
function Protect-CyaConfig {
  Deletes unencrypted files and unsets environment variables.

  Each item in the CyaConfig is checked against the current system environment.
  If there is an environment variables set and the salted hash matches it is
  unset. If if finds a file at the same filepath and the salted hash matches,
  the file is deleted. When the salted hash differs a warning is displayed.

  [String] The name of the CyaConfig

  [Object] CyaConfig item status

    Author: Nick Vissari


  Name : test
  Type : File
  CyaPassword : Default
  ProtectOnExit : False
  Item : C:\Users\nickadam\test.txt
  Status : Protected

  With no parameters specified, all Items in all CyaConfigs are protected.

  Protect-CyaConfig test

  Name : test
  Type : File
  CyaPassword : Default
  ProtectOnExit : False
  Item : C:\Users\nickadam\test.txt
  Status : Protected

  A specific CyaConfig can be specified by name.

  Get-CyaConfig test | Protect-CyaConfig

  Name : test
  Type : File
  CyaPassword : Default
  ProtectOnExit : False
  Item : C:\Users\nickadam\test.txt
  Status : Protected

  CyaConfigs can be supplied through the pipeline.








    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
  begin {
    $Configs = @()
  process {
      $Configs += Get-CyaConfig -Name $Name
    # nothing provided, get all configs
    if(-not $Configs){
      $Configs = Get-CyaConfig

    # nothing to do
    if(-not $Configs){
      Write-Warning "No CyaConfigs specified or found."

    ForEach($Config in $Configs){
      $CyaConfigPath = Get-CyaConfigPath
      $ConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $CyaConfigPath -ChildPath $Config.Name
      $Config = Get-Item $ConfigPath | Get-Content | ConvertFrom-Json

      # if file exists and unprotected, remove
      if($Config.Type -eq "File"){
        ForEach($Cipherbundle in $Config.Files){
          $FilePath = $Cipherbundle.FilePath
          if(Test-Path $FilePath){
            $ProtectionStatus = $Cipherbundle | Get-ProtectionStatus
            if($ProtectionStatus.Status -eq "Unprotected"){
              Remove-Item $FilePath

      # unset variables
      if($Config.Type -eq "EnvVar"){
        ForEach($Cipherbundle in $Config.Variables){
          $Variable = $Cipherbundle.Name
          # if the hashes match, remove
          $ProtectionStatus = $Cipherbundle | Get-ProtectionStatus
          if($ProtectionStatus.Status -eq "Unprotected"){
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Variable, 'UnSetEnvironmentVariable')){

    # Show protection status
    ForEach($Config in $Configs){
      Get-CyaConfig -Name $Config.Name -Status