
function Invoke-CENotification {
        Invoke-CENotification gives you a summary of the expiring certificates as mailreport, as file export and/or passthru to the console.
        You can also spcifie if a mail to the certificate contact or requester will be sent
        Invoke-CENotification gives you a summary of the expiring certificates as mailreport, as file export and/or passthru to the console.
        You can also spcifie if a mail to the certificate contact or requester will be sent
    .PARAMETER ExpireDays
        Defines the scope of the search in days in which the next certificates expire
        Specifies the e-mail address of the PKI-Administrator to sent the summary of the report
    .PARAMETER ExportPath
        Specifies the path to Export the expiring certificate(s) and report files
    .PARAMETER NoContactMail
        Defines if a seperate mail to the certificate contact or requester will be sent
    .PARAMETER PassThru
        Defines if an output should be done on the console
    .PARAMETER SenderAddress
        Specifies the e-mail address with which the e-mail(s) will be sent
    .PARAMETER FilterTemplateName
        A list of certificate templates to be filtered for
        A boolean switch to use Just Enough Administration (JEA)
    .PARAMETER Credential
        A PSCredential object to use Credential instead of integrated Account with JEA
        PS C:\Invoke-CENotification -ExpireDays <ExpireDays> -PKIAdmins <> -ExportPath <LocalPath> -NoContactMail -SenderAddress <> -FilterTemplateName <CertificateTemplate>,<CertificateTemplate>
        Sends a mail report about the expiring certificates to the pki-admins with the given sender address and exports the report as csv and xml and the certificates themselves to the export path
        PS C:\Invoke-CENotification -ExpireDays <ExpireDays> -NoContactMail -FilterTemplateName <CertificateTemplate>,<CertificateTemplate> -Credential $cred -UseJea:$false -PassThru
        Returns the expiring certificates as powershell output (PassThru) under specification of the pki admin account. JEA is not used.

    param (
        $ExpireDays = 90,


        [PSFValidateScript("PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder", ErrorString="PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.Folder")]








        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include FilterTemplateName, UseJea, Credential
        $allCertificates = Get-CEIssuedCertificate -ComputerName (Get-CertificateAuthority) @parameters | Resolve-CertificateContact

        $expiringCertificates = $allCertificates | Get-ExpiringCertificate -ExpireDays $ExpireDays

        if ($PKIAdmins) { Send-ExpirationMail -Certificates $expiringCertificates -Recipient $PKIAdmins -SenderAddress $SenderAddress -ExpireDays $ExpireDays -CertificateTemplates $FilterTemplateName }
        if (-not $NoContactMail) {
            $expiringCertificates | Where-Object Contact | Group-Object Contact | ForEach-Object {
                Send-ExpirationMail -Certificates $_.Group -Contact -SenderAddress $SenderAddress -ExpireDays $ExpireDays -CertificateTemplates $FilterTemplateName

        if ($ExportPath) { $expiringCertificates | Export-CertificateReport -Path $ExportPath }
        if ($PassThru) { $expiringCertificates }