
    This script is used in AWS CodeBuild to configure the default AWS Credentials for use by the AWS CLI and the AWS Powershell module.
    By default, the AWS PowerShell Module does not know about looking up an AWS Container's credentials path, so this works around that issue.
    This script enables AWSPowerShell cmdlets in your CodeBuild to interact with and access other AWS resources in your account.

'Configuring AWS credentials'

' - Retrieving temporary credentials from metadata'
$sts = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $uri

' - Setting default AWS Credential'
$credentialsFile = "$env:HOME\.aws\credentials"
$null = New-Item -Path $credentialsFile -Force

'[default]' | Out-File -FilePath $credentialsFile -Append
'aws_access_key_id={0}' -f $sts.AccessKeyId | Out-File -FilePath $credentialsFile -Append
'aws_secret_access_key={0}' -f $sts.SecretAccessKey | Out-File -FilePath $credentialsFile -Append
'aws_session_token={0}' -f $sts.Token | Out-File -FilePath $credentialsFile -Append

' - Setting default AWS Region'
'region={0}' -f $env:AWS_DEFAULT_REGION | Out-File -FilePath $credentialsFile -Append

' - AWS credentials configured'