
# Cloud Governance Api
# Contact: support@avepoint.com

get change group setting service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ChangeGroupSettingService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ChangeGroupSettingService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changegroupsetting/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getChangeGroupSettingService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeGroupSettingService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get change list setting service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ChangeListSettingService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ChangeListSettingService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changelistsetting/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getChangeListSettingService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeListSettingService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get change permission service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ChangePermissionService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ChangePermissionService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changepermission/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getChangePermissionService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangePermissionService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get change site contact service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ChangeSiteContactService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ChangeSiteContactService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changesitecontact/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getChangeSiteContactService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeSiteContactService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get change site setting service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ChangeSiteSettingService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ChangeSiteSettingService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changesitesetting/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getChangeSiteSettingService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeSiteSettingService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for change web contact service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ChangeWebContactService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ChangeWebContactService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changewebcontact/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getChangeWebContactService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeWebContactService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get change web setting service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ChangeWebSettingsService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ChangeWebSettingsService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changewebsettings/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getChangeWebSettingsService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeWebSettingService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get clone permission service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ClonePermissionService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ClonePermissionService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/clonepermission/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getClonePermissionService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ClonePermissionService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get content move profiles from cloud management
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ContentMoveProfiles {
    Param (
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ContentMoveProfiles' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/contentmove/profiles'

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ContentMoveProfiles" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get content move service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ContentMoveService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ContentMoveService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/contentmove/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getContentMoveService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ContentMoveService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get create group service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-CreateGroupService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-CreateGroupService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/creategroup/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getCreateGroupService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "CreateGroupService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get create group service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-CreateGuestUserService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-CreateGuestUserService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/createguestuser/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getCreateGuestUserService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "CreateGuestUserService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get create list service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-CreateListService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-CreateListService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/createlist/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getCreateListService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "CreateListService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get private channel service detail
No description available.
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-CreatePrivateChannelService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-CreatePrivateChannelService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/createprivatechannel/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getCreatePrivateChannelService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "CreatePrivateChannelService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get create site service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-CreateSiteService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-CreateSiteService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/createsite/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getCreateSiteService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "CreateSiteService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get create web service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-CreateWebService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-CreateWebService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/createweb/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getCreateWebService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "CreateWebService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get custom service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-CustomService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-CustomService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/custom/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getCustomService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ServiceForRequest" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get grant permission service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-GrantPermissionService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-GrantPermissionService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/grantpermission/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getGrantPermissionService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "GrantPermissionService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get group lifecycle service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-GroupLifecycleService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-GroupLifecycleService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/grouplifecycle/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getGroupLifecycleService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "GroupLifecycleService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get manage permission service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ManagePermissionService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ManagePermissionService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/managepermission/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getManagePermissionService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ManagePermissionService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get services that can be used to start a request
No description available.
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-MyServices {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-MyServices' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/my'

        if ($Search) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['search'] = $Search

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ServiceListPageResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get service id by service name
No description available.
service name, case insensitive
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-ServiceId {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-ServiceId' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/id'

        if (!$Name) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Name` missing when calling getServiceId."
        $LocalVarQueryParameters['name'] = $Name

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "String" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get site lifecycle service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-SiteLifecycleService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-SiteLifecycleService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/sitelifecycle/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getSiteLifecycleService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "SiteLifecycleService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

get web lifecycle service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER QuestionnaireId
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Get-WebLifecycleService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-WebLifecycleService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/weblifecycle/{id}'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling getWebLifecycleService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($QuestionnaireId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['questionnaireId'] = $QuestionnaireId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "WebLifecycleService" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate guest user email
No description available.
No description available.
No description available.
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-EmailForCreateGuestUserService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-EmailForCreateGuestUserService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/createguestuser/{id}/email/validate'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateEmailForCreateGuestUserService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if (!$Email) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Email` missing when calling validateEmailForCreateGuestUserService."
        $LocalVarQueryParameters['email'] = $Email

        if ($RequestId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['requestId'] = $RequestId

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ObjectValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate guest user emails
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER RequestBody
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-EmailsForCreateGuestUserService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-EmailsForCreateGuestUserService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/createguestuser/{id}/email/validate'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateEmailsForCreateGuestUserService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $RequestBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "String[]" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for change group setting service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER ChangeGroupSettingValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForChangeGroupSettingService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForChangeGroupSettingService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changegroupsetting/{id}/group/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForChangeGroupSettingService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $ChangeGroupSettingValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeGroupSettingCheckResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for change list setting service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER SiteValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForChangeListSettingService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForChangeListSettingService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changelistsetting/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForChangeListSettingService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SiteValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeListSettingValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for change permission service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER SiteValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForChangePermissionService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForChangePermissionService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changepermission/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForChangePermissionService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SiteValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangePermissionValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for change site contact service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER SiteValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForChangeSiteContactService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForChangeSiteContactService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changesitecontact/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForChangeSiteContactService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SiteValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeSiteContactValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for change site setting service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER SiteValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForChangeSiteSettingService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForChangeSiteSettingService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changesitesetting/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForChangeSiteSettingService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SiteValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeSiteSettingValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for change web contact service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER SiteValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForChangeWebContactService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForChangeWebContactService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changewebcontact/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForChangeWebContactService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SiteValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeWebContactValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for change web setting service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER SiteValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForChangeWebSettingService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForChangeWebSettingService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/changewebsettings/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForChangeWebSettingService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SiteValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ChangeWebUrlValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for clone permission service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER SiteValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForClonePermissionService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForClonePermissionService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/clonepermission/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForClonePermissionService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SiteValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ClonePermissionValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for content move service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER ContentMoveUrlValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForContentMoveService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForContentMoveService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/contentmove/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForContentMoveService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $ContentMoveUrlValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ContentMoveUrlValidationResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate groups can invite
No description available.
No description available.
No description available.
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForCreateGuestUserService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForCreateGuestUserService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/createguestuser/{id}/group/validate'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForCreateGuestUserService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        if ($RequestId) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['requestId'] = $RequestId

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $ApiUser | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "CreateGuestUserValidationResult[]" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for create list service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER ListValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForCreateListService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForCreateListService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/createlist/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForCreateListService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $ListValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "CreateListUrlValidationResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for create web service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER CreateWebValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForCreateWebService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForCreateWebService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/createweb/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForCreateWebService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $CreateWebValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "CreateWebUrlValidationResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for grant permission service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER SiteValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForGrantPermissionService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForGrantPermissionService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/grantpermission/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForGrantPermissionService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SiteValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "GrantPermissionUrlValidationResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for group lifecycle service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER GroupValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForGroupLifecycleService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForGroupLifecycleService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/grouplifecycle/{id}/group/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForGroupLifecycleService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $GroupValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "GroupLifecycleValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for manage permission service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER SiteValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForManagePermissionService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForManagePermissionService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/managepermission/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForManagePermissionService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SiteValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ManagePermissionValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for site lifecycle service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER SiteValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForSiteLifecycleService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForSiteLifecycleService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/sitelifecycle/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForSiteLifecycleService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SiteValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "SiteLifecycleValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate permissions, scope for web lifecycle service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER SiteValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-ForWebLifecycleService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-ForWebLifecycleService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/weblifecycle/{id}/url/validation'
        if (!$Id) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `Id` missing when calling validateForWebLifecycleService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{id}', $Id)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SiteValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "WebLifecycleValidateResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]

validate teams for create private channel service
No description available.
No description available.
.PARAMETER CreatePrivateChannelValidationParameter
No description available.
Select the return type (optional): text/plain, application/json
A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response

function Resolve-TeamForCreatePrivateChannelService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/json")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Resolve-TeamForCreatePrivateChannelService' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        $Configuration = Get-Configuration
        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('text/plain', 'application/json')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/services/createprivatechannel/{serviceId}/team/validation'
        if (!$ServiceId) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `ServiceId` missing when calling validateTeamForCreatePrivateChannelService."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{serviceId}', $ServiceId)

        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $CreatePrivateChannelValidationParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['clientSecret'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["clientSecret"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'clientSecret' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]) {
            $LocalVarHeaderParameters['userPrincipalName'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["userPrincipalName"]
            Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'userPrincipalName' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "CreatePrivateChannelCheckResult" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]