
function Get-ConferenceSession {

        Finds session information using the presenter name or a topic keyword.
        Finds session information using the presenter name or a topic keyword.
        .PARAMETER Presenter
        This is an exact string match of the presenter name for the session.
        Part of the 'Presenter' parameter set.
        .PARAMETER Topic
        This will display sessions matching the topic keyword.
        Part of the 'Topic' parameter set.
        PSCustomObject of the matching session information.
        Get-ConferenceSession -Presenter "Jeff Brown"
        This example will return any matching sessions where 'Jeff Brown' is the presenter.
        Get-ConferenceSession -Topic "azure"
        This example will return any matching sessions where 'azure' is in the session title.

    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Presenter")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Topic")]

    $sessionsArray = @(
            "Time" = "8:00 AM"
            "Presenter" = @("Jeffrey Snover")
            "Title" = "Keynote"
            "Time" = "9:15 AM"
            "Presenter" = @("Frank Lesniak", "David Wiggs")
            "Title" = "Rapid Function Development"
            "Time" = "10:10 AM"
            "Presenter" = @("Jeff Hicks")
            "Title" = "Building a Better Module Structure"
            "Time" = "11:05 AM"
            "Presenter" = @("James Petty")
            "Title" = "Securing PSRemoting"
            "Time" = "12:00 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("Lee Berg")
            "Title" = "Purpose build PowerShell script orchestration with Universal Automation"
            "Time" = "12:55 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("Kyle Ruddy")
            "Title" = "Manage vSphere with PowerCLI DSC Resources, Finally!"
            "Time" = "1:50 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("Adam Bertram")
            "Title" = "Azure DevOps Pipelines for the Infrastructure Automator"
            "Time" = "2:45 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("David Wiggs")
            "Title" = "Azure Administration Using Azure Functions and Logic Apps"
            "Time" = "3:40 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("Joseph Houghes")
            "Title" = "GitHub Actions to Automate Terraform for Azure"
            "Time" = "4:35 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("Jeff Brown")
            "Title" = "Publishing Your First Package to the PowerShell Gallery"

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Presenter')) {
        foreach ($session in $sessionsArray) {
            if ($session.Presenter -contains $Presenter) {

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Topic')) {
        foreach ($session in $sessionsArray) {
            if ($session.Title -like "*$Topic*") {

function Get-Sponsors {
        Displays the sponsors of the Chicago PowerShell conference.
        Displays the sponsors of the Chicago PowerShell conference.
        This example will display the sponsors and their websites.


    $sponsorsArray = @(
            Name = "System Frontier"
            Website = ""
            Name = "West Monroe"
            Website = ""
            Name = "Ironman Software"
            Website = ""
            Name = "Script Runner"
            Website = ""
            Name = "PluralSight"
            Website = ""


function Set-MySchedule {
        Displays conference schedule and allows selecting sessions to build a schedule.
        Displays conference schedule and allows selecting sessions to build a schedule.
        System.Collections.ArrayList of selected conference sessions.
        SessionId Time Presenter Title
        --------- ---- --------- -----
        1 8:00 AM {Jeffery Snover} Keynote
        2 9:15 AM {Frank Lesniak, David Wiggs} Rapid Function Development
        3 10:10 AM {Jeff Hicks} Building a Better Module Structure
        Enter the SessionId to add to your schedule, or press Q to quit:
        This example will display the schedule and allow you to enter the SessionId to add to your schedule.
        The resulting $mySchedule array is not sorted by time if the sessions were added out of order.

    param ()

    $sessionsArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@(
            "SessionId" = 1
            "Time" = "8:00 AM"
            "Presenter" = @("Jeffery Snover")
            "Title" = "Keynote"
            "SessionId" = 2
            "Time" = "9:15 AM"
            "Presenter" = @("Frank Lesniak", "David Wiggs")
            "Title" = "Rapid Function Development"
            "SessionId" = 3
            "Time" = "10:10 AM"
            "Presenter" = @("Jeff Hicks")
            "Title" = "Building a Better Module Structure"
            "SessionId" = 4
            "Time" = "11:05 AM"
            "Presenter" = @("James Petty")
            "Title" = "Securing PSRemoting"
            "SessionId" = 5
            "Time" = "12:00 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("Lee Berg")
            "Title" = "Purpose build PowerShell script orchestration with Universal Automation"
            "SessionId" = 6
            "Time" = "12:55 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("Kyle Ruddy")
            "Title" = "Manage vSphere with PowerCLI DSC Resources, Finally!"
            "SessionId" = 7
            "Time" = "1:50 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("Adam Bertram")
            "Title" = "Azure DevOps Pipelines for the Infrastructure Automator"
            "SessionId" = 8
            "Time" = "2:45 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("David Wiggs")
            "Title" = "Azure Administration Using Azure Functions and Logic Apps"
            "SessionId" = 9
            "Time" = "3:40 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("Joseph Houghes")
            "Title" = "GitHub Actions to Automate Terraform for Azure"
            "SessionId" = 10
            "Time" = "4:35 PM"
            "Presenter" = @("Jeff Brown")
            "Title" = "Publishing Your First Package to the PowerShell Gallery"

    $mySchedule = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
    $continue = $true
    $sessionsArray | Out-Host

    while ($continue) {
        $sessionToAdd = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the SessionId to add to your schedule, or press Q to quit"

        if ($sessionToAdd -in $sessionsArray.SessionId) {
            $selectedSession = $sessionsArray | Where-Object {$_.SessionId -eq $sessionToAdd}
            $mySchedule.Add($selectedSession) | Out-Null
            $sessionsArray | Out-Host
        elseif ($sessionToAdd -ilike 'q') {
            $continue = $false
        else {
            Write-Warning -Message "Invalid Session Id or option, please try again."

    Write-Output "`n`nYour Chicago PowerShell 2020 Schedule"
    Write-Output "*************************************"
    $mySchedule | Out-Host