
This is a standard module with a set of standard functions used across multiple scripts within CT.
Any changes to this module need to be published using the powershell script "Build_CT_Module.ps1"
This module should be imported using the commands below (do not copy the asterix's, just whats between).
This will import this module AND initialise the script with all the standard features required by scripts,
including all the log files for each transaction
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
if ($null -eq (Get-PSRepository)) {
    Register-PSRepository -Default -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Remove-Module -Name CT-PS-Standard -Force -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Uninstall-Module -Name "CT-PS-Standard" -AllVersions -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
Install-Module -Name CT-PS-Standard -Force -AllowClobber -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
Import-Module -Name CT-PS-Standard -Force -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
There are four log files initialised by this module that can be used for output.
You can write to each of these logs accordingly.
$Output_Log: This is the standard console output.
$Transcript_log: This is where the transcript is written to. You will need to start and stop the transcript inside your script by using the command "Start-Transcript -Path $Transcript_log -append | Out-Null"
$API_log: This is where the output from API posts should be sent.
$Install_log: This is where output from MSIEXEC commands should be logged
The following commands will run the init script when the module is imported

    #Begin {
    # Display some troubleshoot info
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    Write-verbose "MyInvocation info:
    MyCommand: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)
    ScriptName: $($MyInvocation.ScriptName)
    PSScriptRoot: $($MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot)
    PSCommandPath: $($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath)
    InvocationName: $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)
    ScriptLineNumber: $($MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber)

    Write-verbose "MyInvocation info:
    ScriptName: $($ScriptName)
    PSScriptRoot: $($PSScriptRoot)
    PSCommandPath: $($PSCommandPath)

    $P_MyInvocation = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Get('MyInvocation').Value
    Write-Verbose "Parent MyInvocation info:
    MyCommand: $($P_MyInvocation.MyCommand)
    ScriptName: $($P_MyInvocation.ScriptName)
    PSScriptRoot: $($P_MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot)
    PSCommandPath: $($P_MyInvocation.PSCommandPath)
    InvocationName: $($P_MyInvocation.InvocationName)
    ScriptLineNumber: $($P_MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber)

    $global:ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    $global:Script_Path = $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot

    if ($MyInvocation.ScriptName.Length -gt 4) {
        try {
            $Global:Script_Name = ($MyInvocation.ScriptName).Replace("$($MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot)\","")
            $Global:Script_Name = ($Global:Script_Name).Substring(0,($Global:Script_Name).Length-4)
        } catch {
            $Global:Script_Name = "Terminal"
    } else {
        $Global:Script_Name = "Terminal"

    $global:CT_DEST="C:\CT"  # Where the files are downloaded to
    $global:DateStamp = get-date -Format yyyyMMddTHHmmss # A formatted date strong

    $global:Output_log = "$CT_DEST\logs\$($Script_Name)\$($DateStamp)_output.log"  # The output
    $global:Transcript_log = "$CT_DEST\logs\$($Script_Name)\$($DateStamp)_transcript.log"  # The powershell transcript file
    $global:API_log = "$($CT_DEST)\logs\$($Script_Name)\$($DateStamp)_API.log"
    $global:Install_log = "$CT_DEST\logs\$($Script_Name)\$($DateStamp)_install.log"  # The powershell installation file

    #} #End begin block

    #Process {

    # ComputerType will report if the machine is a workstation, DC, or non-DC server
    # 1 for workstations, 2 for DCs, and 3 for non-DC servers
    try {
        $global:ComputerType = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Debug:$DebugPreference).ProductType
    } catch {
        write-host "There is a problem with this computer and updates are required for this script to continue."
        $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
        Write-Error "($($line)): There is a problem with this computer and updates are required for this script to continue. $($_)" -ErrorId "1001" -Category ObjectNotFound -CategoryReason "Cannot enumerate WMI Win32_OperatingSystem.ProductType." -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Stop
        #Stop-Transcript | Out-Null
        $exiterror = 1001
        throw "There is a problem with this computer and updates are required for this script to continue."
        exit 1001


        # Check for a CT folder on the C: and if not, create it, however that location should already exist as part of the Start-Transcript command.
        if(-not( Test-Path -Path $CT_DEST )) {
                mkdir $CT_DEST > $null
                #Transcript-Log "New folder created at $CT_DEST."
                #Can't create the folder, therefore cannot continue
                $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot create folder $CT_DEST. $($_)" -Category WriteError -CategoryReason "Cannot create folder $($CT_DEST)." -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorId "1002" -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Error $_ -verbose:$VerbosePreference -ErrorAction Continue
                exit 1002

        if(-not( Test-Path -Path "$($CT_DEST)\logs" )) {
                mkdir "$($CT_DEST)\logs" > $null
                #Transcript-Log "New logs folder created at $CT_DEST."
                #Can't create the folder, therefore cannot continue
                $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot create logs folder in $CT_DEST. $($_)" -Category WriteError -CategoryReason "Cannot create logs folder in $($CT_DEST)." -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorId "1003" -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Error $_ -verbose:$VerbosePreference -ErrorAction Continue
                exit 1003

        if(-not( Test-Path -Path "$($CT_DEST)\logs\$($Script_Name)" )) {
                mkdir "$($CT_DEST)\logs\$($Script_Name)" > $null
                #Transcript-Log "New logs folder for $($Script_Name) created at $CT_DEST."
                #Can't create the folder, therefore cannot continue
                $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot create logs folder for $($Script_Name) in $($CT_DEST). $($_)" -Category WriteError -CategoryReason "Cannot create logs folder for $($Script_Name) in $($CT_DEST)." -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorId "1004" -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction Continue
                exit 1004

        $global:CT_Reg_Path = "HKLM:\Software\CT\Monitoring"
        $global:CT_Reg_Key = "$($CT_Reg_Path)\$($Script_Name)"
        if(-not( Test-Path -Path $CT_Reg_Key )) {
                $CTMonitoringReg = New-Item -Path $CT_Reg_Path -Name $Script_Name -Force
                Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\CT" -Name "CustomerNo" -Value $customer
                #Can't create the regkey, therefore cannot continue
                $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot create registry key at $($CT_Reg_Key). $($_)" -ErrorId "1005" -Category WriteError -CategoryReason "Cannot create registry key $($CT_Reg_Path)." -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Error "$($CTMonitoringReg)" -ErrorAction Continue
                Write-Error $_
                exit 1005

        #Setup TLS 1.1 and 1.2
        $Name         = 'DisabledByDefault'
        $Value        = '0'

        if(-not( Test-Path -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1" )) {
                New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols" -Name "TLS 1.1" -Force | Out-Null
                New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1" -Name "Client" -Force | Out-Null
                New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Client" -Name $Name -Value $Value -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null
                #Can't create the regkey, therefore cannot continue
                Write-Error "Cannot set TLS 1.1." -ErrorAction Continue
                $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot set TLS 1.1. $($_)" -ErrorId "1006" -Category WriteError -CategoryReason "Cannot set TLS 1.1." -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Error $_
        } else {
            Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Client" -Name $Name -Value $Value | Out-Null

        if(-not( Test-Path -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2" )) {
                New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols" -Name "TLS 1.2" -Force | Out-Null
                New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2" -Name "Client" -Force | Out-Null
                New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client" -Name $Name -Value $Value -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null
                #Can't create the regkey, therefore cannot continue
                $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot set TLS 1.2. $($_)" -ErrorId "1007" -Category WriteError -CategoryReason "Cannot set TLS 1.2." -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Error $_
        } else {
            Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Client" -Name $Name -Value $Value | Out-Null

        # Create Transcript header
        Write-Verbose "**********************"
        Write-Verbose "Script: $($Script_Name)."
        Write-Verbose "Start time: $($DateStamp)"
        Write-Verbose "Username: $($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:USERNAME)"
        Write-Verbose "Execution Policy Preference: $($env:PSExecutionPolicyPreference)"
        Write-Verbose "Machine: $($env:COMPUTERNAME) ($($env:OS))"
        Write-Verbose "Process ID: $($PID)"
        Write-Verbose "PSVersion: $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)"
        Write-Verbose "PSEdition: $($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)"
        Write-Verbose "Operating System: $($PSVersionTable.OS)"
        Write-Verbose "WSManStackVersion: $($PSVersionTable.WSManStackVersion)"
        Write-Verbose "PSRemotingProtocolVersion: $($PSVersionTable.PSRemotingProtocolVersion)"
        Write-Verbose "SerializationVersion: $($PSVersionTable.SerializationVersion)"
        Write-Verbose "**********************"


    } catch {
        $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
        Write-Error "($($line)): $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Stop
        Throw $_

    #} #End process block

This ends the script block that run on module import

Initialize-Script is the old command for when the module is imported, its kept in here for backwards compatibility but it now only calls the import-module command

function Initialize-Script {

    Import-Module CT-PS-Standard -Force

Function Get-UserInput {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
        Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic

        return [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($message, $title, $defaultvalue)

Function Write-OutputLog {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true) {
            Write-Verbose "(Line $($MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber)) $($output)"
        $output | Out-File -FilePath "$($Output_log)" -Append
        #Write-Host $output

# Writes to the API log and optionally console if -Verbose flag is set at script level
Function Write-APILog {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true) {
            Write-Verbose "(Line $($MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber)) $($output)"
        $output | Out-File -FilePath "$($API_log)" -Append

Function Request-Download {
    # Downloads a file using BITS if possible, and if BITS is not available, downloads directly from URL
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, Mandatory = $true)]
        [string[]] $FILE_URL,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, Mandatory = $true)]
        [string[]] $FILE_LOCAL,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
        [switch] $NoBITS, # This is for when BITS should not be used
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
        [string[]] $BasicUsername, # This is for auth for downloading
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
        [String[]] $BasicPassword # This is for auth for downloading

        if ($BasicUsername -and $BasicPassword) {
            $Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($userName, (ConvertTo-SecureString $BasicPassword -AsPlainText -Force))
        # Test for existing file and remove if it exists
        if(Test-Path -Path $FILE_LOCAL -PathType Leaf ) {
            try {
                Remove-Item $FILE_LOCAL -Force
            } catch {
                #Can't remove the MSI, therefore cannot continue
                write-host "Cannot remove $($FILE_LOCAL). Unable to continue."
                Write-host $_
                $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot remove $($FILE_LOCAL). $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category WriteError -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue

        try {
            if ($ComputerType -ne 1) {
                Install-WindowsFeature BranchCache | Out-Null
        } catch {
            $NoBITS = $true
            $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
            Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot install BranchCache. $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category NotInstalled -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue

        if (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "BitsTransfer") -and !($NoBITS)) {
                Import-Module BitsTransfer -Force
            } catch {
                $NoBITS = $true
                $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot install BitsTranfer. $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category NotInstalled -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue

        if (!($NoBITS)) {
            # Check if BranchCache Distributed Mode is enabled, and if not, enable it so BITS uses computers on the subnet to download where available
            $BCStatus = Get-BCStatus
            if ($BCStatus.ClientConfiguration.CurrentClientMode -ne "DistributedCache") {
                try {
                    Enable-BCDistributed -Verbose -Force
                    Write-OutputLog "BranchCache Distributed Mode is now enabled" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                } catch {
                    #BranchCache cannot be enabled to work with BITS. BITS will download over the internet connection instead of cached copies on the local subnet
                    Write-OutputLog "Cannot enable BranchCache Distributed Mode. $($_). The installation files will download over the internet connection instead of cached copies on the local subnet" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                    $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                    Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot enable BranchCache Distributed Mode. $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category NotImplemented -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue
            } else {
                Write-OutputLog "BranchCache Distributed Mode is already enabled in distributed mode on this computer" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            try {
                if ($Credentials) {
                    $DownloadJob = Start-BitsTransfer -Priority Normal -DisplayName "$($DateStamp) $($FILE_LOCAL)" -Source "$($FILE_URL)" -Destination "$($FILE_LOCAL)" -Credential $Credentials
                } else {
                    $DownloadJob = Start-BitsTransfer -Priority Normal -DisplayName "$($DateStamp) $($FILE_LOCAL)" -Source "$($FILE_URL)" -Destination "$($FILE_LOCAL)"
                #Complete-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $DownloadJob
                Write-OutputLog "Downloaded $($FILE_URL) using BITS to $($FILE_LOCAL)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            } catch {
                $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot download $($FILE_URL) using BITS. Using standard HTTP request. $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category NotImplemented -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue
                Write-OutputLog "Cannot download $($FILE_URL) using BITS. Now trying through standard HTTP request." -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                Write-OutputLog "$($_ | Out-String)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                try {
                    if ($Credentials) {
                        $DownloadJob = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($FILE_URL)" -OutFile "$($FILE_LOCAL)" -PassThru -Credential $Credentials -UseBasicParsing
                    } else {
                        $DownloadJob = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($FILE_URL)" -OutFile "$($FILE_LOCAL)" -PassThru -UseBasicParsing
                } catch {
                    $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                    Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot download $($FILE_URL) using standard HTTP request. $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue
                    Write-OutputLog "Cannot download $($FILE_URL) using standard HTTP request." -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                    Write-OutputLog "$($_ | Out-String)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
        } else {
            try {
                if ($Credentials) {
                    $DownloadJob = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($FILE_URL)" -OutFile "$($FILE_LOCAL)" -PassThru -Credential $Credentials -UseBasicParsing
                } else {
                    $DownloadJob = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($FILE_URL)" -OutFile "$($FILE_LOCAL)" -PassThru -UseBasicParsing
        } catch {
                $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot download $($FILE_URL) using standard HTTP request. $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue
                Write-OutputLog "Cannot download $($FILE_URL) using standard HTTP request." -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                Write-OutputLog "$($_ | Out-String)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
        return $DownloadJob


function Get-CurrentLineNumber {
    # Downloads a file using BITS if possible, and if BITS is not available, downloads directly from URL
    #$LineNumber =
    #$LineNo = Get-ChildItem $MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber
    return $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber

function Update-WMF {
        [Parameter()] [switch] $ForceReboot # Forces a reboot of the machine after update has completed

    $OSInfo = (Get-WMIObject win32_operatingsystem)
    $OSBuild = $OSInfo.buildnumber
    $OSArch = $OSInfo.OSArchitecture
    $PowerShellVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major + ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor/10)
    $dotnetversion = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" -Name Release).Release
    Write-Host "DotNet Framework version $($dotnetversion) found."
    Write-Host "Powershell version $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()) found."
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    if ($dotnetversion -lt 379893) {
        Write-Host "Updating DotNet Framework to 4.5.2"
        $dotnet_URL = "https://download.microsoft.com/download/E/2/1/E21644B5-2DF2-47C2-91BD-63C560427900/NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe"
        $dotnet_File = "C:\CT\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe"
        try {
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $dotnet_URL -OutFile $dotnet_File -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -UseBasicParsing
        } catch {
            $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
            Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot download DotNet Framework 4.5.2. $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue
            write-host "Cannot download DotNet Framework 4.5.2. $_"

        write-host "Installing DotNet Framework 4.5.2"
        try {
            $DotNetInstall = Start-Process -FilePath $dotnet_File -ArgumentList "/q /norestart" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
        } catch {
            $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
        if (@(0,3010) -contains $DotNetInstall.ExitCode) {
            write-host "DotNet Framework 4.5.2 installed successfully. A reboot of this computer is required to complete the installation."
        } else {
            write-host "Unable to install DotNet Framework 4.5.2. Error code $($DotNetInstall.ExitCode) - $_"
            Write-Error "($($line)): Unable to install DotNet Framework 4.5.2. $($_)" -ErrorId $DotNetInstall.ExitCode -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue

    if($OSBuild -eq "9600" -and $PowerShellVersion -lt 5.1) {
        # Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012r2
        $WMF_URL = "https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/F/5/6F5FF66C-6775-42B0-86C4-47D41F2DA187/Win8.1AndW2K12R2-KB3191564-x64.msu"
    } elseif($OSBuild -eq "9200" -and $PowerShellVersion -lt 5.1) {
        # Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012r2
        if($OSArch -eq "64-bit"){
            $WMF_URL = "https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/F/5/6F5FF66C-6775-42B0-86C4-47D41F2DA187/W2K12-KB3191565-x64.msu"
        } else {
            $WMF_URL = "https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/F/5/6F5FF66C-6775-42B0-86C4-47D41F2DA187/Win8.1-KB3191564-x86.msu"

    if ($WMF_URL) {
        $WMF_File = "C:\CT\WMF51.msu"

        # Test for existing WMF file and remove if it exists
        if(Test-Path -Path $WMF_File -PathType Leaf ) {
            try {
                Remove-Item $WMF_File -Force -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                #write-host "Found old WMF update and removed."
            } catch {
                #Can't remove the WMF, therefore cannot continue
                $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot remove $($WMF_File). $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue
                write-host "Cannot remove $WMF_File. Unable to continue. $($Error[0].Exception.Message)"
        # Download WMF
        try {
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $WMF_URL -OutFile $WMF_File -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -UseBasicParsing
        } catch {
            write-host "Cannot download WMF. $($WMFjob.ErrorContextDescription)"
            $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
            Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot download WMF. $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue

        write-host "Installing WMF"
        $WMFUpgrade = Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Windows\System32\wusa.exe" -ArgumentList "$($WMF_File) /quiet /norestart" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
        if (@(0,3010) -contains $WMFUpgrade.ExitCode) {
            write-host "WMF installed successfully. A reboot of this computer is required to complete the installation."
        } else {
            $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
            Write-Error "($($line)): Cannot download WMF. $($_)" -ErrorId $WMFUpgrade.ExitCode -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue
            write-host "Unable to install WMF. Error code $($WMFUpgrade.ExitCode)"

    if ($ForceReboot) {
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
        Restart-Computer -Force -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
    return $true


function Update-PowerShell {
        [Parameter()] [switch] $ForceReboot # Forces a reboot of the machine after update has completed

    $WMFupgrade = $false
    $OSInfo = (Get-WMIObject win32_operatingsystem)
    $OSBuild = $OSInfo.buildnumber
    $PowerShellVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major + ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor/10)
    $dotnetversion = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" -Name Release).Release
    Write-Host "DotNet Framework version $($dotnetversion) found."
    Write-Host "Powershell version $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()) found."
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

    if ($dotnetversion -lt 379893) {
        $WMFupgrade = $true

    if($OSBuild -eq "9600" -and $PowerShellVersion -lt 5.1) {
        # Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012r2
        $WMFupgrade = $true
    } elseif($OSBuild -eq "9200" -and $PowerShellVersion -lt 5.1) {
        # Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012r2
        $WMFupgrade = $true

    if($WMFupgrade -eq $true) {
        try {
        catch {
            $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
            Write-Error "($($line)): Failed to upgrade WMF to 5.1. Please install DotNet Framework 4.5.2 and WMF 5.1 before upgrading PowerShell. $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue
            write-host "Failed to upgrade WMF to 5.1. Please install DotNet Framework 4.5.2 and WMF 5.1 before upgrading PowerShell"

    Write-Host "Now will attempt to install latest PowerShell version alongside Windows PowerShell 5.1."
    try {
        Invoke-Expression -Command "& { $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://aka.ms/install-powershell.ps1') } -UseMSI -Quiet" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
        #iex "& { $(irm https://aka.ms/install-powershell.ps1) } -UseMSI -Quiet"
    } catch {
        $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
        Write-Error "($($line)): Unable to install latest PowerShell. $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue
        Write-Host "Unable to install latest PowerShell"
        Write-Host $_
    return $true


Function New-APIPost {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, Mandatory = $true)]
        [string[]] $BASE_URL,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, Mandatory = $true)]
        [string[]] $EndPoint_URL,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter()] $headers,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter()] [hashtable] $PostData, # The hashtable that needs to be posted to the API
        [Parameter()] [int] $Retry = 2 # Attempts a retry of the post if it fails

    # Post to API
    Write-OutputLog "Posting $($PostData.Count) items to API" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
    Write-APILog "$($PostData | Out-String)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
    $nullfound = $false
    foreach ($APIData in $PostData) {
        #Write-OutputLog $member.name
        foreach ($APIentry in $APIData.GetEnumerator()) {
            Write-Host "$($APIentry.Name) : $($APIentry.Value)"
            if ($APIentry.Value -eq $null) {$nullfound = $true}
        if($nullfound -ne $true) {
            $body = $APIData | ConvertTo-Json
        } else {
            $body = $null
        Write-APILog $body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
        if ($null -ne $body) {
            $retryCount = $Retry # performs a retry after 60 seconds if it fails
                try {
                    $SendToAPI = Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$($BASE_URL)$($EndPoint_URL)" -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers -Body $body -PassThru -Debug:$DebugPreference
                    $retryCount = 0
                    #$ReturnValue = $SendToAPI
                } catch {
                    $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                    Write-Error "($($line)): $($_.Exception.Message). $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue
                    Write-OutputLog $_.Exception.Message -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                    Write-OutputLog $_.Exception -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                    Write-OutputLog $SendToAPI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                    Write-OutputLog $body -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                    # Dig into the exception to get the Response details.
                    $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                    Write-Error "($($line)) API Error $($SendToAPI.StatusCode): [$($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__)] - $($_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription). $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue
                    Write-OutputLog "API Error: $($SendToAPI.StatusCode) [$($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__)] - $($_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                    $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                    #if ($DebugPreference -eq "Continue") { write-error "API error: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) - $($_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription)" -Category InvalidData -ErrorAction Continue }
                    #$exiterror = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
                    Set-ItemProperty -Path "$($CT_Reg_Key)" -Name "API-Post-$($BASE_URL)$($EndPoint_URL)" -Value "$($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__)"
                    start-sleep -Seconds 60
                    $retryCount = $retryCount - 1
                    if($retryCount -lt 1) {$PScmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_)}
            } while ($retryCount -gt 0)

Function Get-AVStatus {
    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "computer")]

        #The name of a computer to query.
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = "computer"
        [string[]]$Computername = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        #An existing CIMsession.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = "session")]

        #The default is enabled products only.

    Begin {
        Write-OutputLog "[BEGIN ] Starting: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

        $CTPSModules = (Get-Module CT-PS-Standard -ListAvailable)

        $CTPSModPath = $CTPSModules[0].ModuleBase

        $AVSearchList = import-csv -Path "$($CTPSModPath)\antiviruslist.csv"
        Function ConvertTo-Hex {
            '0x{0:x}' -f $Number
        [system.Version]$OSVersion = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem -computername $Computername).version

        #initialize an hashtable of paramters to splat to Get-CimInstance
        IF ($OSVersion -ge [system.version]'') 
            Write-OutputLog "OS Windows Vista/Server 2008 or newer detected" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            $cimParams = @{
                Namespace   = "root/SecurityCenter2"
                ClassName   = "AntiVirusProduct"
# ErrorAction = "Stop"
            Write-OutputLog "Windows 2000, 2003, XP detected" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            $cimParams = @{
                Namespace   = "root/SecurityCenter"
                ClassName   = "AntiVirusProduct"
# ErrorAction = "Stop"
        } # end IF ($OSVersion -ge 6.0)

        #Test for SecurityCenter(2) existance and if not, run as server
        try {
            $CIMTest = Get-CimInstance @CimParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($CIMTest) {
                $runAsServer = $False
                Write-OutputLog "$($cimParams.Namespace) found in WMI" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            } else {
                $runAsServer = $True
                Write-OutputLog "$($cimParams.Namespace) not found in WMI" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
        } catch {
            $runAsServer = $True
            Write-OutputLog "$($cimParams.Namespace) not found in WMI" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

        If ($All) {
            write-outputlog "[BEGIN ] Getting all AV products" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

        $results = @()
    } #begin

    Process {

        try {

            #Check against WMI if workstation
            if($ComputerType -eq 1 -and $runAsServer -eq $False) {

                #initialize an empty array to hold results
                $AV = @()

                write-outputlog "[PROCESS] Using parameter set: $($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                write-outputlog "[PROCESS] PSBoundparameters: " -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                write-outputlog ($PSBoundParameters | Out-String) -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'computer') {
                    foreach ($computer in $Computername) {

                        write-outputlog "[PROCESS] Querying $($computer.ToUpper())" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                        #$cimParams.ComputerName = $computer
                        Try {
                            $AV += Get-CimInstance @CimParams -Verbose | Where-Object {$_.displayName -ne $null}
                        Catch {
                            Write-Warning "[$($computer.ToUpper())] $($_.Exception.Message)"
                            $cimParams.ComputerName = $null

                    } #foreach computer
                else {
                    foreach ($session in $CimSession) {

                        write-outputlog "[PROCESS] Using session $($session.computername.toUpper())" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                        $cimParams.CimSession = $session
                        Try {
                            $AV += Get-CimInstance @CimParams -Verbose | Where-Object {$_.displayName -ne $null}
                        Catch {
                            Write-Warning "[$($session.computername.ToUpper())] $($_.Exception.Message)"
                            $cimParams.cimsession = $null

                    } #foreach computer

                foreach ($item in $AV) {
                    write-outputlog "[PROCESS] Found $($item.Displayname)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                    $hx = ConvertTo-Hex $item.ProductState
                    $mid = $hx.Substring(3, 2)
                    if ($mid -match "00|01") {
                        $Enabled = $False
                    else {
                        $Enabled = $True
                    $end = $hx.Substring(5)
                    if ($end -eq "00") {
                        $UpToDate = $True
                    else {
                        $UpToDate = $False

                    if(!($item.pathToSignedProductExe)) {
                        $results += $item | Select-Object @{Name = "DisplayName"; Expression = { ($_.Displayname).trim() } }, ProductState,
                        @{Name = "Enabled"; Expression = { $Enabled } },
                        @{Name = "UpToDate"; Expression = { $UptoDate } },
                        @{Name = "Path"; Expression = { $_.pathToSignedProductExe } },
                        @{Name = "Version"; Expression = { $_.VersionNumber } },
                        @{Name = "Computername"; Expression = { $_.PSComputername.toUpper() } }
                    } else {
                        if($AVproduct.displayName -match "Defender"){
                            $DefenderInfo = Get-MpComputerStatus
                            $AVversion = $DefenderInfo.AMProductVersion
                        } else {
                            if(Test-Path -Path $item.pathToSignedProductExe) {
                                $AVversion = (Get-Item $item.pathToSignedProductExe -ErrorAction Stop).VersionInfo.fileversion
                                $results += $item | Select-Object @{Name = "DisplayName"; Expression = { ($_.Displayname).trim() } }, ProductState,
                                @{Name = "Enabled"; Expression = { $Enabled } },
                                @{Name = "UpToDate"; Expression = { $UptoDate } },
                                @{Name = "Path"; Expression = { $_.pathToSignedProductExe } },
                                @{Name = "Version"; Expression = { $AVversion } },
                                @{Name = "Computername"; Expression = { $_.PSComputername.toUpper() } }

                } #foreach
            } else {

                $ModulePath = (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name CT-PS-Standard).ModuleBase
                write-outputlog "[PROCESS] ModulePath: $($ModulePath)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                $vbsexe = Invoke-Expression -Command "CMD.exe /c CSCRIPT '$($ModulePath)\avstatus.vbs' WRITE" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -ErrorAction Stop

                $AV = @()
                $cimParams = @{
                    Namespace   = "root/SecurityCenter"
                    ClassName   = "AntiVirusProduct"
    # ErrorAction = "Stop"

                write-outputlog "[PROCESS] Using parameter set: $($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                write-outputlog "[PROCESS] PSBoundparameters: " -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                write-outputlog ($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)

                if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'computer') {
                    foreach ($computer in $Computername) {

                        write-outputlog "[PROCESS] Querying $($computer.ToUpper())" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                        #$cimParams.ComputerName = $computer
                        Try {
                            $AV += Get-CimInstance @CimParams -Verbose | Where-Object {$_.displayName -ne $null}
                        Catch {
                            Write-Warning "[$($computer.ToUpper())] $($_.Exception.Message)"
                            $cimParams.ComputerName = $null

                    } #foreach computer
                else {
                    foreach ($session in $CimSession) {

                        write-outputlog "[PROCESS] Using session $($session.computername.toUpper())" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                        $cimParams.CimSession = $session
                        Try {
                            $AV += Get-CimInstance @CimParams -Verbose
                        Catch {
                            Write-Warning "[$($session.computername.ToUpper())] $($_.Exception.Message)"
                            $cimParams.cimsession = $null

                    } #foreach computer

                foreach ($item in $AV) {
                    write-outputlog "[PROCESS] Found $($item.Displayname)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                    $hx = ConvertTo-Hex $item.ProductState
                    $mid = $hx.Substring(3, 2)
                    if ($mid -match "00|01") {
                        $Enabled = $False
                    else {
                        $Enabled = $True
                    $end = $hx.Substring(5)
                    if ($end -eq "00") {
                        $UpToDate = $True
                    else {
                        $UpToDate = $False

                    if(!($item.pathToSignedProductExe)) {
                        $results += $item | Select-Object @{Name = "DisplayName"; Expression = { ($_.Displayname).trim() } }, ProductState,
                        @{Name = "Enabled"; Expression = { $Enabled } },
                        @{Name = "UpToDate"; Expression = { $UptoDate } },
                        @{Name = "Path"; Expression = { $_.pathToSignedProductExe } },
                        @{Name = "Version"; Expression = { $_.VersionNumber } },
                        @{Name = "Computername"; Expression = { $_.PSComputername.toUpper() } }
                    } else {
                        if($AVproduct.displayName -match "Defender"){
                            $DefenderInfo = Get-MpComputerStatus
                            $AVversion = $DefenderInfo.AMProductVersion
                        } else {
                            if(Test-Path -Path $item.pathToSignedProductExe) {
                                $AVversion = (Get-Item $item.pathToSignedProductExe -ErrorAction Stop).VersionInfo.fileversion
                                $results += $item | Select-Object @{Name = "DisplayName"; Expression = { ($_.Displayname).trim() } }, ProductState,
                                @{Name = "Enabled"; Expression = { $Enabled } },
                                @{Name = "UpToDate"; Expression = { $UptoDate } },
                                @{Name = "Path"; Expression = { $_.pathToSignedProductExe } },
                                @{Name = "Version"; Expression = { $AVversion } },
                                @{Name = "Computername"; Expression = { $_.PSComputername.toUpper() } }

                } #foreach

            } #if/else
        } catch {
            $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
            Write-Error "($($line)): $($_.Exception.Message). $($_)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.HResult -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue

    } #process

    End {
        If ($All) {
            write-outputlog "[RETURN] Returning:" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            write-outputlog "$($results | Out-String)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            return $results
        else {
            #filter for enabled only
            write-outputlog "[RETURN] Returning:" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            write-outputlog "$(($results).Where( { $_.enabled }) | Out-String)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            return ($results).Where( { $_.enabled })

        write-outputlog "[END ] Ending: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
    } #end

} #end function