
    Explains all the extended type data Carbon adds to native .NET objects.
    The extended type data that Carbon adds are outlined below.
    ## Microsoft.Web.Administration.Site
     * `[string] PhysicalPath { get; }`: the website's physical path (i.e. web root).
    ## Microsoft.Web.Administration.Application
     * `[string] PhysicalPath`: the application's phyiscal path (i.e. web root).
    ## System.Diagnostics.Process
     * `[int] ParentProcessID { get; }`: the ID of the parent process (i.e. the process
       that started this process). Uses WMI, so it can be a little slow.
    ## System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.Principal
     * `[string] ConnectedServer { get; }`: the server the principal came from. This
       information is normally available as `$principal.Context.ConnectedServer`. I'm
       lazy so added this member.
    ## System.IO.DirectoryInfo
     * `[bool] IsJunction { get; }`: returns `$true` if the directory is a junction,
       `$false` otherwise. Uses the `DirectoryInfo`'s `Attributes` properties to make
       this determination.
     * `[bool] IsSymbolicLink { get; }`: returns `$true` if the directory is a symbolic
       link, `$false` otherwise. Uses the Win32 API to make this determination. This
       function was added in Carbon 2.5.0.
     * `[string] TargetPath { get; }`: if the `DirectoryInfo` is a junction or symbolic
       link,returns the junction's/symbolic link's target path (i.e. the path it points
       to). Retrieving the target path for symbolic links was added in Carbon 2.5.0.
    ## System.IO.FileInfo
     * `[uint64] FileIndex { get; }`: the file's index. This is the file's unique
     * `[bool] IsSymbolicLink { get; }`: returns `$true` if the file is a symbolic link,
       `$false` otherwise. Uses the Win32 API to make this determination. This function
       was added in Carbon 2.5.0.
     * `[uint32] LinkCount { get; }`: the number of links to the file. Each unique file
       can be linked to at different paths on the file system.
     * `[uint32] VolumeSerialNumber { get; }`: the serial number of the volume the file
       is on.
     * `[string] TargetPath { get; }`: if the `FileInfo` is a symbolic link, returns the
       symbolic link's target path (i.e. the path it points to). This property was added
       in Carbon 2.5.0.
    ## System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
     * `[string] IssueTo { get; }`: gets the Issued To information from the certificate.
       This is the same information displayed in the Certificates MMC snap-in.
     * `[string] IssuedBy { get; }`: gets the Issued By information from the certificate.
       This is the same information displayed in the Certificates MMC snap-in.
    ## System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store
     * `[string] DisplayName { get; }`: gets the name of the store as displayed in the
       Certificates MMC snap-in.
     * `[Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName] StoreName { get; }`: gets the
       `Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName` enumeration value for a store.
       If it doesn't have one, returns an empty string.
    ## System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
     * `[string] Description { get; }`: gets the service's description.
     * `[Carbon.Service.ErrorControl] ErrorControl { get; }`: Specifies how Windows
       proceeds if the service fails to load or initialize properly. See
       [ErrorControl](https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Cc963244.aspx) for
       an explanation of these values.
     * `[string] FailureProgram { get; }`: the program to run if the service fails.
     * `[Carbon.Service.FailureAction] FailureAction { get; }`: specifies the action to
       take the first time the service fails.
     * `[string] LoadOrderGroup { get; }`: the group the service is in when the system
       starts services during startup.
     * `[string] Path { get; }`: the path, with arguments, of the service's executable.
     * `[uint32] RebootDelay { get; }`: the number of milliseconds to wait after the
       service fails to restart the computer.
     * `[uint32] RebootDelayMinutes { get; }`: the number of minutes (rounded down) to
       wait after the service fails to restart the computer. Calculated from the
     * `[string] RebootMessage { get; }`: the message to use when rebooting the system
       after the service fails.
     * `[uint32] ResetPeriod { get; }`: the number of seconds to wait after a failure
       before resetting the failure count back to zero.
     * `[uint32] ResetPeriodDays { get; }`: the number of days to wait after a failure
       before resetting the failure count back to zero. Calculated from the
       `ResetPeriodDays` property, and rounded down to the nearest day.
     * `[uint32] RestartDelay { get; }`: the number of milliseconds to wait after the
       service fails before attempting to restart it.
     * `[uint32] RestartDelayMinutes { get; }`: the number of minutes to wait after the
       service fails before attempting to restart it. Calculated from `RestartDelay` and
       round down.
     * `[uint32] RunCommandDelay { get; }`: the number of milliseconds to wait after a
       failure before running the failure command.
     * `[uint32] RunCommandDelayMinutes { get; }`: the number of minutes to wait after
       a failure before running the failure command.
     * `[Carbon.Service.FailureAction] SecondFailure { get; }`: the action to take
       when the service fails for the second time.
     * `[System.ServiceProcess.ServiceStartMode] StartMode { get; }`: the service's
       start mode.
     * `[string] TagID { get; }`: the service's tag ID.
     * `[Carbon.Service.FailureAction] ThirdFailure { get; }`: the action to take when
       the service fails the third time.
     * `[string] UserName { get; }`: the name of the user whose credentials the service
       runs under.