
This is an entirely optional psm1 which you can leverage to surface up
custom functions to <%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>.psd1
You could create a specialized wrapper function for Registering/Un-registering your vault.
You could create specialized configuration functions.
You could also register autocompleters here.
A few examples have been included below.

# <#
# Custom function for retrieving configuration details about your vault.
# #>
# function Get-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Configuration {
# [CmdletBinding()]
# param (

# )
# }#Get-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Configuration

    Custom function for setting configuration details about your vault.

# function Set-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Configuration {
# [CmdletBinding()]
# param (

# )
# }#Get-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Configuration

    Custom wrapper function for registering your vault.

# function Register-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Vault {
# [CmdletBinding()]
# param (

# )

# $params = @{

# }

# Register-SecretVault @Params
# }#Register-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Configuration

    Custom wrapper function for un-registering your vault.

# function Unregister-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Vault {
# [CmdletBinding()]
# param (

# )

# $params = @{

# }

# Unregister-SecretVault @params
# }#Unregister-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Configuration

    Entirely custom function for performing some type of connection related to your vault.

# function Connect-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%> {
# [CmdletBinding()]
# param (

# )
# }#Connect-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Configuration

    Entirely custom function for performing some type of disconnect related to your vault.

# function Disconnect-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%> {
# [CmdletBinding()]
# param (

# )
# }#Disconnect-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Configuration

Some example of registering argument completers

# $vaultArgCompleter = {
# param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)

# (Get-SecretVault -Name "*$wordToComplete*") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
# }
# $vaultSplat = @{
# CommandName = 'Register-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Vault'
# ParameterName = 'Name'
# ScriptBlock = $vaultArgCompleter
# }
# Register-ArgumentCompleter @vaultSplat

# $vaultURArgCompleter = {
# param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)

# (Get-SecretVault -Name "*$wordToComplete*") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
# }
# $vaultURArgSplat = @{
# CommandName = 'Unregister-<%=$PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName%>Vault'
# ParameterName = 'Name'
# ScriptBlock = $vaultURArgCompleter
# }
# Register-ArgumentCompleter @$vaultURArgSplat