
Function Get-ChocoPackageInfo {
        Gets information about a Chocolatey package.

        Gets information about a Chocolatey package.

        The name of the package.

        Get-ChocoPackageInfo -Name rufus

        Title : Rufus
        TotalDownloads : 540469
        Checksum : z4iOzCoWEYvc/VuSHxqc9Y09IZPioI29lq0SeewfEajtrPfMpXI4XKGtZJc1un2/dw20TLU/7/2mTlBRW7dR1A==
        Tags : liveusb usb bootdisk linux windows foss
        Summary : Create bootable USB drives from Windows and Linux images
        SoftwareSite :
        SoftwareLicense :
        SoftwareSource :
        Description : Rufus is a utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc. It can be especially useful for cases where: - you need to create USB installation media from bootable ISOs (Windows, Linux, UEFI, etc.) - you need to work on a system that doesn't have an OS installed - you need to flash a BIOS or other
                        firmware from DOS - you want to run a low-level utility ## Features * Format USB, flash card and virtual drives to FAT/FAT32/NTFS/UDF/exFAT/ReFS * Create DOS bootable USB drives, using [FreeDOS]( or MS-DOS * Create BIOS or UEFI bootable drives, including [UEFI bootable NTFS]( * Create bootable
                        drives from bootable ISOs (Windows, Linux, etc.) * Create bootable drives from bootable disk images, including compressed ones * Create [Windows To Go]( drives * Twice as fast as Microsoft's USB/DVD tool or UNetbootin, on ISO -> USB creation. * Perform bad blocks checks, including detection of "fake" flash drives *
                        Compute MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 checksums of the selected image * Modern and familiar UI, with more than [35 languages natively supported]( * Small footprint. No installation required. * Portable * 100% [Free Software]( ([GPL
                        v3]( * [FAQ]( * [Supported ISOs]( ![screenshot]( Release Notes:


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [String] $Name

    begin {
        if (-Not (Test-ChocoInstalled)) {
            Exit 1
    process {
        $ChocoCommandOutput = Invoke-ChocoCommand -Arguments "info", $Name, "--no-color" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -BypassDefaultArgs

        Try {
            $Title = ($ChocoCommandOutput.RawOutput | Select-String -Pattern "^ Title:.*$").ToString().Replace("Title: ", "").Split("|")[0].Trim()
        Catch {
            $Title = "Cannot parse content"

        Try {
            $Checksum = ($ChocoCommandOutput.RawOutput | Select-String -Pattern "^ Package Checksum:.*$").ToString().Replace("Package Checksum: ", "").Replace("(SHA512)", "").Replace("'", "").Trim()
        Catch {
            $Checksum = "Cannot parse content"

        Try {
            $Tags = ($ChocoCommandOutput.RawOutput | Select-String -Pattern "^ Tags: .*$").ToString().Replace("Tags: ", "").Trim()
        Catch {
            $Tags = "Cannot parse content"

        Try {
            $Summary = ($ChocoCommandOutput.RawOutput | Select-String -Pattern "^ Summary: .*$").ToString().Replace("Summary: ", "").Trim()
        Catch {
            $Summary = "Cannot parse content"

        Try {
            $SoftwareSite = ($ChocoCommandOutput.RawOutput | Select-String -Pattern "^ Software Site: .*$").ToString().Replace("Software Site: ", "").Trim()
        Catch {
            $SoftwareSite = "Cannot parse content"

        Try {
            $SoftwareLicense = ($ChocoCommandOutput.RawOutput | Select-String -Pattern "^ Software License: .*$").ToString().Replace("Software License: ", "").Trim()
        Catch {
            $SoftwareLicense = "Cannot parse content"

        Try {
            $SoftwareSource = ($ChocoCommandOutput.RawOutput | Select-String -Pattern "^ Software Source: .*$").ToString().Replace("Software Source: ", "").Trim()
        Catch {
            $SoftwareSource = "Cannot parse content"

        Try {
            $Description = (([regex]::matches($ChocoCommandOutput.RawOutput, " Description:((.|\n)*)")).value).Replace("Description: ", "").Replace("1 packages found.", "").Trim()
        Catch {
            $Description = "Cannot parse content"

        Try {
            $TotalDownloads = [int](($ChocoCommandOutput.RawOutput | Select-String -Pattern "^ Number of Downloads: ([0-9]+)").ToString().Replace("Number of Downloads: ", "").Split("|")[0].Trim())
        Catch {
            $TotalDownloads = "Cannot parse content"

        Return [PSCustomObject]@{
            Title           = $Title
            TotalDownloads  = $TotalDownloads
            Checksum        = $Checksum
            Tags            = $Tags
            Summary         = $Summary
            SoftwareSite    = $SoftwareSite
            SoftwareLicense = $SoftwareLicense
            SoftwareSource  = $SoftwareSource
            Description     = $Description

    end {}
