
function Export-XDSite
    Exports XD site information to variable or XML file
    Exports XD site information to variable or XML file
   XenDesktop DDC hostname to connect to
   Path used for XML file location on import and export operations
   Only export delivery groups with specified tag
   Skips export of delivery groups with specified tag
   Export delivery group applications with specific tag
   Exports all delivery group applications except ones with specific tag
   Export-XDSite -xdhost DDC02.DOMAIN.COM
   Exports data from DDC02.DOMAIN.COM and returns as object
   Export-XDSite -xdhost DDC02.DOMAIN.COM -dgtag "replicate"
   Exports data from DDC02.DOMAIN.COM with delivery groups tagged with "replicate" and returns as object.
   Export-XDSite -xdhost DDC02.DOMAIN.COM -ignoredgtag "skip"
   Exports data from DDC02.DOMAIN.COM while skipping delivery groups tagged with "skip" and returns as object.
   Export-XDSite -xdhost DDC02.DOMAIN.COM -apptag "replicate"
   Exports data from DDC02.DOMAIN.COM delivery groups while only including apps tagged with "replicate" and returns as object.
   Export-XDSite -xdhost DDC02.DOMAIN.COM -ignoreapptag "skip"
   Exports data from DDC02.DOMAIN.COM delivery groups while ignoring apps tagged with "skip" and returns as object.
   .\XDReplicate.ps1 -xdhost DDC02.DOMAIN.COM -XMLPATH "C:\temp\my.xml"
   Exports data from DDC02.DOMAIN.COM and exports to C:\temp\my.xml

Param (

    Write-Verbose "BEGIN: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    #Checks for Snappins


process {
        #Need path for XML while in EXPORT
        $ddcver = (Get-BrokerController -AdminAddress $xdhost).ControllerVersion | Select-Object -first 1

        if(-not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($dgtag)))
        $DesktopGroups = Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -AdminAddress $xdhost -Tag $dgtag -MaxRecordCount 2000|Where-Object{$_.Tags -notcontains $ignoredgtag}
        $DesktopGroups = Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -AdminAddress $xdhost -MaxRecordCount 2000|Where-Object{$_.Tags -notcontains $ignoredgtag}

        if(!($DesktopGroups -is [object]))

        #Create Empty arrays
        $appobject = @()
        $desktopobject = @()
        $appgroupobject = @()

        #Each delivery group
        foreach ($DG in $DesktopGroups)
            Write-Verbose $DG.Name
            $dg|add-member -NotePropertyName 'AccessPolicyRule' -NotePropertyValue (Get-BrokerAccessPolicyRule -AdminAddress $xdhost -DesktopGroupUid $dg.Uid -MaxRecordCount 2000)
            $dg|add-member -NotePropertyName 'PreLaunch' -NotePropertyValue (Get-BrokerSessionPreLaunch -AdminAddress $xdhost -Desktopgroupuid $dg.Uid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            $dg|add-member -NotePropertyName 'PowerTime' -NotePropertyValue (Get-BrokerPowerTimeScheme -AdminAddress $xdhost -Desktopgroupuid $dg.Uid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            #Grabs APP info from delivery group
            if(-not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($apptag)))
                #App argument doesn't exist for LTSR. Guessing 7.11 is the first to support
                if ([version]$ddcver -lt "7.11")
                    write-warning "Ignoring APP TAG ARGUMENTS."
                    $apps = Get-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -AssociatedDesktopGroupUUID $dg.UUID -MaxRecordCount 2000|export-xdapp
                else {
                    $apps = Get-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -AssociatedDesktopGroupUUID $dg.UUID -Tag $apptag -MaxRecordCount 2000|Where-Object{($_.Tags -notcontains $ignoreapptag) -and (($_.AssociatedDesktopGroupUIDS).count -eq 1) -and (($_.AssociatedApplicationGroupUIDS).count -le 0)}|export-xdapp 
                if ([version]$ddcver -lt "7.11")
                $apps = Get-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -AssociatedDesktopGroupUUID $dg.UUID -MaxRecordCount 2000|export-xdapp
                else {
                $apps = Get-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -AssociatedDesktopGroupUUID $dg.UUID -MaxRecordCount 2000|Where-Object{($_.Tags -notcontains $ignoreapptag) -and (($_.AssociatedDesktopGroupUIDS).count -eq 1) -and (($_.AssociatedApplicationGroupUIDS).count -le 0)}|export-xdapp
            $appobject += $apps

        #Grabs Desktop info
        $desktopobject += Get-BrokerEntitlementPolicyRule -AdminAddress $xdhost -DesktopGroupUid $dg.Uid -MaxRecordCount 2000|Export-XDdesktop -xdhost $xdhost -dg $dg


    #Grabs apps with multiple delivery groups and application groups
    Write-Verbose "Processing Apps with multiple delivery groups and application groups."
    if(-not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($apptag)))
        #App argument doesn't exist for LTSR. Guessing 7.11 is the first to support
        if ([version]$ddcver -lt "7.11")
            write-warning "Ignoring Applicaton Groups and Multi Delivery Groups due to DDC version"
        else {
            $apps = Get-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -Tag $apptag -MaxRecordCount 2000|Where-Object{($_.Tags -notcontains $ignoreapptag) -and (($_.AssociatedDesktopGroupUIDS).count -gt 1) -or (($_.AssociatedApplicationGroupUIDS).count -gt 0)}|export-xdapp
        $appobject += $apps
        if ([version]$ddcver -lt "7.11")
        $apps = write-warning "Ignoring Applicaton Groups and Multi Delivery Groups due to DDC version"
        else {
        $apps = Get-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $xdhost -MaxRecordCount 2000|Where-Object{($_.Tags -notcontains $ignoreapptag) -and (($_.AssociatedDesktopGroupUIDS).count -gt 1) -or (($_.AssociatedApplicationGroupUIDS).count -gt 0)}|export-xdapp -xdhost $xdhost 
        $appobject += $apps
    #Grabs App Groups
    write-verbose "Processing Application Groups"
    if(-not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($dgtag)))
       #Guessing 7.11 is the first to support app groups
        if ([version]$ddcver -lt "7.11")
            write-warning "Skipping App Groups due to DDC version." 
        else {
            $appgroups = Get-BrokerApplicationGroup -AdminAddress $xdhost -Tag $dgtag -MaxRecordCount 2000|Where-Object{$_.Tags -notcontains $ignoredgtag}
            $appgroupobject += $appgroups
        if ([version]$ddcver -lt "7.11")
            write-warning "Skipping App Groups due to DDC version." 
        else {
            $appgroups = Get-BrokerApplicationGroup -AdminAddress $xdhost -MaxRecordCount 2000|Where-Object{$_.Tags -notcontains $ignoredgtag}
            $appgroupobject += $appgroups

        #buid output object
        $xdout = New-Object PSCustomObject
        Write-Verbose "Processing Administrators"
        $xdout|Add-Member -NotePropertyName "admins" -NotePropertyValue (Get-AdminAdministrator -AdminAddress $xdhost)
        Write-Verbose "Processing Scopes"
        $xdout|Add-Member -NotePropertyName "adminscopes" -NotePropertyValue (Get-AdminScope -AdminAddress $xdhost|where-object{$_.BuiltIn -eq $false})
        Write-Verbose "Processing Roles"
        $xdout|Add-Member -NotePropertyName "adminroles" -NotePropertyValue (Get-AdminRole -AdminAddress $xdhost|where-object{$_.BuiltIn -eq $false})
        $xdout|Add-Member -NotePropertyName "dgs" -NotePropertyValue $DesktopGroups
        $xdout|Add-Member -NotePropertyName "apps" -NotePropertyValue ($appobject|sort-object browsername -Unique)
        $xdout|Add-Member -NotePropertyName "appgroups" -NotePropertyValue ($appgroupobject|export-xdappgroup -xdhost $xdhost)
        $xdout|Add-Member -NotePropertyName "desktops" -NotePropertyValue $desktopobject
        Write-Verbose "Processing Tags"
        $xdout|Add-Member -NotePropertyName "tags" -NotePropertyValue (Get-BrokerTag -AdminAddress $xdhost -MaxRecordCount 2000)

        #Export to either variable or XML
        Write-Verbose "Writing to $($XMLPath)"
        $xdout|Export-Clixml -Path ($XMLPath)
        return $xdout

end{Write-Verbose "END: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"}