<# .SYNOPSIS Grab a single session from the latest log file. Defaults to last exection. .DESCRIPTION Reads the latest log file and grabs the last session .NOTES Works for Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core (e.g. 7). .EXAMPLE Get-ChocoLogEntry Grabs the laste entry from the latest log .PARAMETER Report This changes the output to be more friendly for reporting .PARAMETER Path The log path you want to parse. This will default to the latest local log. This can be a directory of logs. .PARAMETER Filter The filter passed to Get Child Item. Default to 'chocolatey*.log.' .PARAMETER PatternLayout The log4net pattern layout used to parse the log. It is very unlikely that you need to supply this. The code expects pattern names: time, session, level, and message. #> function Get-ChocoLogEntry { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateScript({ if (-Not ($_ | Test-Path) ) { throw "File or folder does not exist" } return $true })] [string[]] $Path = "$($env:ChocolateyInstall)\logs\", [String] $Filter = 'chocolatey*.log', [string] $PatternLayout = '%date %thread [%-5level] - %message', [switch]$Report ) # ToDo: # - Support searching for a cli entry # - sub command type (e.g. search, list, upgrade) # - Exit code # - Filter to recent time to make sure we get the right one $entry = Read-ChocoLog -FileLimit 1 -Path $Path -Filter $Filter -PatternLayout $PatternLayout | Select-Object -Last 1 if ($report) { # Print out in a format that's useful for Chef logging Write-Host ('Command: {0}' -F $entry.cli) Write-Host ('Exit Code: {0}' -F $entry.exitCode ) # This will print out the configuration in a more readble way Write-Host "Configuration: `n - " $entry.Configuration Write-Host 'Logs:' $entry.logs | ForEach-Object { @( $_.Time.ToString('hh:mm:ss.fff'), ('[' + $_.level + ']'), $_.message ) -Join ' ' } } else { return $entry } } |