
function Do:
        Runs a scriptblock using Jobs.
        A Cindey Pipeline: will run each Stage: one right after the other synchronously.
        Each Do: Block found will create a Job so they can be run asyncronously or in Parallel.
        Note: Because the Do: keyword sets up jobs some may hang around in an error state if there are errors when executing.
        If this happens you can use the job functions in powershell to investigate and clean up. Wait-Job, Receive-Job and Remove-Job.
        But if you just want to clean up quickly and do a reset you can call Invoke-Cidney -Force and it will clean up all Cidney jobs.
        Pipeline: HelloWorld {
            Stage: One {
                Do: { Dir C:\Windows\System32 | Where Name -match '.dll' | measure }
                Do: GetService { Get-Service B* }
        Invoke-Cidney HelloWorld -verbose
        This example will do a Dir list and count the number of dll files, and run Get-Process as separate jobs and the Stage: will complete once all jobs are finished.
        Notice that Get-Service finished first even when it was listed second in the code.
        VERBOSE: [03/06/16 4:53:39.556 PM] [Start] Pipeline HelloWorld
        VERBOSE: [03/06/16 4:53:39.591 PM] [Start] Stage One
        VERBOSE: [03/06/16 4:53:39.769 PM] [Start] Job28
        VERBOSE: [03/06/16 4:53:40.021 PM] [Start] GetService
        VERBOSE: [03/06/16 4:53:40.150 PM] [Results] GetService
        Status Name DisplayName
        ------ ---- -----------
        Running BDESVC BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
        Running BFE Base Filtering Engine
        Running BrokerInfrastru... Background Tasks Infrastructure Ser...
        Running Browser Computer Browser
        Running BthHFSrv Bluetooth Handsfree Service
        Running bthserv Bluetooth Support Service
        VERBOSE: [03/06/16 4:53:40.170 PM] [Completed] GetService
        VERBOSE: [03/06/16 4:53:40.496 PM] [Results] Job28
        Count : 3001
        Average :
        Sum :
        Maximum :
        Minimum :
        Property :
        VERBOSE: [03/06/16 4:53:40.499 PM] [Completed] Job28
        VERBOSE: [03/06/16 4:53:40.606 PM] [Done] Stage One
        VERBOSE: [03/06/16 4:53:40.607 PM] [Done] Pipeline HelloWorld

        [Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName='Name')]
        $Name = '',
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName='Name')]
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')]
        $DoBlock = $(Throw 'No Do: block provided. (Did you put the open curly brace on the next line?)'),
        $TimeOut = [int]::MaxValue,
        $SleepTimer = 100,

    if (-not $Context)
        $Context = New-CidneyContext

    $header = {

    $DoBlock = [scriptblock]::Create(("{0}`r`n{1}" -f $header.ToString(), $DoBlock.ToString()))

    $params = @{
        WarningAction = 'SilentlyContinue'   
        Script = $DoBlock 
        Timeout = $TimeOut
        SleepTimer = $SleepTimer
        Context = $Context

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UserName'))
        $credential = Import-Clixml (Join-Path $Env:CidneyStore "$($UserName)Credentials.xml") 

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential'))
        $params.Add('Credential', $Credential)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UseSSL'))
        $params.Add('UseSSL', $UseSSL)

    if ($ComputerName)
        foreach($computer in $ComputerName)
            $job = Start-CidneyJob @Params -ComputerName $computer 
            $job.Name = "Job$($Job.Id)"
            if ($name)
                $job.Name += " $Name"
            $job.Name += " ($computer)"
            Write-CidneyLog "[Start ] $($job.Name)"
            $Context.Jobs += $job
        $job = Start-CidneyJob @Params
        $job.Name = "Job$($Job.Id)"
        if ($name)
            $job.Name += " $Name"
        $Context.Jobs += $job
        Write-CidneyLog "[Start ] $($job.Name)"

    if ($PassThru)
        return $Context