
Function Search-ChocoPackage {
        Search for a chocolatey package. If no name is specified this will return all available packages.
        Search for a chocolatey package. If no name is specified this will return all available packages.
        The name of the package to search for. Omit to return all available packages.
    .PARAMETER Source
        Search on a specific source. Defaults to the official Chocolatey repository.
    .PARAMETER Exact
        Search for an exact match.
    .PARAMETER PreRelease
        Include pre-release versions in the search.

        Search-ChocoPackage -Name "rufus"
        Name Version
        ---- -------
        rufus 3.0.18
        rufus.install 3.0.18
        rufus.portable 3.0.18

        Search-ChocoPackage -Name "rufus" -Source "chocolatey"
        Name Version
        ---- -------
        rufus 3.0.18
        rufus.install 3.0.18
        rufus.portable 3.0.18

        Search-ChocoPackage -Name "rufus" -Source "chocolatey" -Exact
        Name Version
        ---- -------
        rufus 3.0.18

        Name Version
        ---- -------
        rufus 3.0.18
        rufus.install 3.0.18
        ... ...
        ... ...



        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [String] $Name,
        [String] $Source,
        [Switch] $Exact,
        [Switch] $PreRelease

    if (Test-ChocoInstalled) {
        $Header = "Name", "Version"
        [String[]]$Arguments = "search", $Name

        if ($Source) {
            $Arguments += "-source", $Source

        if ($Exact) {
            $Arguments += "--exact"

        if ($PreRelease) {
            $Arguments += "--pre"
        Try {

            $CommandOutput = Invoke-ChocoCommand $Arguments
            if ($CommandOutput.Status -eq "Success") {
                Return ConvertFrom-Csv $CommandOutput.RawOutput -Delimiter '|' -Header $Header

        Catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
