
Function Install-ChocoPackage {
        Installs a chocolatey package. Doesn't asks for confirmation by default. Just like Chocolatey, you may need admin rights to install a package.

        Installs a chocolatey package. Doesn't asks for confirmation by default. Just like Chocolatey, you may need admin rights to install a package.

        The name of the package to install.

    .PARAMETER Source
        The source to install the package from.

    .PARAMETER Upgrade
        If the package should be upgraded if it already exists.

    .PARAMETER Force
        Will force the reinstallation of the package.

        Install-ChocoPackage -Name vlc
        Install-ChocoPackage -Name vlc -Source chocolatey
        Install-ChocoPackage -Name vlc -Source chocolatey -Upgrade


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [String] $Name,
        [String] $Source = "chocolatey",
        [Switch] $Upgrade = $false,
        [Switch] $Force = $false

    if (Test-ChocoInstalled) {

        if ($Upgrade) {
            [String[]]$Arguments += "upgrade", "-y"
        elseif ($Force) {
            [String[]]$Arguments += "install", "--force", "-y"
        else {
            [String[]]$Arguments += "install", "-y"

        $Arguments += $Name, "--source", $Source

        $CommandOutput = Invoke-ChocoCommand $Arguments
        if ($CommandOutput.Status -eq "Success") {
            if ($CommandOutput.RawOutput -like "*already installed.*") {

                $Status = "Already installed"

            elseif ($CommandOutput.RawOutput -like "*The install of $Name was successful*") {
                $Status = "Installed"

            $Version = (Get-ChocoPackage $Name).Version

        Return [PSCustomObject]@{
            Name    = $Name
            Status  = $Status
            Version = $Version

    else {
        Write-Error "Chocolatey is not installed. Please install it first."