
function Get-CyaConfig {
  List information about CyaConfigs

  Accepts a Name and shows the corresponding CyaConfig for that Name or throw an
  error. If no Name is supplied it will list all CyaConfigs.DESCRIPTION

  If the Status switch is supplied, the protection status of each item in the
  CyaConfig(s) will be returned.

  If the Unprotected switch is supplied, only the unprotected items in the
  CyaConfig(s) will be returned.

  [String] The name of the CyaConfig

  [SwitchParameter] If you want to return the status of each item in the config(s)

  .PARAMETER Unprotected
  [SwitchParameter] If you want to return information about all unprotected
  items in the config(s)

  [Object[]] The CyaConfig summary objects or the CyaConfig Item status objects

    Author: Nick Vissari

  Get-CyaConfig | ft

  Name Type CyaPassword ProtectOnExit Variables Files
  ---- ---- ----------- ------------- --------- -----
  sample1 EnvVar Default True {MYVAR1, MYVAR2}
  sample2 File Default False {C:\Users\nickadam\test.txt, C:\Users\nickadam\test2.txt}

  All CyaConfigs displayed in summary format.

  Get-CyaConfig -Name sample1 -Status

  Name : sample1
  Type : EnvVar
  CyaPassword : Default
  ProtectOnExit : True
  Item : MYVAR1
  Status : Protected

  Name : sample1
  Type : EnvVar
  CyaPassword : Default
  ProtectOnExit : True
  Item : MYVAR2
  Status : Protected

  The protection status of all items associated with CyaConfig sample1.

  Get-CyaConfig -Unprotected | ft

  Name Type CyaPassword ProtectOnExit Item Status
  ---- ---- ----------- ------------- ---- ------
  sample1 EnvVar Default True MYVAR1 Unprotected
  sample1 EnvVar Default True MYVAR2 Unprotected
  sample2 File Default False C:\Users\nickadam\test.txt Unprotected
  sample2 File Default False C:\Users\nickadam\test2.txt Unprotected

  All unprotected items in the current shell (for environment variables)
  and filesystem (for files).









  process {
    $CyaConfigPath = Get-CyaConfigPath
    if(-not (Test-Path $CyaConfigPath)){

    # error if not found
      $ConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $CyaConfigPath -ChildPath $Name
      if(-not (Test-Path $ConfigPath -PathType Leaf)){
        Throw "CyaConfig `"$Name`" not found"

    ForEach($Config in (Get-ChildItem $CyaConfigPath)){
      $ConfigName = $Config.Name
      if($Name -and ($ConfigName -ne $Name)){
      $Config = $Config | Get-Content | ConvertFrom-Json
      $ConfigSummary = $Config | Get-ConfigSummary
      if(-not ($Status -or $Unprotected)){
          "Name" = $ConfigName
          "Type" = $ConfigSummary.Type
          "CyaPassword" = $ConfigSummary.CyaPassword
          "ProtectOnExit" = $ConfigSummary.ProtectOnExit
          "Variables" = $ConfigSummary.Variables
          "Files" = $ConfigSummary.Files
          $Config.Variables | ForEach-Object {
            $Cipherbundle = $_
            $ProtectionStatus = $Cipherbundle | Get-ProtectionStatus
            if(-not $Unprotected -or ($ProtectionStatus.Status -eq "Unprotected")){
                "Name" = $ConfigName
                "Type" = $ConfigSummary.Type
                "CyaPassword" = $ConfigSummary.CyaPassword
                "ProtectOnExit" = $ConfigSummary.ProtectOnExit
                "Item" = $Cipherbundle.Name
                "Status" = $ProtectionStatus.Status
          $Config.Files | ForEach-Object {
            $Cipherbundle = $_
            $ProtectionStatus = $Cipherbundle | Get-ProtectionStatus
            if(-not $Unprotected -or ($ProtectionStatus.Status -eq "Unprotected")){
                "Name" = $ConfigName
                "Type" = $ConfigSummary.Type
                "CyaPassword" = $ConfigSummary.CyaPassword
                "ProtectOnExit" = $ConfigSummary.ProtectOnExit
                "Item" = $Cipherbundle.FilePath
                "Status" = $ProtectionStatus.Status

            # Warn if Protected but a different file exists not in any config
            if((Test-Path $Cipherbundle.FilePath) -and ($ProtectionStatus.Status -eq "Protected")){
              if(-not (Get-FileExistsInCyaConfig -Cipherbundle $Cipherbundle)){
                $MessageFilePath = $Cipherbundle.FilePath
                $Message = "CyaConfig `"$ConfigName`" file `"$MessageFilePath`" " +
                  "exists and differs from the protected file in the config. " +
                  "The file may have been overwritten or modified since it was unprotected.`n"
                Write-Warning $Message