
#region Types
add-type @'
namespace CPolydorou.Exchange
    public class MailboxAutomapping
        public string SharedName;
        public string SharedIdentity;
        public string DelegateName;
        public string DelegateIdentity;


#region Functions
#region Get-MailboxAutomapping
Function Get-MailboxAutomapping
    Get if a use has automapping enabled for a mailbox.
    The Get-MailboxAutomappingStatus function will check if a user has automapping enabled for a mailbox.
    .PARAMETER SharedMailbox
    The shared mailbox.
    .PARAMETER UserMailbox
    The user's mailbox.
    PS C:\> Get-MailboxAutomapping -SharedMailbox testsharedmailbox
    SharedName SharedIdentity DelegateName DelegateIdentity
    ---------- -------------- ------------ ----------------
    Test Shared Mailbox LAB.local/LAB/Shared Mailboxes/Test Shared Mailbox Christos Polydorou LAB.local/LAB/Users/Christos Polydorou
    Test Shared Mailbox LAB.local/LAB/Shared Mailboxes/Test Shared Mailbox Administrator LAB.local/Users/Administrator
    Get the automapping for all users on shared mailbox "testsharedmailbox"
    PS C:\> Get-MailboxAutomapping -SharedMailbox testsharedmailbox -UserMailbox cpolydorou
    SharedName SharedIdentity DelegateName DelegateIdentity
    ---------- -------------- ------------ ----------------
    Test Shared Mailbox LAB.local/LAB/Shared Mailboxes/Test Shared Mailbox Christos Polydorou LAB.local/LAB/Users/Christos Polydorou
    Get the automapping for user "cpolydorou" on mailbox "testsharedmailbox"
    The shared mailbox does not have to be of type shared.


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]

        # Tools to search Active Directory
        $domaininfo = new-object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
        $searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($domaininfo)

            # Get the shared mailbox
            $shared = Get-Recipient $SharedMailbox -ErrorAction stop
            if($shared.count -gt 1)
                Throw "Multiple objects found for $SharedMailbox"
            throw $_
                # Get the user
                $user = Get-Recipient $UserMailbox -ErrorAction Stop
                if($user.count -gt 1)
                    Throw "Multiple objects found for $UserMailbox"
                Throw $_

        # Get the Active Directory object for the shared mailbox
            $searcher.filter = "(distinguishedname=$($shared.distinguishedname))"
            $SharedResult = $searcher.FindOne()

            $sharedADObject = [ADSI]$SharedResult.GetDirectoryEntry()
            Throw $_

        # Get the list of delegates (Distinguished Names)
        $delegates = $sharedADObject.Properties["msExchDelegateListLink"]

        # Get the recipients for the delegates
        $delegateRecipients = $delegates |

        # If a delegate was specified, display the results for this one
            $delegateRecipients = $delegateRecipients |
                                    Where-Object {$_.distinguishedname -eq $user.distinguishedname}

        # Return the results
        $delegateRecipients |
                # Create and return custom objects
                $obj = New-Object CPolydorou.Exchange.MailboxAutomapping
                $obj.SharedIdentity = $shared.Identity
                $obj.SharedName = $shared.Name
                $obj.DelegateIdentity = $_.Identity
                $obj.DelegateName = $_.Name

        # Clean up

#region Enable-MailboxAutomapping
Function Enable-MailboxAutomapping
    Enable mailbox automapping.
    The Enable-MailboxAutomapping function will enable the automapping feature on a user for a shared mailbox.
    .PARAMETER SharedMailbox
    The mailbox that the user has permissions on.
    .PARAMETER UserMailbox
    The mailbox of the user.
    PS C:\> Enable-MailboxAutomapping -SharedMailbox testsharedmailbox -UserMailbox cpolydorou -Verbose -Confirm:$false
    VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Enable mailbox automapping for Christos Polydorou on" on target "Test Shared Mailbox".
    VERBOSE: Enabling automapping for recipient Christos Polydorou on Test Shared Mailbox.
    SharedName SharedIdentity DelegateName DelegateIdentity
    ---------- -------------- ------------ ----------------
    Test Shared Mailbox LAB.local/LAB/Shared Mailboxes/Test Shared Mailbox Christos Polydorou LAB.local/LAB/Users/Christos Polydorou
    Enable the mailbox automapping for the user "CPolydorou" on mailbox "TestSharedMailbox".
    The shared mailbox does not have to be of type shared.


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

        # Tools to search Active Directory
        $domaininfo = new-object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
        $searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($domaininfo)

            # Get the shared mailbox
            $shared = Get-Recipient $SharedMailbox -ErrorAction stop
            if($shared.count -gt 1)
                Throw "Multiple objects found for $SharedMailbox"
            throw $_
            # Get the user
            $user = Get-Recipient $UserMailbox -ErrorAction Stop
            if($user.count -gt 1)
                Throw "Multiple objects found for $UserMailbox"
            Throw $_

        # Search Active Directory for the shared mailbox
            $searcher.filter = "(distinguishedname=$($shared.distinguishedname))"
            $SharedResult = $searcher.FindOne()

            $sharedADObject = [ADSI]$SharedResult.GetDirectoryEntry()
            Throw $_

        # Get the delegates (list of Distinguished Names)
        $delegates = $sharedADObject.Properties["msExchDelegateListLink"]

        # Enable automapping
            Write-Warning "Automapping for recipient $($user.Name) on $($shared.Name) is already enabled."
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($shared.Name, "Enable mailbox automapping for $($user.Name) on"))
                Write-Verbose "Enabling automapping for recipient $($user.Name) on $($shared.Name)."
                $sharedADObject.Properties["msExchDelegateListLink"].Add($user.distinguishedname) |

            # Create and return a custom object
            $obj = New-Object CPolydorou.Exchange.MailboxAutomapping
            $obj.SharedName = $shared.Name
            $obj.SharedIdentity = $shared.Identity
            $obj.DelegateName = $user.Name
            $obj.DelegateIdentity = $user.Identity
            Throw $_

        # Clean up

#region Disable-MailboxAutomapping
Function Disable-MailboxAutomapping
    Disable mailbox automappping.
    The Disable-MailboxAutomapping function will disable the automapping feature on a user for a shared mailbox.
    .PARAMETER SharedMailbox
    The mailbox that the user has permissions on.
    .PARAMETER UserMailbox
    The mailbox of the user.
    PS C:\> Disable-MailboxAutomapping -SharedMailbox testsharedmailbox -UserMailbox cpolydorou -Verbose -Confirm:$false
    VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Disable mailbox automapping for Christos Polydorou on " on target "Test Shared Mailbox".
    VERBOSE: Disabling automapping for recipient Christos Polydorou on Test Shared Mailbox.
    Disable mailbox automapping for user "CPolydorou" on mailbox "TestSharedMailbox"
    The shared mailbox does not have to be of type shared.


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        # Tools to search Active Directory
        $domaininfo = new-object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
        $searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($domaininfo)

            # Get the shared mailbox
            $shared = Get-Recipient $SharedMailbox -ErrorAction stop
            if($shared.count -gt 1)
                Throw "Multiple objects found for $SharedMailbox"
            throw $_
            # Get the user
            $user = Get-Recipient $UserMailbox -ErrorAction Stop
            if($user.count -gt 1)
                Throw "Multiple objects found for $UserMailbox"
            Throw $_

        # Search the shared mailbox in Active Directory
            $searcher.filter = "(distinguishedname=$($shared.distinguishedname))"
            $SharedResult = $searcher.FindOne()

            $sharedADObject = [ADSI]$SharedResult.GetDirectoryEntry()
            Throw $_

        # Get the list of delegates (list of Distinguished Names)
        $delegates = $sharedADObject.Properties["msExchDelegateListLink"]

        # Remove the delegate
        if( -Not $delegates.Contains($user.distinguishedName))
            Write-Warning "Automapping for recipient $($user.Name) on $($shared.Name) was not enabled."
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($shared.Name, "Disable mailbox automapping for $($user.Name) on "))
                Write-Verbose "Disabling automapping for recipient $($user.Name) on $($shared.Name)."

            Throw $_

        # Clean up

#region Exports
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MailboxAutomapping
Export-ModuleMember -Function Enable-MailboxAutomapping
Export-ModuleMember -Function Disable-MailboxAutomapping