
# Builds a command optimized for a package provider and sends to choco.exe
function Invoke-ChocoAPI {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Search')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Install')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Uninstall')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='SourceList')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='SourceAdd')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='SourceRemove')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Install')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Uninstall')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Install')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Uninstall')]




        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='SourceAdd')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='SourceRemove')]
        $Source = $script:PackageSource,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='SourceAdd')]





        $Force = (Get-ForceProperty)

    $sourceCommandName = 'source'

    $ChocoAPI = [chocolatey.Lets]::GetChocolatey().SetCustomLogging([chocolatey.infrastructure.logging.NullLog]::new())

    # Series of generic paramters that can be used across both 'get' and 'set' operations, which are called differently
    $genericParams = {
        # Entering scriptblock

        $config.QuietOutput = $True
        $config.RegularOutput = $False

        if ($Version) {
            $config.Version = $Version

        if ($AllVersions) {
            $config.AllVersions = $true

        if ($LocalOnly) {
            $config.ListCommand.LocalOnly = $true

        if ($Force) {
            $config.Force = $true

    if ($SourceList) {
        # We can get the source info right from the MachineSources property without any special calls
        # Just need to alias each source's 'Key' property to 'Location' so that it lines up the CLI terminology
        $ChocoAPI.GetConfiguration().MachineSources | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name Location -Value Key -PassThru
    } elseif ($Search) {
        # Configuring 'get' operations - additional arguments are ignored
        # Using Out-Null to 'eat' the output from the Set operation so it doesn't contaminate the pipeline
            # Entering scriptblock
            Invoke-Command $genericParams
            if ($Name) {
                $config.Input = $Name

                if ($Exact) {
                    $config.ListCommand.Exact = $true
            $config.CommandName = []::list
        }) | Out-Null

        Write-Debug ("Invoking the Choco API with the following configuration: $($ChocoAPI.GetConfiguration() | Out-String)")
        # This invocation looks gross, but PowerShell currently lacks a clean way to call the parameter-less .NET generic method that Chocolatey uses for returning data
        $ChocoAPI.GetType().GetMethod('List').MakeGenericMethod([chocolatey.infrastructure.results.PackageResult]).Invoke($ChocoAPI,$null) | ForEach-Object {
            # If searching local packages, we need to spoof the source name returned by the API with a generic default
            if ($LocalOnly) {
                $_.Source = $script:PackageSource
            } else {
                # Otherwise, convert the source URI returned by Choco to a source name
                $_.Source = $ChocoAPI.GetConfiguration().MachineSources | Where-Object Key -eq $_.Source | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

            $swid = @{
                FastPackageReference = $_.Name+"#"+$_.Version+"#"+$_.Source
                Name = $_.Name
                Version = $_.Version
                versionScheme = "MultiPartNumeric"
                FromTrustedSource = $true
                Source = $_.Source
            New-SoftwareIdentity @swid
    } else {
        # Using Out-Null to 'eat' the output from the Set operation so it doesn't contaminate the pipeline
            # Entering scriptblock
            Invoke-Command $genericParams

            # Configuring 'set' operations
            if ($SourceAdd -or $SourceRemove) {
                $config.CommandName = $sourceCommandName
                $config.SourceCommand.Name = $Source

                if ($SourceAdd) {
                    $config.SourceCommand.Command = []::add
                    $config.Sources = $Location
                } elseif ($SourceRemove) {
                    $config.SourceCommand.Command = []::remove
            } else {
                # In this area, we're only leveraging (not managing) sources, hence why we're treating the source name parameter differently
                if ($Name) {
                    $config.PackageNames = $Name

                if ($Source) {
                    $config.Sources = $config.MachineSources | Where-Object Name -eq $Source | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Key

                if ($Install) {
                    $config.CommandName = []::install
                    $config.PromptForConfirmation = $False

                    if ($ParamsGlobal) {
                        $config.ApplyPackageParametersToDependencies = $True

                    if ($Parameters) {
                        $config.PackageParameters = $Parameters

                    if ($ArgsGlobal) {
                        $config.ApplyInstallArgumentsToDependencies = $True

                    if ($InstallArguments) {
                        $config.InstallArguments = $InstallArguments
                } elseif ($Uninstall) {
                    $config.CommandName = []::uninstall
                    $config.ForceDependencies = $true
        }) | Out-Null

        Write-Debug ("Invoking the Choco API with the following configuration: $($ChocoAPI.GetConfiguration() | Out-String)")
        # Using Out-Null to 'eat' the output from the Run operation so it doesn't contaminate the pipeline
        $ChocoAPI.Run() | Out-Null

        if ($Install -or $Uninstall) {
            # Since the API wont return anything (ex: dependencies installed), we can only return the package asked for
            # This is a regression of the API vs CLI, as we can capture dependencies returned by the CLI

            $swid = @{
                FastPackageReference = $Name+"#"+$Version+"#"+$Source
                Name = $Name
                Version = $Version
                versionScheme = "MultiPartNumeric"
                FromTrustedSource = $true
                Source = $Source

            New-SoftwareIdentity @swid