.SYNOPSIS Capture the Full Screen .DESCRIPTION Capture the Full Screen .PARAMETER Milliseconds Milliseconds between screenshot .PARAMETER ImageType Image type to capture .EXAMPLE Start-FullScreenCapture .EXAMPLE Start-FullScreenCapture -Milliseconds 500 -ImageType jpeg .NOTES This was borrowed from Boe Prox in his Take-ScreenShot PowerShell Function This function has used some of Boe Prox's Take-ScreenShot PowerShell function Name: Take-ScreenShot Author: Boe Prox DateCreated: 07/25/2010 Modified Author: Josh Rickard (MSAdministrator) Modified Date: 07/07/2018 #> function Start-FullScreenCapture { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Parameter Set 1', SupportsShouldProcess = $true, PositionalBinding = $false, HelpUri = '', ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] Param ( # Milliseconds between screenshot [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [int]$Milliseconds = '1000', [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $False)] [ValidateSet('jpeg', 'png')] [string]$ImageType = 'png' ) Write-Verbose -Message 'Starting Full Screen Capture' try { Write-Debug -Message 'Getting ScreenCapture Class' $ScreenCaptureObject = Import-ScreenCaptureClass -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $Error[0] } $varCount = 1 try { if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Full Screen", "Capturing")) { do { Write-Output "Press the 'x' key to stop capturing." Write-Verbose "Taking screenshot of the entire screen" Write-Verbose -Message 'Saving screenshots of the enter screen' $TempFileLocation = "$env:TEMP\CaptureIT\ScreenCapture$varCount.$ImageType" Write-Verbose -Message "Creating temporary screenshot: $TempFileLocation" New-Item -Path $TempFileLocation -Force | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Creating Full Screen file: $TempFileLocation" $ScreenCaptureObject.CaptureScreenToFile($TempFileLocation, ${ImageType}) Write-Debug -Message 'Incremeting varCount by 1' $varCount++ while ([console]::KeyAvailable -eq $false) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } $CKI = [console]::ReadKey($true) Write-Output "You pressed the $($CKI.Key) key." if ($CKI.Key -eq 'x') { Write-Progress -Activity 'Creating GIF' -Status 'Creating....' ConvertTo-Gif -FilePath $script:GifFilePath Write-Progress -Activity 'Creating GIF' -Status 'Complete!' return } } while ($CKI.Key -ne 'x') } } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $Error[0] exit -1 } Write-Verbose -Message 'Captured Full Screen successfully' Write-Output $true } |