
function Get-CyaPassword {
  List encrypted CyaPasswords (decryption keys) as FileInfo

  Accepts a Name and shows the corresponding FileInfo for that Name or throw an
  error. If no Name is supplied it will list all CyaPasswords.

  [String] The name of the CyaPassword

  [Object[]] The FileInfo objects

    Author: Nick Vissari


      Directory: C:\Users\nickadam\.cya\passwords

  Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
  ---- ------------- ------ ----
  -a--- 2/10/2022 10:17 AM 292 Default
  -a--- 2/10/2022 10:48 AM 292 Work

  Get-CyaPassword Default

      Directory: C:\Users\nickadam\.cya\passwords

  Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
  ---- ------------- ------ ----
  -a--- 2/10/2022 10:17 AM 292 Default

  "Work" | Get-CyaPassword

      Directory: C:\Users\nickadam\.cya\passwords

  Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
  ---- ------------- ------ ----
  -a--- 2/10/2022 10:48 AM 292 Work







  process {
    $CyaPasswordPath = Get-CyaPasswordPath
    if(-not (Test-Path $CyaPasswordPath)){
    if(-not $Name){
      Get-ChildItem $CyaPasswordPath
    $PasswordPath = Join-Path -Path $CyaPasswordPath -ChildPath $Name

    if(-not (Test-Path $PasswordPath -PathType Leaf)){
      Throw "CyaPassword `"$Name`" not found"

    Get-Item $PasswordPath