
#region Get-SystemPath
Function Get-SystemPath
    Retrieves the folders in the system path.
    The Get-SystemPath function uses the registry and the environmental variables to retrieve the folders in the system path
    .PARAMETER AsString
    Returns the path as a single string.
    .PARAMETER Active
    Displays the folders in the current path using the PATH variable
    Get the folders in the PATH
    Get the folders in the PATH as single string
    Get-SystemPath -AsString
    Get the folders in the PATH as it is currently in the system. Event if changes are made to the PATH, a system reboot is
    required in order for changes to take affect.
    Get-SystemPath -Active
    You need to run this function as a member of the Administrators group.


    # Get current PATH
    $CurrentPath=(Get-ItemProperty -Path ‘Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment’ -Name PATH).Path

        if( $Active )
            return $env:Path
        return $CurrentPath
        $directories = @()
            $directories = $env:Path.Split(';')
            $directories = $currentpath.Split(';')

        foreach($d in $directories)
            $obj = New-Object psobject
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Path -Value $d


#region Add-SystemPath
Function Add-SystemPath
    Adds a folder to the system path.
    The Add-SystemPath function uses the registry to add folders to the system path
    The path to add the PATH variable
    Add D:\MyFolder to the PATH
    Add-SystemPath "D:\MyFolder"
    Add C:\App1 and D:\App2 to the PATH
    Add-SystemPath -Path "C:\App1","D:\App2"
    You need to run this function as a member of the Administrators group. Moreover, a system reboot is required in order for
    changes to take affect.


    # Get the current PATH
    $CurrentPath= Get-SystemPath -AsString
    $NewPath = $CurrentPath

    foreach($p in $Path)
        # Test if folder to be added to the PATH exists
        If( !(Test-Path $p))
            Write-Error ("Folder " + $p + " does not exist!")

        # Test if the folder already exists in the PATH
        $currentPathDirectories = Get-SystemPath
        $found = 0
        foreach($d in $currentPathDirectories)
            if( $d -eq $p )
                Write-Warning ("Folder " + $p + " already exists in PATH")
                $fount = 1

        if( $found -eq 1)

        # Form the New Path
        $NewPath = $NewPath + ’;’ +$p

    # Set the new path
    Set-ItemProperty -Path ‘Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment’ -Name PATH –Value $newPath

#region Remove-SystemPath
function Remove-SystemPath
    Removes a folder from the system path.
    The Remove-SystemPath function uses the registry to remove folders from the system path
    The path to remove from the PATH variable
    Remove D:\MyFolder from the PATH
    Remove-SystemPath "D:\MyFolder"
    Remove C:\App1 and D:\App2 from the PATH
    Remove-SystemPath -Path "C:\App1","D:\App2"
    You need to run this function as a member of the Administrators group. Moreover, a system reboot is required in order for
    changes to take affect.


    # Get the current PATH
    $CurrentPath=Get-SystemPath -AsString
    $newpath = ""

    foreach($p in $Path)
        # Test if the folder exists in the PATH
        $currentPathDirectories = Get-SystemPath
        $found = 0
        foreach($d in $currentPathDirectories)
            if( $d.Path -eq $p )
                $found = 1
        if($found -eq 0)
            Write-Error ("Folder " + $p + " does not exist in PATH")

    # Form the New Path
    foreach($d in $currentPathDirectories)
            $newpath += $d.path + ";"


    # Remove the last ";"
    $newPath = $newPath.Remove($newPath.Length - 1)

    # Set the new path
    Set-ItemProperty -Path ‘Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment’ -Name PATH –Value $newPath

#region Exports
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-SystemPath
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-SystemPath
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-SystemPath