
   This function gets clipboard data and sets it back to clipboard removing any metadata
    This function gets clipboard data and sets it back to clipboard.
    This trick should remove metadata from clipboard data.
    For example from http smartlinks it will paste full url instead of url smartlink (url name and url)
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    PassThru parameter will also output clipboard data to Powershell pipeline.
    Usually this is used with saving results to variable.
    For example
    $FromClipboard = ClipboardTools-CopyPaste -PassThru
    $FromClipboard = ClipboardTools-CopyPaste -PassThru
    Reads clipboard data
    Outputs data to clipboard
    With parameter -PassThru output is sent to Powershell pipeline

Function ClipboardTools-CopyPaste {
    Param (

    if(Get-Clipboard) {
        Get-Clipboard | Set-Clipboard
        if(-not $PassThru) {
            Write-Host "Clipboard ready to paste:" -Foregroundcolor Green
    } else {
        Write-Host "Clipboard was empty" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
        return $null
    if($PassThru) {
        return Get-Clipboard

    This function extracs smart html link's title and url and pastes them back to clipboard
    This function extracs smart html link's title and url and
    pastes them back to clipboard in 2 separate lines
    This is good trick to paste smart html link title and url separately to document.
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    Reads clipboard data
    Outputs extracted smart html link's title and url to clipboard

Function ClipboardTools-CopyPasteUrl {

    # Example string in Array
    # <!--StartFragment--><a href=";view=powershell-7.3">about PSReadLine - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn</a><!--EndFragment-->

    $Clipboard = Get-Clipboard -TextFormatType Html

    # Get line containing html fragment using normal Array filtering
    $HtmlFragment = $Clipboard | Where-Object { $_ -like "<!--StartFragment-->*<!--EndFragment-->" }

    if($HtmlFragment) {
        # Use -Match (regex) to extract Title and Url
        # Test regex in
        # Using String:
        # <!--StartFragment--><a href=";view=powershell-7.3">about PSReadLine - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn</a><!--EndFragment-->
        $Matches = $null
        $regex = '^<!--StartFragment--><a href="(.*)">(.*)<\/a><!--EndFragment-->$'
        if($HtmlFragment -Match $regex) {
            $Topic = $Matches[2]
            Set-Clipboard $Topic

            $url = $Matches[1]
            Set-Clipboard $url -Append
            Write-Host "Clipboard ready to paste:" -Foregroundcolor Green
        } else {
            Write-Host "Warning: did not find url type clipboard information" -Foregroundcolor Yellow
    } else {
        Write-Host "Did not find url type clipboard information" -Foregroundcolor Yellow

    This function creates new GUID and copies it to clipboard
    This function creates new GUID and copies it to clipboard.
    You can then paste it to anywhere.
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    Reads clipboard data
    Outputs new GUID to clipboard
Function ClipboardTools-NewGuidToClipboard {

     $Guid = (New-Guid).Guid
     $Guid | Set-Clipboard
     $Success = $?
     if($Success) {
          Write-Host "$Guid copied to clipboard" -ForegroundColor Green

    This function reads JSON data from clipboard and sets uncompressed JSON back to clipboard
    This function reads JSON data from clipboard and sets uncompressed JSON back to clipboard
    This is good trick to extract compressed JSON and also do JSON syntax validation.
    Conversion checks that JSON syntax is valid at the same time.
    With -PassThru parameter converted JSON data is sent to Powershell pipeline
    and can be saved to Powershell variable.
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    PassThru parameter will also output converted JSON data to Powershell pipeline.
    Usually this is used with saving results to variable.
    For example
    $FromJson = ClipboardTools-JsonUncompress -PassThru
.PARAMETER RemovePowershellEscapes
    Remove Powershell escape character ` from JSON before converting data
    We can get escaped JSON for example from Edge Debugger
    This is for special cases
.PARAMETER RemoveDoubleJsonEscapes
    Replace double JSON escape \\\\ to \\ from JSON data before converting JSON
    This is super rare case but sometimes when original JSON data
    has nested JSON data in properties they get double escaped
    which causes problems later.
    $FromJson = ClipboardTools-JsonUncompress -PassThru
    ClipboardTools-JsonUncompress -RemovePowershellEscapes
    ClipboardTools-JsonUncompress -RemoveDoubleJsonEscapes
    Reads clipboard JSON data
    Outputs syntax checked and uncompressed JSON to clipboard

Function ClipboardTools-JsonUncompress {
    Param (
        [Switch] $PassThru,
        [Switch] $RemovePowershellEscapes,
        [Switch] $RemoveDoubleJsonEscapes

    $Clipboard = Get-Clipboard

    if($Clipboard) {
        # Remove Powershell ` escape characters
        if($RemoveEscapes) {
            $Clipboard = $Clipboard.Replace('`','')

        # Remove Json double escapes \\\\ -> \\
        if($RemoveDoubleJsonEscapes) {
            $Clipboard = $Clipboard -replace('\\\\', '\\')

        # Convert Clipboard Json data to variable
        Try {
            $json = $Clipboard | ConvertFrom-Json
            $Success = $?
            if($Success) {
                $json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Set-Clipboard
                if($PassThru) {
                    return $json
                } else {
                    Write-Host "Paste uncompressed JSON to text editor with Ctrl-v" -Foregroundcolor Green    
            } else {
                Write-Host "Warning: Could not convert JSON data from clipboard" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        } Catch {
            Write-Host "Warning: Clipboard data is not valid JSON" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            return $null

    } else {
        Write-Host "Clipboard was empty" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

    This function reads JSON data from clipboard and puts compressed JSON back to clipboard
    This function reads JSON data from clipboard and puts compressed JSON back to clipboard
    Conversion also checks that JSON syntax is valid.
    With -PassThru parameter compressed JSON data is sent to Powershell pipeline
    and can be saved to Powershell variable.
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    PassThru parameter will also output converted JSON data to Powershell pipeline.
    Usually this is used with saving results to variable.
    For example
    $CompressedJson = ClipboardTools-JsonCompress -PassThru
    $FromJson = ClipboardTools-JsonCompress -PassThru
    Reads clipboard JSON data
    Outputs syntax checked and compressed JSON to clipboard

Function ClipboardTools-JsonCompress {
    Param (
        [Switch] $PassThru

    $Clipboard = Get-Clipboard

    if($Clipboard) {

        # Convert Compressed Clipboard Json data to variable
        Try {
            $json = $Clipboard | ConvertFrom-Json
            $Success = $?
            if($Success) {
                $json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress | Set-Clipboard
                if($PassThru) {
                    return $json
                } else {
                    Write-Host "Paste compressed JSON to text editor with Ctrl-v" -Foregroundcolor Green    
            } else {
                Write-Host "Warning: Could not convert JSON data from clipboard" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        } Catch {
            Write-Host "Warning: Clipboard data is not valid JSON" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            return $null

    } else {
        Write-Host "Clipboard was empty" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

    This function reads image from clipboard and saves image to image file
    This function reads image from clipboard and saves image to image file
    You can specify filename and folder with parameters -FileName and -FilePath
    By default file is saved to current directory and filename is {timestamp}-ImageCapture
    Example Filename: 20230922-ImageCapture.png
    Timestamp is always added before FileName.
    With parameter -OpenFileAfterSave file is opened to default image viewer application
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    FileName for saved image
    FilePath for saved image
.PARAMETER OpenImageAfterSave
    Opens saved image in default image application
    ClipboardTools-SaveImageToFile -Name 'ImageFileName'
    ClipboardTools-SaveImageToFile -Name 'ImageFileName' -FilePath D:\ScreenCaptures
    ClipboardTools-SaveImageToFile -OpenFileAfterSave
    Reads clipboard picture data
    Outputs image to file

Function ClipboardTools-SaveImageToFile {
        $FileName = 'ImageCapture',
    # Get image from clipboard
    $ImageFromClipboard = Get-Clipboard -Format Image

    if($ImageFromClipboard) {

        # Set image path, timestamp and filename to saved image file
        $timestamp = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd-HHmmss
        # Set current path for FilePath if parameter was not specified
        if(-not $FilePath) {
             $FilePath = $pwd.Path
        # Check if destination folder exists
        if(-not (Test-Path $FilePath)) {
            Write-Host "Warning: destination directory $FilePath does not exist!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "Defaulting to current folder $($pwd.Path)"
            $FilePath = $pwd.Path

        $FileSavePath = "$($FilePath)\$($timestamp)-$($FileName).png"
        $Success = $?
        if($Success) {
            Write-Host "Successfully saved file: $FileSavePath" -ForegroundColor Green
            if($OpenFileAfterSave) {
                Write-Host "Opening image to default image application`n"
                # Sleep 1 seconds to make sure image file is saved to folder
                # For example saving to slow USB drive may take some time to complete
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

                if(Test-Path $FileSavePath) {
                    # Open image to default image application
                    Invoke-Item $FileSavePath
                } else {
                    Write-Host "Warning: File save was not completed before opening image" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
                    Write-Host "Skipping image opening...`n"
        } else {
            Write-Host "Failed to save file: $FileSavePath`n" -ForegroundColor Red
    } else {
        Write-Host "Did not detect image from clipboard`n" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

    This function reads text from clipboard and saves text to text file
    This function reads text from clipboard and saves text to text file
    You can specify filename and folder with parameters -FileName and -FilePath
    Default FileName is textfile.txt and default FilePath is current working directory
    With parameter -Append you can add text data to (new or) existing files
    With parameter -Force you can overwrite existing file
    With parameter -OpenFileAfterSave file is opened to default text editor
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    FileName for saved text file
    FilePath for saved text file
    Append text to existing file or create new text file
    Overwrite existing file
.PARAMETER OpenFileAfterSave
    Opens saved text file in default text editor
    ClipboardTools-SaveTextToFile -Name 'TextFile.txt'
    ClipboardTools-SaveTextToFile -Name 'TextFile.txt' -FilePath D:\temp
    ClipboardTools-SaveTextToFile -OpenFileAfterSave
    ClipboardTools-SaveTextToFile -Name 'TextFile.txt' -FilePath D:\temp -Append
    ClipboardTools-SaveTextToFile -Name 'TextFile.txt' -FilePath D:\temp -Force
    Reads clipboard text data
    Outputs clipboard text to file

Function ClipboardTools-SaveTextToFile {
        $FileName = 'textfile.txt',
    # Get Clipboard text
    $TextFromClipboard = Get-Clipboard -Format Text

    if($TextFromClipboard) {
        if(-not $FilePath) {
             $FilePath = $pwd.Path
        $FileSavePath = "$FilePath\$FileName"
        if(((Test-Path $FileSavePath) -and (-not $Force)) -and ((Test-Path $FileSavePath) -and (-not $Append))){
            Write-Host "Warning: Destination file already exists and -Force or -Append parameter NOT specified." -ForeGroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "Will not overwrite file $filePath`n"
        } else {
            if($Append) {
                # Append clipboard text to possible existing file
                $TextFromClipboard | Add-Content -Path $FileSavePath
                $Success = $?
                if($Success) {
                    Write-Host "Successfully appended text to file: $FileSavePath`n" -ForegroundColor Green
                } else {
                    Write-Host "Failed to append text to file: $FileSavePath`n" -ForegroundColor Red
            } elseif ($Force -and (-not $Append)) {
                # Overwrite possible existing files
                $TextFromClipboard | Set-Content -Path $FileSavePath -Force
                $Success = $?
                if($Success) {
                    Write-Host "Successfully saved file: $FileSavePath`n" -ForegroundColor Green
                } else {
                    Write-Host "Failed to save file: $FileSavePath`n" -ForegroundColor Red
            } else {
                $TextFromClipboard | Set-Content -Path $FileSavePath
                $Success = $?
                if($Success) {
                    Write-Host "Successfully saved file: $FileSavePath`n" -ForegroundColor Green
                } else {
                    Write-Host "Failed to save file: $FileSavePath`n" -ForegroundColor Red
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            Write-Host "Opening text file to default text editor`n"
            # Sleep 1 seconds to make sure text file is saved to folder
            # For example saving to slow USB drive may take some time to complete
            if($OpenFileAfterSave) {
                if(Test-Path $FileSavePath) {
                    # Open text file to default text editor
                    Invoke-Item $FileSavePath                
                } else {
                    Write-Host "Warning: File save was not completed before opening" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
                    Write-Host "Skipping text file opening...`n"
    } else {
        Write-Host "Did not detect text from clipboard`n" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

    This function sorts text in clipboard either ascending (default) or descending order
    This function sorts text in clipboard either ascending (default) or descending order
    With parameter -Descending you can set descending sort
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
.PARAMETER Descending
    Sort clipboard text descending
    ClipboardTools-Sort -Descending
    Reads clipboard text data
    Outputs sorted clipboard text back to clipboard

Function ClipboardTools-Sort {
        [Switch]$Descending = $false
    if(Get-Clipboard  -Format Text) {
        if(-not $Descending) {
            Get-Clipboard  -Format Text| Sort-Object | Set-Clipboard
            $Success = $?
        } else {
            Get-Clipboard  -Format Text| Sort-Object -Descending | Set-Clipboard    
            $Success = $?
        if($Success) {
            if($Descending) {
                Write-Host "Clipboard text is now sorted in descending order`n" -ForegroundColor Green
            } else  {
                Write-Host "Clipboard text is now sorted`n" -ForegroundColor Green
        } else {
            Write-Host "Failed to sort Clipboard text`n" -ForegroundColor Red
    } else {
        Write-Host "Clipboard did not contain any text`n" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

    This function checks if clipboard text has valid JSON syntax
    This function checks if clipboard text has valid JSON syntax
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    Reads clipboard text

Function ClipboardTools-ValidateJson {

    # Read Clipboard text
    $ClipboardText = Get-Clipboard -Format Text
    if($ClipboardText) {
        try {
            $json = $ClipboardText | ConvertFrom-Json
            $Success = $?
            if($Success) {
                Write-Host "Clipboard text has valid JSON syntax" -ForegroundColor Green
            } else {
                Write-Host "Clipboard text is NOT valid JSON syntax" -ForegroundColor Red
        } catch {
            Write-Host "Clipboard text is NOT valid JSON syntax" -ForegroundColor Red
    } else {
        Write-Host "Clipboard did not contain any text`n" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

    This function checks if XML file in clipboard has valid xml syntax
    This function checks if XML file in clipboard has valid xml syntax
    With parameter -PassThru converted XML is sent to Powershell pipeline
    and can be saved to Powershell variable.
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    PassThru parameter outputs converted XML text to Powershell pipeline.
    Usually this is used with saving results to variable.
    $xml = ClipboardTools-ValidateXml -PassThru
    Reads clipboard data
    With parameter -PassThru converted XML is sent to Powershell pipeline.

Function ClipboardTools-ValidateXml {
    # Read Clipboard text
    $ClipboardText = Get-Clipboard -Format Text
    if($ClipboardText) {
        try {
            [xml]$xml = $ClipboardText
            $Success = $?
            if($Success) {
                Write-Host "Clipboard text has valid XML syntax" -ForegroundColor Green
                if($PassThru) {
                    return $xml
            } else {
                Write-Host "Clipboard text is NOT valid XML syntax" -ForegroundColor Red
        } catch {
            Write-Host "Clipboard text is NOT valid XML syntax`n" -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host "$($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
    } else {
        Write-Host "Clipboard did not contain any text`n" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

    This function checks if Powershell script copied to clipboard has valid Powershell syntax
    This function checks if Powershell script copied to clipboard has valid Powershell syntax
    This is done by using command: Get-Command -Syntax temporary_scriptfile.ps1
    Text/Powershell script from clipboard is saved to temporary file in TEMP directory
    Powershell Syntax check is done to this temporary .ps1 file
    Temporary file is deleted after syntax check.
    This will NOT run the script.
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    Reads Powershell script from clipboard
    But script will create temporary Powershell script file to $env:temp which is deleted after syntax check

Function ClipboardTools-ValidatePowershellSyntax {
    # Copy Clipboard text
    $PowershellScriptFromClipboard = Get-Clipboard -Format Text

    if($PowershellScriptFromClipboard) {

        # Copy file to temp directory and run it from there
        $PowershellScriptPath = "$env:Temp\TestPowershellScriptSyntax_$((New-Guid).Guid).ps1"
        $PowershellScriptFromClipboard | Out-String | Set-Content -Path $PowershellScriptPath
        $Success = $?

        if($Success) {
            # Do Powershell syntax check to temporary Powershell file
            $GetCommand = Get-Command -Syntax $PowershellScriptPath
            $Success = $?

            if($Success) {
                Write-Host "Powershell syntax is valid`n" -ForegroundColor Green
            } else {
                Write-Host "Powershell syntax is NOT valid`n" -ForegroundColor Red

            # Delete Powershell script from Temp folder
            Remove-Item -Path $PowershellScriptPath -Force
        } else {
            Write-Host "Something went wrong when saving temporary file: $PowershellScriptPath" -ForeGroundColor Red
            Write-Host "Powershell syntax validation was aborted" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
    } else {
        Write-Host "Clipboard did not contain any text`n" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

    This function converts base64 encoded text in clipboard to clear text
    This function converts base64 encoded text in clipboard to clear text
    and copies converted text back to clipboard
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    PassThru parameter will output converted base64 text to Powershell pipeline.
    Usually this is used with saving results to variable.
    $ClearTextFromBase64 = ClipboardTools-ConvertFromBase64 -PassThru
    Reads clipboard base64 text and converts it to clear text
    Converted base64 text is copied to clipboard
    With parameter -PassThru converted base64 text is sent to Powershell pipeline.

Function ClipboardTools-ConvertFromBase64 {

    [String]$Base64 = Get-Clipboard -Format Text
    $Success = $?
    if($Success) {
        if($Base64) {
            $ConvertedString = [Text.Encoding]::Utf8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64))
            $Success = $?
            if($Success) {
                Write-Host "Converted base64 is copied to clipboard`n" -ForegroundColor Green
                $ConvertedString | Set-Clipboard
                if($PassThru) {
                    return $ConvertedString
            } else {
                Write-Host "Error converting from base64`n" -ForegroundColor Red
        } else {
            Write-Host "Clipboard did not contain any data to convert`n" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
    } else {
        Write-Host "Clipboard did not contain any data to convert`n" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

    This function converts Intune report format JSON from clipboard to "objectified" data
    This function converts Intune report format JSON from clipboard to "objectified" data
    and then sets converted JSON report back to clipboard
    With parameter -PassThru processed JSON report data is sent to Powershell pipeline
    where you can for example save data to variable
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    $IntuneReport = ClipboardTools-ObjectifyIntuneJsonReport -PassThru
    Reads clipboard (Intune report format) JSON data
    With parameter -PassThru processed Intune report JSON data is sent to Powershell pipeline.

function ClipboardTools-ObjectifyIntuneJsonReport {

    # Read Clipboard text
    $ClipboardJSON = Get-Clipboard -Format Text
    if($ClipboardJSON) {
        try {
            $json = $ClipboardJSON | ConvertFrom-Json
            $Success = $?
            if($Success) {
                Write-Host "Clipboard text has valid JSON syntax" -ForegroundColor Green
                if($Json.Schema) {
                    $JsonSchema = $Json.Schema
                } else {
                    Write-Host "Warning: Did not detect valid Intune/Graph API report formatted JSON data" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
                    Write-Host "Warning: Schema property missing." -ForeGroundColor Yellow
                    return $null

                if($Json.Values) {
                    $JsonValues = $Json.Values
                } else {
                    Write-Host "Warning: Did not detect valid Intune/Graph API report formatted JSON data" 
                    Write-Host "Warning: Values property missing." -ForeGroundColor Yellow
                    return $null

                # Create empty arrayList
                # ArrayList should be quicker if we have a huge data set
                # because using array and += always creates new array with added array value/object
                $JsonObjectArrayList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"

                # Convert json data to Powershell objects in $JsonObjectArrayList
                foreach($Value in $JsonValues) {
                    # We use this counter to get property name value from Schema array

                    # Add values to HashTable which we use to create custom Powershell object later
                    $ValuesHashTable = @{}

                    foreach($ValueEntry in $Value) {
                        # Create variables
                        $PropertyName = $JsonSchema[$i].Column
                        $ValuePropertyType = $JsonSchema[$i].PropertyType
                        $PropertyValue = $ValueEntry -as $ValuePropertyType
                        # Add hashtable entry
                        $ValuesHashTable.add($PropertyName, $PropertyValue)

                        # Create Powershell custom object from hashtable
                        $CustomObject = new-object psobject -Property $ValuesHashTable

                    # Add custom Powershell object to ArrayList
                    $JsonObjectArrayList.Add($CustomObject) | Out-Null

                # Set processed report JSON data to clipboard
                $JsonObjectArrayList | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Set-Clipboard
                if($PassThru) {
            } else {
                Write-Host "Clipboard text is NOT valid JSON syntax" -ForegroundColor Red
        } catch {
            Write-Host "Clipboard text is NOT valid JSON syntax" -ForegroundColor Red
    } else {
        Write-Host "Clipboard did not contain any text`n" -ForeGroundColor Yellow

    This function converts Edge Debugger Save as Powershell -script to "real" Powershell script syntax
    This function converts Edge Debugger Save as Powershell -script to "real" Powershell script syntax
    This function version creates Microsoft.Graph.Intune Powershell Module compatible code.
    "Real" Powershell syntax means real Powershell commands you can use in your scripts.
    Commands will do same Graph API call which you copied from Edge debugger data.
    Converted commands are set to clipboard so you can paste actual Powershell code to your code editor.
    And you can also run Powershell commands in Powershell console.
    Prerequisite for created Powershell code to work you need to install Intune Powershell Module
    You can install module with command:
    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Intune -Scope CurrentUser
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    Reads clipboard text (Edge Debugger -> Save as Powershell -data)
    "Powershell script ready" Powershell code is sent to Clipboard

Function ClipboardTools-EdgeDebuggerGraphAPIExtractPowershellIntuneModule {

    # We will get array of strings
    $Clipboard = Get-Clipboard -Format Text
    if(-not $Clipboard) {
        Write-Host "Clipboard did not contain any text`n" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
        return $null

    # Remove escapes
    $Clipboard = $Clipboard.Replace('`','')

    # Find Invoke-WebRequest string
    $InvokeWebRequest = $Clipboard | Where-Object { $_ -like "Invoke-WebRequest *" }
    # Find uri
    $regex = '^Invoke-WebRequest.*-Uri "(.*)".*$'
    if($InvokeWebRequest -match $regex) {
            $Uri = $Matches[1]
            # Add escapes before $ character
            $Uri = $Uri.Replace('$','`$')

    } else {
        Write-Host "Could not parse Uri from Edge Debugger Powershell copy" -ForegroundColor Red
        return $null

    # Extract Method (=POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE)
    $MethodString = $Clipboard | Where-Object { $_ -like "-Method *" }
    if($MethodString) {
        $regex = '^-Method "(.*)".*$'
        if($MethodString -match $regex) {
            $Method = $Matches[1]
        } else {
            # There is no Method parameter with Get method
    } else {
        # There is no Method parameter with Get method

    # Extract body json
    $BodyString = $Clipboard | Where-Object { $_ -like "-Body *" }
    if($BodyString) {
        # Examples
        # -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("{`"@odata.type`":`"#microsoft.graph.winGetApp`"}}"))

        if(($BodyString -match '^-Body "(.*)".*$') -or ($BodyString -match '^-Body \(\[System.Text.Encoding\]::UTF8\.GetBytes\("(.*)"\)\)$')) {
            $Body = $Matches[1]
            $BodyJson = $Body | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
            # Add escapes to $ characters
            $BodyJson = $BodyJson.Replace('$','`$')
        } else {
            # There is no Body parameter with Get method
    } else {
        # There is no Body parameter with Get method

    # DEBUG
    #Write-Host "Uri=$Uri"
    #Write-Host "Method=$Method"
    #Write-Host "Body=$Body"
    #Write-Host "BodyJson=$BodyJson"

        # Method is POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE with Body information
        $Paste = @"
# Connect to Graph API using Microsoft Intune module
Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion 'beta'
`$Url = `"$Uri`"
`$Body = `@`"
# Get data from Graph API
`$MSGraphRequest = `$null
`$MSGraphRequest = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -Url `$url -Content `$Body.ToString() -HttpMethod '$Method'
if(`$MSGraphRequest) {
    # Print results
} else {
    Write-Host "Did not get any results from Graph API!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    } else {
        # Method is GET or DELETE without Body in request
        $Paste = @"
# Connect to Graph API using Microsoft Intune module
Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion 'beta'
`$Url = `"$Uri`"
# Get data from Graph API
`$MSGraphRequest = `$null
`$MSGraphRequest = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -Url `$url -HttpMethod '$Method'
if(`$MSGraphRequest) {
    # Print results
} else {
    Write-Host "Did not get any results from Graph API!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Get all data from Graph API (gets all paged data)
# This can be used to get all paged results from Graph API
#`$AllMSGraphRequest = Get-MSGraphAllPages -SearchResult `$MSGraphRequest
# Or if you used Get-MSGraphAllPages

    # DEBUG
    #Write-Host "Paste=$Paste"
    # Set edited info back to Clipboard
    $Paste | Set-Clipboard

    This function converts Edge Debugger Save as Powershell -script to "real" Powershell script syntax
    This function converts Edge Debugger Save as Powershell -script to "real" Powershell script syntax
    This function version creates Microsoft.Graph Powershell Module compatible code.
    "Real" Powershell syntax means real Powershell commands you can use in your scripts.
    Commands will do same Graph API call which you copied from Edge debugger data.
    Converted commands are set to clipboard so you can paste actual Powershell code to your code editor.
    And you can also run Powershell commands in Powershell console.
    Prerequisite for created Powershell code to work you need to install Intune Powershell Module
    You can install module with command:
    Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
    Senior Modern Management Principal
    Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices
    Reads clipboard text (Edge Debugger -> Save as Powershell -data)
    "Powershell script ready" Powershell code is sent to Clipboard

Function ClipboardTools-EdgeDebuggerGraphAPIExtractPowershellMGGraphModule {

    # We will get array of strings
    $Clipboard = Get-Clipboard -Format Text

    if(-not $Clipboard) {
        Write-Host "Clipboard did not contain any text`n" -ForeGroundColor Yellow
        return $null

    # Remove escapes
    $Clipboard = $Clipboard.Replace('`','')

    # Find Invoke-WebRequest string
    $InvokeWebRequest = $Clipboard | Where-Object { $_ -like "Invoke-WebRequest *" }
    # Find uri
    $regex = '^Invoke-WebRequest.*-Uri "(.*)".*$'
    if($InvokeWebRequest -match $regex) {
            $Uri = $Matches[1]
            # Add escapes before $ character
            $Uri = $Uri.Replace('$','`$')

    } else {
        Write-Host "Could not parse Uri from Edge Debugger Powershell copy" -ForegroundColor Red
        return $null

    # Extract Method (=POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE)
    $MethodString = $Clipboard | Where-Object { $_ -like "-Method *" }
    if($MethodString) {
        $regex = '^-Method "(.*)".*$'
        if($MethodString -match $regex) {
            $Method = $Matches[1]
        } else {
            # There is no Method parameter with Get method
    } else {
        # There is no Method parameter with Get method

    # Extract body json
    $BodyString = $Clipboard | Where-Object { $_ -like "-Body *" }
    if($BodyString) {
        # Examples
        # -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("{`"@odata.type`":`"#microsoft.graph.winGetApp`"}}"))

        if(($BodyString -match '^-Body "(.*)".*$') -or ($BodyString -match '^-Body \(\[System.Text.Encoding\]::UTF8\.GetBytes\("(.*)"\)\)$')) {
            $Body = $Matches[1]
            $BodyJson = $Body | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
            # Add escapes to $ characters
            $BodyJson = $BodyJson.Replace('$','`$')
        } else {
            # There is no Body parameter with Get method
    } else {
        # There is no Body parameter with Get method

    # DEBUG
    #Write-Host "Uri=$Uri"
    #Write-Host "Method=$Method"
    #Write-Host "Body=$Body"
    #Write-Host "BodyJson=$BodyJson"

        # Method is POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE with Body information
        $Paste = @"
# Connect to Graph API using Microsoft Graph module
# Install Microsoft Graph module with command
# Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All", "DeviceManagementApps.Read.All", "DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All", "User.Read.All", "Group.Read.All", "GroupMember.Read.All", "Directory.Read.All"
# Install Graph Beta module with command
# Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta -Scope CurrentUser
#Select-MgProfile beta
`$Uri = `"$Uri`"
`$Body = `@`"
# Note! There seems to be either a bug or a feature with POST requests with Invoke-MgGraphRequest
# In some testings command succeeds but does not return anything to Powershell pipeline
# but with -Debug option you can see that the data has been fetched from Graph API
# For now one workaround is to save data to text file which we'll do here
# Get data from Graph API
# Original request
#`$MgGraphRequest = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri `$Uri -Body `$Body.ToString() -Method '$Method' -OutputType PSObject
# Workaround to save data to random named text file first with parameter -OutputFilePath
`$OutputFilePath = `"`$(`$pwd.path)/MgGraphRequest_`$(Get-Random).json`"
`$MgGraphRequest = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri `$Uri -Body `$Body.ToString() -Method '$Method' -OutputFilePath `$OutputFilePath
# Read and convert json data from temporary text file
`$MgGraphRequest = Get-Content `$OutputFilePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
# Remove temporary file
Remove-Item -Path `$OutputFilePath
if(`$MgGraphRequest) {
    # Print results
    # Usually you want to check values from `$MgGraphRequest.value
    Write-Host `"Print variable: MgGraphRequest`"
} else {
    Write-Host "Did not get any results from Graph API!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    } else {
        # Method is GET or DELETE without Body in request
        $Paste = @"
# Connect to Graph API using Microsoft Graph module
# Install Microsoft Graph module with command
# Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All", "DeviceManagementApps.Read.All", "DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All", "User.Read.All", "Group.Read.All", "GroupMember.Read.All", "Directory.Read.All"
# Install Graph Beta module with command
# Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta -Scope CurrentUser
#Select-MgProfile beta
`$Uri = `"$Uri`"
# Get data from Graph API
`$MgGraphRequest = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri `$Uri -Method '$Method' -OutputType PSObject
if(`$MgGraphRequest) {
    # Print results
    # Usually you want to check values from `$MgGraphRequest.value
    Write-Host `"Print variable: MgGraphRequest`"
} else {
    Write-Host "Did not get any results from Graph API!" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    # DEBUG
    #Write-Host "Paste=$Paste"
    # Set edited info back to Clipboard
    $Paste | Set-Clipboard