #Region EnableOnDemandDistribution
            If ($EnableOnDemandDistribution)
                If ($DP.EmbeddedProperties.ContainsKey("DistributeOnDemand") )
                    If (($DPProperties["DistributeOnDemand"].Value) -eq '1')
                        Write-Information "DistributeOnDemand has already been set to 1 on $ServerName" -Tags "DistributeOnDemand,AlreadyEnabled"
                            Write-Information "Setting DistributeOnDemand to 1 on $ServerName" -Tags "DistributeOnDemand,PerformingChange"
                            $DPProperties["DistributeOnDemand"].Value = 1
                            $DP.EmbeddedProperties = $DPProperties
                            Write-Information "DistributeOnDemand has been set to 1 on $ServerName" -Tags "DistributeOnDemand,ChangePerformed"
                            Write-Error "Failed to set DistributeOnDemand to 1 on $ServerName"
                        Write-Information "Adding DistributeOnDemand property and setting it to 1 on $ServerName" -Tags "DistributeOnDemand,PerformingChange"
                        $embeddedProperty = New-CMEmbeddedProperty -PropertyName "DistributeOnDemand" -Value 1
                        $DPProperties["DistributeOnDemand"] = $embeddedProperty
                        $DP.EmbeddedProperties = $DPProperties
                        Write-Information "DistributeOnDemand has been added and set to 1 on $ServerName" -Tags "DistributeOnDemand,ChangePerformed"
                        Write-Error "Failed to add property DistributeOnDemand and set it to 1 on $ServerName"
            }#Endregion EnableOnDemandDistribution

            #Region EnableContentValidation
            If ($EnableContentValidation)
                If (!($ValidationSchedule))
                    $ValidationSchedule = (New-CMSchedule -Start $ValidationScheduleStartDate -DayOfWeek $ValidationScheduleDay)

                If ((($DPInfo).HealthCheckEnabled) -like 'False')
                    Write-Information "Enabling Content Validation on $ServerName" -Tags "ContentValidation,PerformingChange"
                    $DP |Set-CMDistributionPoint -EnableValidateContent $true -ContentValidationSchedule $ValidationSchedule -ContentMonitoringPriority $ContentMonitoringPriority
                    Write-Information "Content validation for $ServerName is already enabled"  -Tags "ContentValidation,AlreadyEnabled"
            }#Endregion EnableContentValidation

            #Region EnableBranchCache
            If ($EnableBranchCache)
                If (($DPProperties["UpdateBranchCacheKey"].Value) -eq '0')
                    Write-Information "Enabling BranchCache on $ServerName" -Tags "EnableBranchCache,PerformingChange"
                    $DP |Set-CMDistributionPoint -EnableBranchCache $true
                    Write-Information "BranchCache for $ServerName is already enabled"  -Tags "EnableBranchCache,AlreadyEnabled"
            }#Endregion EnableBranchCache

            #Region EnableLEDBAT
            If ($EnableLEDBAT)
                If ($DP.EmbeddedProperties.ContainsKey("EnableLEDBAT") )
                    If (($DPProperties["EnableLEDBAT"].Value) -eq '1')
                        Write-Information "EnableLEDBAT has already been set to 1 on $ServerName" -Tags "EnableLEDBAT,AlreadyEnabled"
                            Write-Information "Setting EnableLEDBAT to 1 on $ServerName" -Tags "EnableLEDBAT,PerformingChange"
                            $DPProperties["EnableLEDBAT"].Value = 1
                            $DP.EmbeddedProperties = $DPProperties
                            Write-Information "EnableLEDBAT has been set to 1 on $ServerName" -Tags "EnableLEDBAT,ChangePerformed"
                            Write-Error "Failed to set EnableLEDBAT to 1 on $ServerName"
                        Write-Information "Adding EnableLEDBAT property and setting it to 1 on $ServerName" -Tags "EnableLEDBAT,PerformingChange"
                        $embeddedProperty = New-CMEmbeddedProperty -PropertyName "EnableLEDBAT" -Value 1
                        $DPProperties["EnableLEDBAT"] = $embeddedProperty
                        $DP.EmbeddedProperties = $DPProperties
                        Write-Information "EnableLEDBAT has been added and set to 1 on $ServerName" -Tags "EnableLEDBAT,ChangePerformed"
                        Write-Error "Failed to add property EnableLEDBAT and set it to 1 on $ServerName"
            }#Endregion EnableLEDBAT
