
<Objs Version="" xmlns="">
  <Obj RefId="0">
    <TN RefId="0">
      <S N="Name">CTX.AL.CloudUpload</S>
      <Version N="Version"></Version>
      <S N="Type">Module</S>
      <S N="Description">Commands to Upload a VHD(x) to an Azure Storage Account or Gcp and Get information about a VHD(x)</S>
      <S N="Author">Citrix Provisioning</S>
      <S N="CompanyName">Citrix</S>
      <S N="Copyright">(c) Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.</S>
      <Obj N="PublishedDate" RefId="1">
        <TN RefId="1">
      <Obj N="InstalledDate" RefId="2">
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            <TN RefId="2">
      <Nil N="UpdatedDate" />
      <Nil N="LicenseUri" />
      <Nil N="ProjectUri" />
      <Nil N="IconUri" />
      <Obj N="Tags" RefId="4">
        <TN RefId="3">
      <Obj N="Includes" RefId="5">
        <TN RefId="4">
            <S N="Key">Workflow</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="6">
              <TNRef RefId="3" />
              <LST />
            <S N="Key">Command</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="7">
              <TNRef RefId="3" />
            <S N="Key">RoleCapability</S>
            <Ref N="Value" RefId="6" />
            <S N="Key">Function</S>
            <Ref N="Value" RefId="6" />
            <S N="Key">DscResource</S>
            <Ref N="Value" RefId="6" />
            <S N="Key">Cmdlet</S>
            <Obj N="Value" RefId="8">
              <TNRef RefId="3" />
      <Nil N="PowerShellGetFormatVersion" />
      <Nil N="ReleaseNotes" />
      <Obj N="Dependencies" RefId="9">
        <TNRef RefId="3" />
        <LST />
      <S N="RepositorySourceLocation">/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/loud_Services_cloudupload_master/Publish</S>
      <S N="Repository">local</S>
      <S N="PackageManagementProvider">NuGet</S>
      <Obj N="AdditionalMetadata" RefId="10">
        <TNRef RefId="1" />
          <S N="copyright">(c) Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.</S>
          <S N="description">Commands to Upload a VHD(x) to an Azure Storage Account or Gcp and Get information about a VHD(x)</S>
          <S N="requireLicenseAcceptance">False</S>
          <S N="isLatestVersion">False</S>
          <S N="isAbsoluteLatestVersion">False</S>
          <S N="tags">PSModule PSIncludes_Cmdlet PSCmdlet_Copy-ToAzDisk PSCmdlet_Get-VhdSize PSCmdlet_Get-VhdContentHash PSCmdlet_Copy-ToGcpDisk PSCommand_Copy-ToAzDisk PSCommand_Get-VhdSize PSCommand_Get-VhdContentHash PSCommand_Copy-ToGcpDisk</S>
          <S N="developmentDependency">False</S>
          <B N="IsPrerelease">false</B>
      <S N="InstalledLocation">/opt/.local/share/powershell/Modules/CTX.AL.CloudUpload/</S>