
Class CTReturnObject {
    [String] $Status
    [String] $ErrorMessage
    [System.Exception] $Exception
    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Tracelog
    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Input = ([Hashtable] $PSBoundParameters)
    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Output = @()

#Not in use, because of issue with $PSBoundparameters as default value
Function Get-CTReturnObject {
        [String] $Status = "Unknown",
        [String] $ErrorMessage,
        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Tracelog = $Script:Tracelog,
        [Hashtable] $InputParameters = ([Hashtable] $PSBoundParameters),
        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Output = [System.Collections.ArrayList] @()
    return [CTReturnObject] @{
        Status       = $Status
        ErrorMessage = $ErrorMessage
        Tracelog     = $Tracelog
        Input        = $InputParameters
        Output       = $Output
Function Get-TraceLogMessage {
    Generates shorter strings from a long string.
    Used to limit a tracelog file and split into multiple pieces, for use with a limited field, such as windows event log.

    param($RunbookName, $Message, $maxLength)
    $Message += "Runbook Name: $RunbookName`n"
    $Message += "Runas domain: $($env:userdomain)`n"
    #add last part of tracelog.
    $Message += "Last part of Trace Log:`n"

    # $maxLength = 30000
    $NumberOfMessages = [Math]::Ceiling(($Script:Tracelog.Length / $maxLength))

    For ($i = 0; $i -lt $NumberOfMessages; $i++) {
        $start = (0 + ($maxLength * $i))
        $end = $maxLength

        if ($end -gt $Script:Tracelog.Length - $start) { $end = $Script:Tracelog.Length - $start }

        $Message = $Script:Tracelog.Substring($start, $end)

        if ($Message.Length -eq $maxLength) {
            $Message = $Message + "`ncontinued.."

Function Write-EventLogTraceLog {
    Splits tracelog into multiple strings and then writes them to the windows event log
    uses the Get-TraceLogMessages function to split the tracelog and write it to event log.

    param($LogName, $SourceName, $RunbookName, $EntryType, $EventId, $Message)
    $Messages = Get-TraceLogMessage -RunbookName $RunbookName -Message $Message -maxLength 30000

    #write event log
    if (!([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($SourceName))) {
        New-EventLog -LogName $LogName -Source $SourceName

    foreach ($message in $messages) {
        Write-EventLog -LogName $LogName -Source $SourceName -EntryType $EntryType -EventId $EventId -Message $Message
Function Add-Tracelog {
    Adds a tracelog message to tracelog
    Uses a script scope tracelog variable to have alle scopes write to a sinlg etracelog.
    Outputs each message to the Verbose stream.


    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:Tracelog)) {
        $script:TraceLogId = 0
        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $script:Tracelog = @()

    $Message = "{0}: {1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff}: {2}`n" -f $script:TraceLogId,(get-date),$Message
    #$Message = "$(get-date) - $Message`n"
    Write-Verbose $Message

Function Get-TraceLog {
    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $script:TraceLog
Function Write-TextLog {
    Writes the tracelog to a text file.
    Writes the tracelog to a text file.
    If the text file looks "weird" in notepad, it is becausenotepad cannot alway list the line breaks correctly.
    Use another editor to view the log.

    param($Message, $LogFolderPath, $LogName, $StartTime)    
    #Write to file
    $Message + "`n" + ($script:TraceLog -join "`n") | Out-file $LogFolderPath\$($LogName)_$($StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")).log -Encoding ASCII
Function ConvertTo-IndexedTable {
    Converts an array of objects to a array of hashtables for performance
    Converts an array of objects to a hashtable of hashtables for performance
    The hashtable has takes one field as index, for example name
    and the index field can be used to filter/sort much quicker than and array of objects.
    (see example for details)
    Get-CMDevice -CollectionName "All Systems" -Fast | ConvertTo-IndexedTable Name
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    Object ...
    Name NCOP-CCMP-CCM01
    the index field is available directly, while the complete object is available in the object key of the hash table.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false,
            Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            Position = 1)]

    #begin { $ReturnArray = @() } #New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList }
    process {
            $IndexFieldName = $Object.$IndexFieldName
            Object          = $Object
    #end { $ReturnArray }
Function Clear-Tracelog {
    Clears the tracelog
    Clears the tracelog

    $script:Tracelog = [System.Collections.ArrayList]  @()


Function Write-CTError {
    #get error messa
    $CurrentError = $PSError
    $ErrorMessage = $CurrentError.Exception.Message + "`n $($CurrentError.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)"
    Add-Tracelog -Message "Error in control runbook: $ErrorMessage"
    Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage #-ErrorAction Continue #output error without stopping, for logging purposes.