
    Uninstall Carbon Black sensor from a device.
    Official Carbon Black documentation:
    Sensor ID of device to uninstall sensor from. This is the safest method and ensures you target the correct device.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    Name of the device to uninstall sensor from. Use at your own risk, if there are multiple devices named similar to the value specified you may target a device you don't intend to.
    Highly recommend using in conjunction with -WhatIf first to ensure that the intended device is targeted.
    Uninstall-CbSensor -SensorID 12345678
    Uninstall-CbSensor -ComputerName "tim-pc"

function Uninstall-CbSensor {

    param (

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ComputerName', Mandatory=$true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SensorID', Mandatory=$true)]


    $jsonBody = "{
    ""action_type"": ""UNINSTALL_SENSOR""

    $psObjBody = $jsonBody | ConvertFrom-Json    

    if ($SensorID) {$psObjBody | Add-Member -Name "device_id" -Value @($SensorID) -MemberType NoteProperty}
    if ($ComputerName) {
        try {
            $device = Get-CbDevice -Search $ComputerName
        catch {
            throw "Unable to find device."
        $psObjBody | Add-Member -Name "device_id" -Value @($ -MemberType NoteProperty

    $jsonBody = $psObjBody | ConvertTo-Json

    $Parameters = @{
        UriPreOrgKey  = "/appservices/v6/orgs/"
        UriPostOrgKey = "/device_actions"
        Method     = "Post"
        Body       = $jsonBody

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($, "uninstall sensor")) {
        $result = Invoke-CbMethod @Parameters
