
function Send-ExpirationMail {
        Sends a mail of the certificate(s) expiring in the specified period
        Sends a mail of the certificate(s) expiring in the specified period
        to the specified contact from the certficate or as report to an admin with a given sender address,
        filtered by specified templates
    .PARAMETER Certificates
        A list with one or more certificate objects
    .PARAMETER Recipient
        Specifies the e-mail recipient address
    .PARAMETER SenderAddress
        Specifies the e-mail address with which the e-mail(s) will be sent
    .PARAMETER Contact
        A switch to decide if an e-mail should be sent to the contact from the given certificate.
    .PARAMETER ExpireDays
        Defines the scope of the search in days in which the next certificates expire
    .PARAMETER CertificateTemplates
        A list of certificate templates to be filtered for
        PS C:\Send-ExpirationMail -Certificates <Certficate> -Contact -SenderAddress <SenderAddress> -ExpireDays <ExpireDays> -CertificateTemplates <TemplateFilter>
        sends a mail of the certificate(s) <Certificate> expiring in the specified period <ExpireDays>
        to the specified contact from the certficate with the sender address <SenderAddress>,
        filtered by specified templates <TemplateFilter>

    param (






    #region mailbody
    $mailbody = @"
        <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
                font-size: 14px;
                font-family:`"Cambria Math`";
                panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;
                panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;
                panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;
                border: 1px solid black;
                border: 1px solid black;
                background: #dddddd;
                padding: 5px;
                border: 1px solid black;
                padding: 5px;
                font-weight: bold;
                color: blue;
                font-weight: bold;
                color: red;
                font-weight: bold;
                color: orange;
    Hallo Zusammen,<br /><br />
    Nachfolgend eine Liste über Zertifikate die in den nächsten $ExpireDays Tagen auslaufen<br />
    Auf folgenden Templates gefiltert: <br />
$($CertificateTemplates | Format-String " <li>{0}</li>" | Join-String "`n")
    Details: <br />
            <th>Request ID</th>
            <th>Serial Number</th>
            <th>Requester Name</th>
            <th>Requested CN</th>
            <th>Certificate Template</th>
            <th>Expiration date</th>
    <p>Mit freundlichen Gr&uuml;&szlig;en<br /><br /> Ihr PKI-Team</p>

    $tableHTML = $Certificates |
    Select-PSFObject IssuedRequestID, "Certificate.SerialNumber As SN", RequesterName, "Certificate.Subject As Subject", TemplateDisplayName, "CertificateExpirationDate" |
    ConvertTo-Html -Fragment |
    Split-String "`n" |
    Select-Object -Skip 3 |
    Format-String " {0}"

    $mailbody = $mailbody | Set-String -OldValue %CertificateList% -NewValue ($tableHTML -join "`n") -DoNotUseRegex
    #endregion mailbody

    if ($Contact) { $Recipient = @($Certificates)[0].Contact }

    Set-MDMail -To $Recipient -Subject "Certificate Expiration Warning" -Body $mailbody -BodyAsHtml
    if ($SenderAddress) { Set-MDMail -From $SenderAddress }
    Send-MDMail -TaskName CertficateExpirationReport
