
data LocalizedData
    # culture="en-US"
    ConvertFrom-StringData @'
SetTargetResourceInstallwhatIfMessage=Trying to create website "{0}".
SetTargetResourceUnInstallwhatIfMessage=Trying to remove website "{0}".
WebsiteNotFoundError=The requested website "{0}" is not found on the target machine.
WebsiteDiscoveryFailureError=Failure to get the requested website "{0}" information from the target machine.
WebsiteCreationFailureError=Failure to successfully create the website "{0}".
WebsiteRemovalFailureError=Failure to successfully remove the website "{0}".
WebsiteUpdateFailureError=Failure to successfully update the properties for website "{0}".
WebsiteBindingUpdateFailureError=Failure to successfully update the bindings for website "{0}".
WebsiteBindingInputInvalidationError=Desired website bindings not valid for website "{0}".
WebsiteCompareFailureError=Failure to successfully compare properties for website "{0}".
WebBindingCertifcateError=Failure to add certificate to web binding.
WebsiteStateFailureError=Failure to successfully set the state of the website {0}.


# The Get-TargetResource cmdlet is used to fetch the status of role or Website on the target machine.
# It gives the Website info of the requested role/feature on the target machine.
function Get-TargetResource 

        # The LCM requires Get-TargetResource to take all Key AND Required properties as parameters, even though
        # the Required properties such as PhysicalPath are really part of Get-TargetResource's output, not its
        # input. This is probably an LCM bug.
        # We're not actually doing anything with whatever value was passed in to $PhysicalPath here.

        $getTargetResourceResult = $null;

        # Check if WebAdministration module is present for IIS cmdlets
        if(!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name WebAdministration))
            Throw "Please ensure that WebAdministration module is installed."

        $Website = Get-Website | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $name}

        if ($Website.count -eq 0) # No Website exists with this name.
            $ensureResult = "Absent";
        elseif ($Website.count -eq 1) # A single Website exists with this name.
            $ensureResult = "Present"
        else # Multiple websites with the same name exist. This is not supported and is an error
            $errorId = "WebsiteDiscoveryFailure"; 
            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
            $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.WebsiteUpdateFailureError) -f ${Name} 
            $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage 
            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null


        # Add all Website properties to the hash table
        $getTargetResourceResult = @{
                                        Name = $Website.Name; 
                                        Ensure = $ensureResult;
                                        PhysicalPath = $Website.physicalPath;
                                        State = $Website.state;
                                        ID = $Website.id;
                                        ApplicationPool = $Website.applicationPool;
                                        webConfigProp = $CimWebConfigProp;
        return $getTargetResourceResult;

# The Set-TargetResource cmdlet is used to create, delete or configure a website on the target machine.
function Set-TargetResource 
        [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")]
        [string]$Ensure = "Present",



        [ValidateSet("Started", "Stopped")]
        [string]$State = "Started",



    $getTargetResourceResult = $null;

    if($Ensure -eq "Present")
        #Remove Ensure from parameters as it is not needed to create new website
        $Result = $psboundparameters.Remove("Ensure");
        #Remove State parameter form website. Will start the website after configuration is complete
        $Result = $psboundparameters.Remove("State");

        #Remove web configuration properties from parameters if they exist
        #web configuration properties will be added to site using separate cmdlet
        $Result = $psboundparameters.Remove("webConfigProp");

        # Check if WebAdministration module is present for IIS cmdlets
        if(!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name WebAdministration))
            Throw "Please ensure that WebAdministration module is installed."
        $website = Get-Website | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $name}

        if($website -ne $null)
            #update parameters as required
            $UpdateNotRequired = $true

            #Update Physical Path if required
            if(ValidateWebsitePath -Name $Name -PhysicalPath $PhysicalPath)
                $UpdateNotRequired = $false
                Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\Sites\$Name" -Name physicalPath -Value $PhysicalPath -ErrorAction Stop

                Write-Verbose("Physical path for website $Name has been updated to $PhysicalPath");

            #Update Web Configuration Properties if needed
            if ($webConfigProp -ne $null)
                foreach ($prop in $webConfigProp)
                    #if location has a value we need to combine it with pspath to do get-webconfigurationproperty
                        $PSPath = $prop.CimInstanceProperties["PSPath"].Value + "/" + $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Location"].Value
                        $PSPath = $prop.CimInstanceProperties["PSPath"].Value
                        $propObject = Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Filter"].Value -PSPath $PSPath -Name $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value | Select Value
                    Catch [System.IO.FileNotFoundException]
                        Write-Warning("Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)")
                    if($propObject -ne $null)
                        #get-webconfigurationproperty returns values differently depending on the property so we have to check if .Value is null or not and proceed accordingly
                            if($propObject[0].Value.toString() -ne $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Value"].Value.toString())#produces inconsistent results without toString
                                $UpdateNotRequired = $false
                                #use the location parameter if it is specified
                                    Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Filter"].Value -pspath $prop.CimInstanceProperties["PSPath"].Value -location $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Location"].Value -name $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value -value $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Value"].Value
                                    Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Filter"].Value -pspath $prop.CimInstanceProperties["PSPath"].Value -name $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value -value $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Value"].Value
                                $propName = $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value
                                Write-Verbose("$propName for website $Name have been updated.")
                            if($propObject[0].toString() -ne $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Value"].Value.toString())#produces inconsistent results without toString
                                $UpdateNotRequired = $false
                                #use the location parameter if it is specified
                                    Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Filter"].Value -pspath $prop.CimInstanceProperties["PSPath"].Value -location $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Location"].Value -name $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value -value $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Value"].Value
                                    Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Filter"].Value -pspath $prop.CimInstanceProperties["PSPath"].Value -name $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value -value $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Value"].Value
                                $propName = $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value
                                Write-Verbose("$propName for website $Name have been updated.")
                        Write-Warning("Could not find $PSPath " + $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Filter"].Value + " " + $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value)

            #Update Application Pool if required
            if(($website.applicationPool -ne $ApplicationPool) -and ($ApplicationPool -ne ""))
                $UpdateNotRequired = $false
                Set-ItemProperty IIS:\Sites\$Name -Name applicationPool -Value $ApplicationPool -ErrorAction Stop

                Write-Verbose("Application Pool for website $Name has been updated to $ApplicationPool")

            #Update State if required
            if($website.state -ne $State -and $State -ne "")
                    $UpdateNotRequired = $false
                    if($State -eq "Started")
                            Start-Website -Name $Name
                        Stop-Website -Name $Name

                    Write-Verbose("State for website $Name has been updated to $State");

                    $errorId = "WebsiteStateFailure"; 
                    $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation;
                    $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.WebsiteStateFailureError) -f ${Name} ;
                    $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage ;
                    $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null


                Write-Verbose("Website $Name already exists and properties do not need to be updated.");

        else #Website doesn't exist so create new one
                if (-not (Get-Website))
                    # We do not have any sites this will cause a break in 2008R2
                    New-Website @psboundparameters -ID 0 -Passthru
                    New-Website @psboundparameters
                $website = $null
                while (-not $website)
                    Start-Sleep -seconds 2
                    $website = Get-Website -Name $Name

                if ($Website.State -and $Website.State -like 'Started')
                    Stop-Website -Name $Website.name -ErrorAction Stop
                #Clear default bindings
                $Website | Get-WebBinding | Remove-WebBinding

                #Update Web Configuration Properties if needed
                if ($webConfigProp -ne $null)

                    foreach ($prop in $webConfigProp)

                        #use the location parameter if it is specified
                            Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Filter"].Value -pspath $prop.CimInstanceProperties["PSPath"].Value -location $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Location"].Value -name $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value -value $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Value"].Value
                            Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Filter"].Value -pspath $prop.CimInstanceProperties["PSPath"].Value -name $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value -value $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Value"].Value
                Write-Verbose("successfully created website $Name")
                #Start site if required
                if($State -eq "Started" -and (Get-Website $Website.Name | Get-WebBinding))
                    #Wait 1 sec for bindings to take effect
                    #I have found that starting the website results in an error if it happens to quickly
                    Start-Sleep -s 2
                    Start-Website -Name $Name -ErrorAction Stop

                Write-Verbose("successfully started website $Name")
                $errorId = "WebsiteCreationFailure"; 
                $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation;
                $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.FeatureCreationFailureError) -f ${Name} ;
                $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage ;
                $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null

    else #Ensure is set to "Absent" so remove website
            $website = Get-Website | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $name}
            if($website -ne $null)
                Remove-website -name $Name
                Write-Verbose("Successfully removed Website $Name.")
                Write-Verbose("Website $Name does not exist.")
            $errorId = "WebsiteRemovalFailure"; 
            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation;
            $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.WebsiteRemovalFailureError) -f ${Name} ;
            $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage ;
            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null


# The Test-TargetResource cmdlet is used to validate if the role or feature is in a state as expected in the instance document.
function Test-TargetResource 
        [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")]
        [string]$Ensure = "Present",



        [ValidateSet("Started", "Stopped")]
        [string]$State = "Started",



    $DesiredConfigurationMatch = $true;

    # Check if WebAdministration module is present for IIS cmdlets
    if(!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name WebAdministration))
        Throw "Please ensure that WebAdministration module is installed."

    $website = Get-Website | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $name}
    $Stop = $true

        #Check Ensure
        if(($Ensure -eq "Present" -and $website -eq $null) -or ($Ensure -eq "Absent" -and $website -ne $null))
            $DesiredConfigurationMatch = $false
            Write-Verbose("The Ensure state for website $Name does not match the desired state.");

        # Only check properties if $website exists
        if ($website -ne $null)
            #Check Physical Path property
            if(ValidateWebsitePath -Name $Name -PhysicalPath $PhysicalPath)
                $DesiredConfigurationMatch = $false
                Write-Verbose("Physical Path of Website $Name does not match the desired state.");

            #Check State
            if($website.state -ne $State -and $State -ne $null)
                $DesiredConfigurationMatch = $false
                Write-Verbose("The state of Website $Name does not match the desired state.");

            #Check Application Pool property
            if(($ApplicationPool -ne "") -and ($website.applicationPool -ne $ApplicationPool))
                $DesiredConfigurationMatch = $false
                Write-Verbose("Application Pool for Website $Name does not match the desired state.");

            #Check Web Configuration Properties
            foreach ($prop in $webConfigProp)
                #if location has a value we need to combine it with pspath to do get-webconfigurationproperty
                    $PSPath = $prop.CimInstanceProperties["PSPath"].Value + "/" + $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Location"].Value
                    $PSPath = $prop.CimInstanceProperties["PSPath"].Value
                    $propObject = Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Filter"].Value -PSPath $PSPath -Name $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value
                Catch [System.IO.FileNotFoundException]
                    Write-Warning("Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)")
                if($propObject -ne $null)
                    #get-webconfigurationproperty returns values differently depending on the property so we have to check if .Value is null or not and proceed accordingly
                    if ($propObject[0].Value)
                        if($propObject[0].Value.toString() -ne $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Value"].Value.toString())#produces inconsistent results without toString
                            $DesiredConfigurationMatch = $false
                            $propName = $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value
                            Write-Verbose("$propName for Website $Name does not match the desired state.");
                        if($propObject -ne $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Value"].Value.toString())#produces inconsistent results without toString
                            $DesiredConfigurationMatch = $false
                            $propName = $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value
                            Write-Verbose("$propName for Website $Name does not match the desired state.");
                    Write-Warning("Could not find $PSPath " + $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Filter"].Value + " " + $prop.CimInstanceProperties["Name"].Value)
                #Check Binding properties
                if($BindingInfo -ne $null)
                    if(ValidateWebsiteBindings -Name $Name -BindingInfo $BindingInfo)
                        $DesiredConfigurationMatch = $false
                        Write-Verbose("Bindings for website $Name do not match the desired state.");

            $Stop = $false

#region HelperFunctions
# ValidateWebsite is a helper function used to validate the results
function ValidateWebsite 
        [object] $Website,

        [string] $Name

    # If a wildCard pattern is not supported by the website provider.
    # Hence we restrict user to request only one website information in a single request.
    if($Website.Count-gt 1)
        $errorId = "WebsiteDiscoveryFailure"; 
        $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
        $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.WebsiteDiscoveryFailureError) -f ${Name} 
        $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage 
        $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null


# Helper function used to validate website path
function ValidateWebsitePath
        [string] $Name,

        [string] $PhysicalPath

    $PathNeedsUpdating = $false

    if((Get-ItemProperty "IIS:\Sites\$Name" -Name physicalPath) -ne $PhysicalPath)
        $PathNeedsUpdating = $true



# Helper function used to validate website bindings
# Returns true if bindings are valid (ie. port, IPAddress & Hostname combinations are unique).

function ValidateWebsiteBindings


    $Valid = $true

    foreach($binding in $BindingInfo)
        # First ensure that desired binding information is valid ie. No duplicate IPAddres, Port, Host name combinations.
        if (!(EnsurePortIPHostUnique -Port $binding.Port -IPAddress $binding.IPAddress -HostName $Binding.Hostname -BindingInfo $BindingInfo) )
            $errorId = "WebsiteBindingInputInvalidation"; 
            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
            $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.WebsiteBindingInputInvalidationError) -f ${Name} 
            $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage 
            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null

    return compareWebsiteBindings -Name $Name -BindingInfo $BindingInfo

function EnsurePortIPHostUnique




    $UniqueInstances = 0

    foreach ($Binding in $BindingInfo)
        if($binding.Port -eq $Port -and [string]$Binding.IPAddress -eq $IPAddress -and [string]$Binding.HostName -eq $HostName)
            $UniqueInstances += 1

    if($UniqueInstances -gt 1)
        return $false
        return $true

# Helper function used to compare website bindings of actual to desired
# Returns true if bindings need to be updated and false if not.
function compareWebsiteBindings

    #Assume bindingsNeedUpdating
    $BindingNeedsUpdating = $false

    #check to see if actual settings have been passed in. If not get them from website
    if($ActualBindings -eq $null)
        $ActualBindings = Get-Website | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Name} | Get-WebBinding

        #Format Binding information: Split BindingInfo into individual Properties (IPAddress:Port:HostName)
        $ActualBindingObjects = @()
        foreach ($ActualBinding in $ActualBindings)
            $ActualBindingObjects += get-WebBindingObject -BindingInfo $ActualBinding
    #Compare Actual Binding info ($FormatActualBindingInfo) to Desired($BindingInfo)
        if($BindingInfo.Count -le $ActualBindingObjects.Count)
            foreach($Binding in $BindingInfo)
                $ActualBinding = $ActualBindingObjects | ?{$_.Port -eq $Binding.CimInstanceProperties["Port"].Value}
                if ($ActualBinding -ne $null)
                    if([string]$ActualBinding.Protocol -ne [string]$Binding.CimInstanceProperties["Protocol"].Value)
                        $BindingNeedsUpdating = $true

                    if([string]$ActualBinding.IPAddress -ne [string]$Binding.CimInstanceProperties["IPAddress"].Value)
                        # Special case where blank IPAddress is saved as "*" in the binding information.
                        if([string]$ActualBinding.IPAddress -eq "*" -AND [string]$Binding.CimInstanceProperties["IPAddress"].Value -eq "") 
                            #Do nothing
                            $BindingNeedsUpdating = $true

                    if([string]$ActualBinding.HostName -ne [string]$Binding.CimInstanceProperties["HostName"].Value)
                        $BindingNeedsUpdating = $true

                    if([string]$ActualBinding.CertificateThumbprint -ne [string]$Binding.CimInstanceProperties["CertificateThumbprint"].Value)
                        $BindingNeedsUpdating = $true

                    if([string]$ActualBinding.CertificateStoreName -ne [string]$Binding.CimInstanceProperties["CertificateStoreName"].Value)
                        $BindingNeedsUpdating = $true
                        $BindingNeedsUpdating = $true
            $BindingNeedsUpdating = $true


        $errorId = "WebsiteCompareFailure"; 
        $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
        $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.WebsiteCompareFailureError) -f ${Name} 
        $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage 
        $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null


function UpdateBindings

    #Need to clear the bindings before we can create new ones
    Clear-ItemProperty IIS:\Sites\$Name -Name bindings -ErrorAction Stop

    foreach($binding in $BindingInfo)
        $Protocol = $Binding.CimInstanceProperties["Protocol"].Value
        $IPAddress = $Binding.CimInstanceProperties["IPAddress"].Value
        $Port = $Binding.CimInstanceProperties["Port"].Value
        $HostHeader = $Binding.CimInstanceProperties["HostName"].Value
        $CertificateThumbprint = $Binding.CimInstanceProperties["CertificateThumbprint"].Value
        $CertificateStoreName = $Binding.CimInstanceProperties["CertificateStoreName"].Value
        $bindingParams = @{}
        $bindingParams.Add('-Name', $Name)
        $bindingParams.Add('-Port', $Port)
        #Set IP Address parameter
        if($IPAddress -ne $null)
                $bindingParams.Add('-IPAddress', $IPAddress)
        else # Default to any/all IP Addresses
                $bindingParams.Add('-IPAddress', '*')

        #Set protocol parameter
        if($Protocol-ne $null)
                $bindingParams.Add('-Protocol', $Protocol)
        else #Default to Http
                $bindingParams.Add('-Protocol', 'http')

        #Set Host parameter if it exists
        if($HostHeader-ne $null){$bindingParams.Add('-HostHeader', $HostHeader)}

            New-WebBinding @bindingParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $errorId = "WebsiteBindingUpdateFailure"; 
            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
            $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.WebsiteUpdateFailureError) -f ${Name} 
            $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage 
            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null


            if($CertificateThumbprint -ne $null)
                $NewWebbinding = get-WebBinding -name $Name -Port $Port
                $newwebbinding.AddSslCertificate($CertificateThumbprint, $CertificateStoreName)
            $errorId = "WebBindingCertifcateError"; 
            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation;
            $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.WebBindingCertifcateError) -f ${Name} ;
            $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage ;
            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null


function get-WebBindingObject

    #First split properties by ']:'. This will get IPv6 address split from port and host name
    $Split = $BindingInfo.BindingInformation.split("[]")
    if($Split.count -gt 1)
        $IPAddress = $Split.item(1)
        $Port = $split.item(2).split(":").item(1)
        $HostName = $split.item(2).split(":").item(2)
        $SplitProps = $BindingInfo.BindingInformation.split(":")
        $IPAddress = $SplitProps.item(0)
        $Port = $SplitProps.item(1)
        $HostName = $SplitProps.item(2)
    $WebBindingObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Protocol = $BindingInfo.protocol;IPAddress = $IPAddress;Port = $Port;HostName = $HostName;CertificateThumbprint = $BindingInfo.CertificateHash;CertificateStoreName = $BindingInfo.CertificateStoreName}

    return $WebBindingObject
