
.GUID 163f0d06-5bef-4d9a-bf8b-0c353b92ffc0
.AUTHOR Faris Malaeb
.COMPANYNAME powershellcenter.com
.TAGS SSL, Certificate, Scan
.PROJECTURI https://www.powershellcenter.com/2021/12/23/sslexpirationcheck/

 Scan website/IP for certificate details, including Expiration date, issuer date, URL, CN, the script also can run the scan using an old protocol such as SSLv3 for old webservers.
 Update 29-Feb-2023
 SiteToScan parameter added to scan on the fly without having to load from file
 If the site running certificate on a different port the script scan that port, but you need to set the port number using color
 Default protocol is set by default to TLS12
 Minor enhancement in the processing
 .\CertificateScanner.ps1 -SiteToScan www.powershellcenter.com
 .\CertificateScanner.ps1 -SiteToScan www.powershellcenter.com -SaveAsTo C:\MyFile

Function ScanSiteInformaiton{
    if ($URLScanSiteInfo -match '([a-z]+|[A-Z]+):\/\/'){
    if ($URLScanSiteInfo -match '\/$'){
    if ($URLScanSiteInfo -match '(.*?):(.*)'){
    $PortToScan= $Matches[2]
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }
        $socket = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient($URLScanSiteInfo, $PortToScan)
        write-host 'Unable to connect, maybe site is down?!'
                $stream = $socket.GetStream()
                $sslStream = New-Object System.Net.Security.SslStream($stream, $false, ({ $True } -as [Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback]))
                $sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient($URLScanSiteInfo, $null, [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]$ProtocolVersion, $false)         
                        if ([datetime]$sslStream.RemoteCertificate.GetExpirationDateString() -le (Get-Date).Date){

        Write-Host $URL -NoNewline -ForegroundColor red " -- ERROR --> " $_.exception.Message
        Write-Host "`nMaybe Unsupported protocol.."
        $results.EndDate="Maybe Unsupported protocol. Try using -ProtocolVersion Tls12"

    Return $results

Function SendMailToTheInternet{
    To =$EmailSendTo
    Subject =$EmailSubject
    Body =($Fullresult | Out-String)
    SmtpServer =$EmailSMTPServer 
    Credential =(Get-Credential)
    Port= $EmailSMTPServerPort
    UseSsl = $EmailSMTPServerSSL
     Write-Host "Sending Email ...[][][]"
     Send-MailMessage @sendmail
     Write-Host "Email Sent ...>>>>"
     Throw $_.exception.message 


## Start for File Load and Scan
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ReadFromFile") {
    if (!(Test-Path $LoadFromFile)){Throw "Incorrect Source Path."}
    $CertificateList=Get-Content -Path $LoadFromFile
    Foreach($url in $CertificateList){
    $siteresults=ScanSiteInformaiton -URLScanSiteInfo $url
    if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -like "SaveAsTo"){
            $Fullresult | Export-Csv -Path $SaveAsTo -NoTypeInformation
            Throw $_.exception.message
        if (($PSBoundParameters.Keys -like "*email*")){
    return $Fullresult 

if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Online") {

   $Fullresult=ScanSiteInformaiton -URLScanSiteInfo $SiteToScan 
   if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -like "SaveAsTo"){
        $Fullresult | Export-Csv -Path $SaveAsTo -NoTypeInformation
        Throw $_.exception.message
    if (($PSBoundParameters.Keys -like "*email*")){
   return $Fullresult 