
    IncludeDefaultRules = $true
    #Specify Severity when you want to limit generated diagnostic records to a specific subset: [ Error | Warning | Information ]
    Severity            = @('Error', 'Warning')
    #Specify CustomRulePath when you have a large set of custom rules you'd like to reference
    #CustomRulePath = "Module\InjectionHunter\1.0.0\InjectionHunter.psd1"
    #Specify IncludeRules when you only want to run specific subset of rules instead of the default rule set.
    #IncludeRules = @('PSShouldProcess',
    # 'PSUseApprovedVerbs')
    #Specify ExcludeRules when you want to exclude a certain rule from the the default set of rules.
    ExcludeRules        = @(
    #Here you can specify customizations for particular rules. Several examples are included below:
    #Rules = @{
    # PSUseCompatibleCmdlets = @{
    # compatibility = @('core-6.1.0-windows', 'desktop-4.0-windows')
    # }
    # PSUseCompatibleSyntax = @{
    # Enable = $true
    # TargetVersions = @(
    # '3.0',
    # '5.1',
    # '6.2'
    # )
    # }
    # PSUseCompatibleCommands = @{
    # Enable = $true
    # TargetProfiles = @(
    # 'win-8_x64_10.0.14393.0_6.1.3_x64_4.0.30319.42000_core', # PS 6.1 on WinServer-2019
    # 'win-8_x64_10.0.17763.0_5.1.17763.316_x64_4.0.30319.42000_framework', # PS 5.1 on WinServer-2019
    # 'win-8_x64_6.2.9200.0_3.0_x64_4.0.30319.42000_framework' # PS 3 on WinServer-2012
    # )
    # }
    # PSUseCompatibleTypes = @{
    # Enable = $true
    # TargetProfiles = @(
    # 'ubuntu_x64_18.04_6.1.3_x64_4.0.30319.42000_core',
    # 'win-48_x64_10.0.17763.0_5.1.17763.316_x64_4.0.30319.42000_framework'
    # )
    # # You can specify types to not check like this, which will also ignore methods and members on it:
    # IgnoreTypes = @(
    # 'System.IO.Compression.ZipFile'
    # )
    # }