
.GUID 2c1a2f98-e781-403c-9c81-85b736767abc
.AUTHOR RaviCKolandaiswamy

 Basic Functions for calling various APIs

#Get public and private function definition files.

#check PS version for this, PS 6 and above use -SkipCertificateCheck for Invoke-RestMethod
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6)
    #Ignore SSL errors
    If ($Null -eq ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'TrustAllCertsPolicy').Type) {
        Add-Type -Debug:$False @"
            using System.Net;
            using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
            public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
                public bool CheckValidationResult(
                    ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
                    WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
                    return true;

    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

#Enable TLS, TLS1.1, TLS1.2 in this session if they are available
IF([Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls) {[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol=[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls}
IF([Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11) {[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol=[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11}
IF([Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12) {[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol=[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12}

$currentDirectory = Get-Location
Import-Module $currentDirectory\Helpers.psm1 -Force

function Invoke-RestApiRequest {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'EndpointName')]
    param (
         [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Endpoint')]
         [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Endpoint')]
         [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Endpoint')]

          [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EndpointName')]

          [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EndpointName')]
          [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Endpoint')]

          [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EndpointName')]
          [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Endpoint')]

          [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'EndpointName')]
          [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Endpoint')]
          $method = 'GET'
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'EndpointName') 
        $connection = Get-ApiConnection $endpointName
        $url = $connection.ApiEndpointUrl
        $user = $connection.ApiUser
        $pass = $connection.ApiKey

    $decodedCreds = Invoke-Decode $pass #[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pass))
    $pair = "$($user):$($decodedCreds)"
    $encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair))
    $basicAuthValue = "Basic $encodedCreds"
    $Headers = @{
        Authorization = $basicAuthValue

    $params = @{
        Uri         = $url.TrimEnd('/') + '/' + $relativeUrl.TrimStart('/')
        Headers     = $Headers
        Method      = $method
        Body        = $jsonBody
        ContentType = 'application/json'
    Write-Output "URL: $($params.Uri)"

    if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -GT 5) {
        return Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck
    } else {
         Write-Verbose -Message "Note: SkipCertificateCheck for Invoke-RestMethod supported only from PS 6 and above."
        return Invoke-RestMethod @params

function Invoke-Decode {
    return [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($text))

function Add-ApiConnection {
    $name = Read-Host 'API Connection Name'
    $url = Read-Host 'API Endpoint Url'
    $user = Read-Host 'API User'
    $key = Read-Host "API Key" -AsSecureString
    $enc = $key | ConvertFrom-SecureString 
    $apiConnection = @{
        Name = $name
        ApiEndpointUrl = $url
        ApiUser = $user
        ApiKey = $enc
    $json = ConvertTo-Json $apiConnection
    $json | Out-File "$name.api.dat"

function Get-ApiConnection {
    param (
        if (!(Test-Path $name)) {
           $fileName = "$name.api.dat"
        } else {
            $fileName = $name

        if (!(Test-Path $fileName)) {
            throw "Local Endpoint data file does not exist for the given connection name: $fileName"
    $connectionData = Get-Content $fileName | ConvertFrom-Json
    $url = $connectionData.psobject.Properties['ApiEndpointUrl'].Value
    $user = $connectionData.psobject.Properties['ApiUser'].Value
    $enc = $connectionData.psobject.Properties['ApiKey'].Value
    $key = $enc | ConvertTo-SecureString

    $connection = @{
        Name = $connectionData.Name
        ApiEndpointUrl = $url
        ApiUser = $user
        ApiKey = $key
    return $connection

function Add-HostConnection {
    $name = Read-Host 'Connection Name'
    $hostName = Read-Host 'Host Name (Machine Name or IP)'
    $creds = Get-Credential
    $user = $creds.UserName
    $encPassword = $creds.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString

        $portInput = Read-Host 'WMI Port (Ex: 5985)'
        $port = [System.Convert]::ToInt($portInput)
    } catch
        $port = 5985
        $sslInput = Read-Host 'WMI Is Use SSL ? (yes / no)?'
        $isUseSsl = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($sslInput)
    } catch
        $isUseSsl = $False

    $hostConnection = @{
        Name = $name
        HostName = $hostName
        User = $user
        Password = $encPassword
        Port = $port
        IsUseSsl = $isUseSsl
    $json = ConvertTo-Json $hostConnection
    $json | Out-File "$"

function Get-HostConnection {
    param (
        if (!(Test-Path $name)) {
           $fileName = "$"
        } else {
            $fileName = $name

        if (!(Test-Path $fileName)) {
            throw "Local Host data file does not exist for the given connection name: $fileName"
    $connectionData = Get-Content $fileName | ConvertFrom-Json
    $hostName = $connectionData.psobject.Properties['HostName'].Value
    $port= [int] ($connectionData.psobject.Properties['Port'].Value)
    $isUseSsl= [bool] ($connectionData.psobject.Properties['IsUseSsl'].Value)
    $user = $connectionData.psobject.Properties['User'].Value
    $enc = $connectionData.psobject.Properties['Password'].Value
    $key = $enc | ConvertTo-SecureString

    $connection = @{
        Name = $connectionData.Name
        HostName = $hostName
        User = $user
        Password = $key
        Port = $port
        IsUseSsl = $isUseSsl
    return $connection

function Add-SqlDbConnection {
    $name = Read-Host 'Connection Name'
    $dbServerName = Read-Host 'DB Server Name'
    $user = Read-Host 'DB User'
    $pass = Read-Host "DB Password" -AsSecureString

    $dbName = Read-Host 'DB Name (optional)'

    $encPassword = $pass | ConvertFrom-SecureString

    $sqlDbConnection = @{
        Name = $name
        DbServerName = $dbServerName
        User = $user
        Password = $encPassword
        DbName = $dbName
    $json = ConvertTo-Json $sqlDbConnection
    $json | Out-File "$name.sqldb.dat"

function Get-SqlDbConnection {
    param (
        if (!(Test-Path $name)) {
           $fileName = "$name.sqldb.dat"
        } else {
            $fileName = $name

        if (!(Test-Path $fileName)) {
            throw "Local SQL DB data file does not exist for the given connection name: $fileName"
    $connectionData = Get-Content $fileName | ConvertFrom-Json
    $dbServerName = $connectionData.psobject.Properties['DbServerName'].Value
    $dbName = $connectionData.psobject.Properties['DbName'].Value
    $user = $connectionData.psobject.Properties['User'].Value
    $enc = $connectionData.psobject.Properties['Password'].Value
    $pass = $enc | ConvertTo-SecureString

    $connection = @{
       Name = $connectionData.Name
       DbServerName = $dbServerName
       User = $user
       Password = $pass
       DbName = $dbName
    return $connection

function Add-SqlTransactionLogShrinkJob {
    param($connectionName, $backupPath, $purgeBackupOlderThanDays)
    if($connectionName -eq $null) {
            $connectionName =  Read-Input -message "Enter SQL connection name"
    if($backupPath -eq $null) {
            $backupPath =  Read-Input -message "Enter backup folder path"
    if($purgeBackupOlderThanDays -eq $null) {
            $purgeBackupOlderThanDays =  Read-Input -message "Enter number of days to purge old backup"
    $backupPath = $backupPath.Trim('\')+'\'
    $sqlDbConn = Get-SqlDbConnection $connectionName
    $decoded = Invoke-Decode $sqlDbConn.Password

    $hybrDb = "Hybr";
    $billingDb = "CloudAssert.Billing";
    $vconnectDb = "CloudAssert.Vconnect";
    $dacmDb = "CloudAssert.Dacm";

    if(!(Get-YesOrNoUserResponse -message "Is Hybr database name - $hybrDb ?")) {
        $hybrDb = Read-Input -message "Enter Hybr database name"

    if(!(Get-YesOrNoUserResponse -message "Is Billing database name - $billingDb ?")) {
        $billingDb = Read-Input -message "Enter Billing database name"

    if(!(Get-YesOrNoUserResponse -message "Is VConnect database name - $vconnectDb ?")) {
        $vconnectDb = Read-Input -message "Enter VConnect database name"

    if(!(Get-YesOrNoUserResponse -message "Is Cost Management database name - $dacmDb ?")) {
        $dacmDb = Read-Input -message "Enter Cost Management database name"

    $query = "IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE name='shrink_cloudassert_logs')
            EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs', @delete_unused_schedule = 1
        IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE name='shrink_cloudassert_logs')
            EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_job
                @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                @description = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs Description';
           EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'backup_vconnect_db',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'
                            DECLARE @result INT
                            DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${vconnectDb}.bak''
                            EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                            IF (DB_ID(''$vconnectDb'') IS NOT NULL AND @result = 1)
                             BACKUP DATABASE [$vconnectDb] TO DISK = @path With Differential;
                              BACKUP DATABASE [$vconnectDb] TO DISK = @path
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
           EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'backup_vconnect_log',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'
                            DECLARE @result INT
                            DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${vconnectDb}.TRN''
                            EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                            IF (DB_ID(''$vconnectDb'') IS NOT NULL)
                              BACKUP LOG [$vconnectDb] TO DISK = @path;
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
                    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'shrink_vconnect_log',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'IF DB_ID(''$vconnectDb'') IS NOT NULL
                        DECLARE @cnt INT = 0
                        DECLARE @dbstatus nvarchar(50)
                        DECLARE @currentSize INT
                        DECLARE @sizeAfterShrink INT
                        SET @currentSize = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${vconnectDb}_log'')
                        WHILE @cnt <= 5
                                @dbstatus = (
                                    name like ''${vconnectDb}''
                            IF @dbstatus = ''NOTHING'' OR @dbstatus = ''ACTIVE_TRANSACTION''
                                USE [$vconnectDb]
                                DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${vconnectDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                                SET @sizeAfterShrink = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${vconnectDb}_log'')
                                IF @sizeAfterShrink < @currentSize
                                        WAITFOR DELAY ''00:10:00''
                                        SET @cnt = @cnt + 1;
                            ELSE IF @dbstatus = ''OLDEST_PAGE'' OR @dbstatus = ''CHECKPOINT''
                                USE [$vconnectDb]
                                   DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${vconnectDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                            ELSE IF @dbstatus = ''LOG_BACKUP''
                                USE [$vconnectDb]
                                DECLARE @result INT
                                DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${vconnectDb}.TRN''
                                EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                                IF (DB_ID(''$vconnectDb'') IS NOT NULL)
                                  BACKUP LOG [$vconnectDb] TO DISK = @path;
                                   DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${vconnectDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                                SET @sizeAfterShrink = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${vconnectDb}_log'')
                                IF @sizeAfterShrink < @currentSize
                                      WAITFOR DELAY ''00:10:00''
                                      SET @cnt = @cnt + 1;
                                USE [vconnectDb]
                                   DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${vconnectDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
          EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'backup_billing_db',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'
                            DECLARE @result INT
                            DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${billingDb}.bak''
                            EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                            IF (DB_ID(''$billingDb'') IS NOT NULL AND @result = 1)
                             BACKUP DATABASE [$billingDb] TO DISK = @path With Differential;
                              BACKUP DATABASE [$billingDb] TO DISK = @path
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
          EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'backup_billing_log',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'
                            DECLARE @result INT
                            DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${billingDb}.TRN''
                            EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                            IF (DB_ID(''$billingDb'') IS NOT NULL)
                              BACKUP LOG [$billingDb] TO DISK = @path;
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
                 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'shrink_billing_log',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'IF DB_ID(''$billingDb'') IS NOT NULL
                        DECLARE @cnt INT = 0
                        DECLARE @dbstatus nvarchar(50)
                        DECLARE @currentSize INT
                        DECLARE @sizeAfterShrink INT
                        SET @currentSize = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${billingDb}_log'')
                        WHILE @cnt <= 5
                                @dbstatus = (
                                    name like ''${billingDb}''
                            IF @dbstatus = ''NOTHING'' OR @dbstatus = ''ACTIVE_TRANSACTION''
                                USE [$billingDb]
                                DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${billingDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                                SET @sizeAfterShrink = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${billingDb}_log'')
                                IF @sizeAfterShrink < @currentSize
                                        WAITFOR DELAY ''00:10:00''
                                        SET @cnt = @cnt + 1;
                            ELSE IF @dbstatus = ''OLDEST_PAGE'' OR @dbstatus = ''CHECKPOINT''
                                USE [$billingDb]
                                   DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${billingDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                            ELSE IF @dbstatus = ''LOG_BACKUP''
                                USE [$billingDb]
                                DECLARE @result INT
                                DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${billingDb}.TRN''
                                EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                                IF (DB_ID(''$billingDb'') IS NOT NULL)
                                    BACKUP LOG [$billingDb] TO DISK = @path;
                                   DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${billingDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                                SET @sizeAfterShrink = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${billingDb}_log'')
                                IF @sizeAfterShrink < @currentSize
                                        WAITFOR DELAY ''00:10:00''
                                        SET @cnt = @cnt + 1;
                                    USE [$billingDb]
                                       DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${billingDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
          EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'backup_hybr_db',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'
                            DECLARE @result INT
                            DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${hybrDb}.bak''
                            EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                            IF (DB_ID(''$hybrDb'') IS NOT NULL AND @result = 1)
                             BACKUP DATABASE [$hybrDb] TO DISK = @path With Differential;
                              BACKUP DATABASE [$hybrDb] TO DISK = @path
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
          EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'backup_hybr_log',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'
                            DECLARE @result INT
                            DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${hybrDb}.TRN''
                            EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                            IF (DB_ID(''$hybrDb'') IS NOT NULL)
                              BACKUP LOG [$hybrDb] TO DISK = @path;
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
                 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'shrink_hybr_log',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'IF DB_ID(''$hybrDb'') IS NOT NULL
                        DECLARE @cnt INT = 0
                        DECLARE @dbstatus nvarchar(50)
                        DECLARE @currentSize INT
                        DECLARE @sizeAfterShrink INT
                        SET @currentSize = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${hybrDb}_log'')
                        WHILE @cnt <= 5
                                @dbstatus = (
                                    name like ''$hybrDb''
                            IF @dbstatus = ''NOTHING'' OR @dbstatus = ''ACTIVE_TRANSACTION''
                                USE [$hybrDb]
                                DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${hybrDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                                SET @sizeAfterShrink = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${hybrDb}_log'')
                                    IF @sizeAfterShrink < @currentSize
                                            WAITFOR DELAY ''00:10:00''
                                            SET @cnt = @cnt + 1;
                            ELSE IF @dbstatus = ''OLDEST_PAGE'' OR @dbstatus = ''CHECKPOINT''
                                USE [$hybrDb]
                                   DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${hybrDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                            ELSE IF @dbstatus = ''LOG_BACKUP''
                                USE [$hybrDb]
                                DECLARE @result INT
                                DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${hybrDb}.TRN''
                                EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                                IF (DB_ID(''${hybrDb}'') IS NOT NULL)
                                    BACKUP LOG [$hybrDb] TO DISK = @path;
                                   DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${hybrDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                                SET @sizeAfterShrink = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${hybrDb}_log'')
                                IF @sizeAfterShrink < @currentSize
                                        WAITFOR DELAY ''00:10:00''
                                        SET @cnt = @cnt + 1;
                                USE [$hybrDb]
                                   DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${hybrDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
          EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'backup_dacm_db',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'
                            DECLARE @result INT
                            DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${dacmDb}.bak''
                            EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                            IF (DB_ID(''$dacmDb'') IS NOT NULL AND @result = 1)
                             BACKUP DATABASE [$dacmDb] TO DISK = @path With Differential;
                              BACKUP DATABASE [$dacmDb] TO DISK = @path
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
          EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'backup_dacm_log',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'
                            DECLARE @result INT
                            DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${dacmDb}.TRN''
                            EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                            IF (DB_ID(''$dacmDb'') IS NOT NULL)
                              BACKUP LOG [$dacmDb] TO DISK = @path;
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
                 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'shrink_dacm_log',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'IF DB_ID(''$dacmDb'') IS NOT NULL
                        DECLARE @cnt INT = 0
                        DECLARE @dbstatus nvarchar(50)
                        DECLARE @currentSize INT
                        DECLARE @sizeAfterShrink INT
                        SET @currentSize = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${dacmDb}_log'')
                        WHILE @cnt <= 5
                            @dbstatus = (
                            name like ''$dacmDb''
                            IF @dbstatus = ''NOTHING'' OR @dbstatus = ''ACTIVE_TRANSACTION''
                                USE [$dacmDb]
                                DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${dacmDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                                SET @sizeAfterShrink = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${dacmDb}_log'')
                                IF @sizeAfterShrink < @currentSize
                                        WAITFOR DELAY ''00:10:00''
                                        SET @cnt = @cnt + 1;
                            ELSE IF @dbstatus = ''OLDEST_PAGE'' OR @dbstatus = ''CHECKPOINT''
                                USE [$dacmDb]
                                DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${dacmDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                            ELSE IF @dbstatus = ''LOG_BACKUP''
                                USE [$dacmDb]
                                DECLARE @result INT
                                DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''${backupPath}\${dacmDb}.TRN''
                                EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @path ,@result OUTPUT
                                IF (DB_ID(''${dacmDb}'') IS NOT NULL)
                                    BACKUP LOG [$dacmDb] TO DISK = @path;
                                   DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${dacmDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                                SET @sizeAfterShrink = (SELECT size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB FROM sys.database_files where name = ''${dacmDb}_log'')
                                IF @sizeAfterShrink < @currentSize
                                        WAITFOR DELAY ''00:10:00''
                                        SET @cnt = @cnt + 1;
                                USE [$dacmDb]
                                   DBCC SHRINKFILE (''${$dacmDb}_log'', 0, TRUNCATEONLY)
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
                 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'purge_db_backup',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''$backupPath''
                            DECLARE @DeleteDateTime DATETIME
                            SET @DeleteDateTime = DateAdd(DAY, -$purgeBackupOlderThanDays, GetDate())
                            EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,
                        @on_success_action = 3,
                        @on_fail_action = 3,
                        @database_name = 'master';
                 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @step_name = N'purge_log_backup',
                        @subsystem = N'TSQL',
                        @command = N'DECLARE @path nvarchar(500) = ''$backupPath''
                            DECLARE @DeleteDateTime DATETIME
                            SET @DeleteDateTime = DateAdd(DAY, -$purgeBackupOlderThanDays, GetDate())
                            EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,
                        @on_success_action = 1,
                        @database_name = 'master';
                    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule
                        @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs',
                        @name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs_SCHEDULE',
                    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_name = N'shrink_cloudassert_logs'

    $dbName = 'master'
    Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sqlDbConn.DbServerName -Database $dbName -Username $sqlDbConn.User -Password "$decoded" -Query $query

function Invoke-SqlDbQuery {
    param($name, $query, $dbName, [Switch]$exportCsv, [Switch]$printToConsole,
    [ValidateScript({$_ -match "https\:\/\/cloudassertcustenvlogs\\/(.)*\?(.)*"})]
    $sqlDbConn = Get-SqlDbConnection $name
    $decoded = Invoke-Decode $sqlDbConn.Password
    if($dbName -eq $null) {
        $dbName = $sqlDbConn.DbName
    if($dbName -eq $null) {
        $data = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sqlDbConn.DbServerName -Username $sqlDbConn.User -Password "$decoded" -Query $query -OutputAs DataSet
    } else {
        $data = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sqlDbConn.DbServerName -Database $dbName -Username $sqlDbConn.User -Password "$decoded" -Query $query -OutputAs DataSet
    if($data.Tables.Count -eq 1)
        if($exportCsv -or $blobURL -ne $null) 
            $dateTimeTicks = (Get-Date).Ticks
            $outFileName = "$dateTimeTicks.csv"
            Write-Host "Writing to File: $outFileName"
            $data = $data | Invoke-RemoveSensitiveDataFromDataSet
            $data.Tables[0] | Export-Csv -Path $outFileName -NoTypeInformation
        if($blobURL -ne $null) {
            Add-FileToBlobStorage $outFileName $blobURL
        if(!($exportCsv) -and $blobURL -eq $null)
            if(!($printToConsole)) {
                $data.Tables[0]  | Out-GridView
            } else {
    else {

function Invoke-SqlDbQueryFromFile {
    param($name, $queryFile, $dbName, [Switch]$exportCsv, [Switch]$printToConsole,
    [ValidateScript({$_ -match "https\:\/\/cloudassertcustenvlogs\\/(.)*\?(.)*"})]
    $sqlDbConn = Get-SqlDbConnection $name
    $decoded = Invoke-Decode $sqlDbConn.Password
    if($dbName -eq $null) {
        $dbName = $sqlDbConn.DbName
    $fileNameWotEx =  [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($queryFile)
    $machineName = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByName('').HostName
    $dateTimeTicks = (Get-Date).Ticks

    if($dbName -eq $null) {
        $dataSet = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sqlDbConn.DbServerName -Username $sqlDbConn.User -Password "$decoded" -InputFile $queryFile -OutputAs DataSet
    } else {
        $dataSet = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sqlDbConn.DbServerName -Database $dbName -Username $sqlDbConn.User -Password "$decoded" -InputFile $queryFile -OutputAs DataSet

    if($dataSet -ne $null -and $dataSet.Tables.Count -gt 0) 
        if($exportCsv -or $blobURL -ne $null) {
            $dataSet = $dataSet | Invoke-RemoveSensitiveDataFromDataSet
        foreach($table in $dataSet.Tables) 
            $outFileName = "$fileNameWotEx-$machineName-$($table.TableName)-$dateTimeTicks.csv"
            if($exportCsv -or $blobURL -ne $null) {
                $table | Export-Csv -Path $outFileName -NoTypeInformation
                Write-Host "Writing to File: $outFileName"
            if($blobURL -ne $null) {
                Add-FileToBlobStorage $outFileName $blobURL

            if(!($exportCsv) -and $blobURL -eq $null)
               if(!($printToConsole)) {
                    $table | Out-GridView
                } else {

function Invoke-SqlDbQueryFromBlob {
    [ValidateScript({$_ -match "https\:\/\/\/(.)*\.*"})]
    $queryUrl, $dbName,  [Switch]$exportCsv, [Switch]$printToConsole,
    [ValidateScript({$_ -match "https\:\/\/\/(.)*\?(.)*"})]
    $sqlDbConn = Get-SqlDbConnection $name
    $decoded = Invoke-Decode $sqlDbConn.Password
    if($dbName -eq $null) {
        $dbName = $sqlDbConn.DbName
    $fileNameFromUrl =  [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($queryUrl)
    $machineName = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByName('').HostName
    $dateTimeTicks = (Get-Date).Ticks
    $queryFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($queryUrl)

    Write-Host "Downloading $queryUrl to $queryFile"
    Invoke-WebRequest $queryUrl -outfile $queryFile
    if($dbName -eq $null) {
        $dataSet = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sqlDbConn.DbServerName -Username $sqlDbConn.User -Password "$decoded" -InputFile $queryFile -OutputAs DataSet
    } else {
        $dataSet = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sqlDbConn.DbServerName -Database $dbName -Username $sqlDbConn.User -Password "$decoded" -InputFile $queryFile -OutputAs DataSet

    if($dataSet -ne $null -and $dataSet.Tables.Count -gt 0) 
        if($exportCsv -or $blobURL -ne $null) {
            $dataSet = $dataSet | Invoke-RemoveSensitiveDataFromDataSet
        foreach($table in $dataSet.Tables) 
            if($exportCsv -or $blobURL -ne $null) {
                $outFileName = "$fileNameFromUrl-$machineName-$($table.TableName)-$dateTimeTicks.csv"
                Write-Host "Writing to File: $outFileName"
                $table | Export-Csv -Path $outFileName -NoTypeInformation
            if($blobURL -ne $null) {
                Add-FileToBlobStorage $outFileName $blobURL

            if(!($exportCsv) -and $blobURL -eq $null)
                if(!($printToConsole)) {
                    $table | Out-GridView
                } else {

function Invoke-RemoveSensitiveDataFromDataSet {
    foreach($table in $dataSet.Tables) {
        $redactColumns = @()
        $sensitiveColumns = @()
        $isEncryptColumns = @()
        foreach($column in $table.Columns) {
            if($column.ColumnName -like '*Key*' -or $column.ColumnName -like '*Setting*') {
                $sensitiveColumns += $column.Ordinal       
            elseif($column.ColumnName -like '*Encrypt*') {
                $isEncryptColumns += $column.Ordinal       
            elseif($column.ColumnName -like '*UserId*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*UserName*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*Email*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*Address*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*City*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*State*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*Postal*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*Zip*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*LastName*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*FirstName*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*ssn*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*taxid*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*phone*' `
                   -or $column.ColumnName -like '*Upn*') 
                $redactColumns += $column.Ordinal       
        $toRemoveRows = @()
        $rowIndex = 0
        foreach($row in $table.Rows) {
            $isRowRemoved = $false
             foreach($encryptColIndex in $isEncryptColumns) {
                if($row[$encryptColIndex] -like 'True') {
                    $toRemoveRows += $row
                    $isRowRemoved = $true
                    Write-Host "Row: $rowIndex contains Encrypted Data. Removed."
            if(!($isRowRemoved)) {
                foreach($sensitiveColIndex in $sensitiveColumns) {
                    if($row[$sensitiveColIndex] -like '*Secret*' -or $row[$sensitiveColIndex] -like '*Password*' -or $row[$sensitiveColIndex] -like '*Secure*' -or $row[$sensitiveColIndex] -like '*Key*') {
                        $toRemoveRows += $row
                        $isRowRemoved = $true
                        Write-Host "Row: $rowIndex contains Sensitive Data Removed."
                foreach($redactCol in $redactColumns) 
                    $row[$redactCol] = "<RMVD>"
                     Write-Host "Row: $rowIndex Col: $redactCol Data Removed."
        foreach($row in $toRemoveRows) {
    return $dataSet

function Invoke-EnterPSSession {
    $hostConnection = Get-HostConnection $name
    $hostCreds=New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $hostConnection.User, $hostConnection.Password
    if($hostConnection.IsUseSsl) {
        Enter-PSSession -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -UseSSL -Credential $hostCreds
    } else {
        Enter-PSSession -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -Credential $hostCreds

function Invoke-ExitPSSession {

function Invoke-HostCommand {
    param($name, $cmd)
    $hostConnection = Get-HostConnection $name
    $hostCreds=New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $hostConnection.User, $hostConnection.Password
    if($hostConnection.IsUseSsl) {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -UseSSL -Credential $hostCreds -ScriptBlock $sc
    } else {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -Credential $hostCreds -ScriptBlock $sc

function Get-HostEventLog {
    param($name, $logName = "Application", [int] $newest = 10, $entryType = "Error", [datetime] $after, [datetime] $before, $source, $message, [int] $index)
    $hostConnection = Get-HostConnection $name
    $hostCreds=New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $hostConnection.User, $hostConnection.Password
    $cmd = GenerateCmd($name, $logName, $newest = 10, $entryType, $after, $before, $source, $message, $index)
    Write-Host "Executing: $cmd"
    if($hostConnection.IsUseSsl) {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -UseSSL -Credential $hostCreds -ScriptBlock $sc
    } else {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -Credential $hostCreds -ScriptBlock $sc

function Push-HostEventLogToBlob {
    param($name, $logName = "Application", [int] $newest = 10, $entryType = "Error", [datetime] $after, [datetime] $before, $source, $message, [int] $index,
     [ValidateScript({$_ -match "https\:\/\/cloudassertcustenvlogs\\/(.)*\?(.)*"})]
    $hostConnection = Get-HostConnection $name
    $hostCreds=New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $hostConnection.User, $hostConnection.Password
    $cmd = GenerateCmd($name, $logName, $newest = 10, $entryType, $after, $before, $source, $message, $index)
    Write-Host "Executing: $cmd"
    $machineName = $hostConnection.HostName
    $dateTimeTicks = (Get-Date).Date.Ticks
    $fileName = "EventLog-$machineName-$dateTimeTicks.txt"
    if($hostConnection.IsUseSsl) {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -UseSSL -Credential $hostCreds -ScriptBlock $sc | Out-File $fileName
    } else {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -Credential $hostCreds -ScriptBlock $sc | Out-File $fileName
    Add-FileToBlobStorage $fileName $blobURL

function Invoke-InstallOrUpdateModule {
    if ((Get-InstalledModule -Name $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
        #-MinimumVersion 5.0 # Optionally specify minimum version to have
        Install-Module -Name CloudAssert.Common
    } else {
        Update-Module -Name CloudAssert.Common -Force

function Add-FileToBlobStorage{
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ })]
        [ValidateScript({$_ -match "https\:\/\/\/(.)*\?(.)*"})]
    $HashArguments = @{
        uri = $connectionstring.replace("?","/$($(get-item $file).name)?")
        method = "Put"
        InFile = $file
        headers = @{"x-ms-blob-type" = "BlockBlob"}
    Write-Host "Uploading File $file to $connectionstring"
    Invoke-RestMethod @HashArguments

function Get-InstallerVersions {
    $hostConnection = Get-HostConnection $hostConnectionName
    $hostCreds=New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $hostConnection.User, $hostConnection.Password
    $cmd = "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | where vendor -eq 'CLOUD ASSERT LLC' | select Name, Version"
    Write-Host "Executing: $cmd"
    if($hostConnection.IsUseSsl) {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -UseSSL -Credential $hostCreds -ScriptBlock $sc
    } else {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -Credential $hostCreds -ScriptBlock $sc

function Get-ServiceStatus {
    $hostConnection = Get-HostConnection $hostConnectionName
    $hostCreds=New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $hostConnection.User, $hostConnection.Password
    $cmd = "Get-Service -Include 'Billing*','Vconnect*','Cost*'"
    Write-Host "Executing: $cmd"
    if($hostConnection.IsUseSsl) {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -UseSSL -Credential $hostCreds -ScriptBlock $sc
    } else {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hostConnection.HostName -Port $hostConnection.Port -Credential $hostCreds -ScriptBlock $sc

function GenerateCmd {
    param($name, $logName, [int] $newest, $entryType, [datetime] $after, [datetime] $before, $source, $message, [int] $index)
        $cmd = "Get-EventLog -LogName $logName -Newest $newest -EntryType $entryType"
        if($after -ne $null) {
            $cmd = $cmd + " -After $after"
        if($before -ne $null) {
            $cmd = $cmd + " -Before $before"
        if($source -ne $null) {
            $cmd = $cmd + " -Source $source"
        if($message -ne $null) {
            $cmd = $cmd + " -Message $message"
        if($index -ne $null -and $index -gt 0) {
            $cmd = $cmd + " -Index $index"
        return $cmd

function Show-CertificateExpiry {
    Import-Module WebAdministration   
    $certs = Get-ChildItem IIS:SSLBindings | ForEach-Object { $_.Thumbprint }
    $certExpiry = Get-ChildItem CERT:LocalMachine/My | 
    Where-Object { $certs -contains $_.Thumbprint } | 
    Select-Object @{E = { $_.NotAfter }; L = "ExpiryDate ( HH:MM:SS)" }, Subject, ThumbPrint

function Remove-UpdateNewCertificate() {

    $thumbPrintToRemove = Read-Host  "Please enter the thumbprint to remove?"
    $certToRemove = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My | Where-Object {$_.Thumbprint -eq $thumbPrintToRemove}
    while (-not $certToRemove) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Thumbprint not found in certstore under Cert:\Localmachine\My" -Verbose 
        $thumbPrintToRemove = Read-Host "Please enter the thumbprint to remove?"
        $certToRemove = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My | Where-Object {$_.Thumbprint -eq $thumbPrintToRemove}
    $certPath = Read-Host  "Please enter the path to new certificate(Pfx)?"
    while (-not (Test-Path $certPath)) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Certificate not found or invalid path." -Verbose 
        $certPath = Read-Host "Please enter the path to new certificate(Pfx)?"
    $certPassword = Get-Password -message "Enter Certificate Password"
    Import-Module WebAdministration
    $sites = Get-ChildItem IIS:SSLBindings | Where-Object { $thumbPrintToRemove -contains $_.Thumbprint } 

    Write-Verbose -Message "Sites which uses the thumprint for SSL bindings:" -Verbose
    $userResponse = Get-YesOrNoUserResponse -message "Do you want to remove and update new certifcate for the above sites ?"
    if(-not $userResponse){
        Write-Verbose -Message "Aborting SSL Certificate remove and update" -Verbose
    Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$thumbPrintToRemove | Remove-Item
    $importResult = Import-PfxCertificate -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My -FilePath $certPath -Password $certPassword -Exportable 
    $newThumbprint = $importResult.Thumbprint

    $sites = Get-ChildItem -Path IIS:\Sites | Where-Object { $sites.Sites.Value -contains $_.Name }

    Write-Verbose -Message "Updating SSL binding for the above sites with new certificate thumbprint: $newThumbprint" -Verbose
    Foreach ($site in $sites) { 
        Foreach ($bindings in $site.Bindings.Collection) {
            if ($bindings.protocol.ToString() -eq "https") {
                Set-IisWebsiteBinding -SiteName $ -LocalPort $bindings.BindingInformation.split(":")[1] -SslCertificateThumbprint $newThumbprint
# SIG # Begin signature block
# ZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eSBSU0EwHhcNMTYwNjI0MjA0NDMwWhcNMzEw
# IENvZGUgU2lnbmluZyBJbnRlcm1lZGlhdGUgQ0EgUlNBIFIxMIICIjANBgkqhkiG
# 9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAn4MTc6qwxm0hy9uLeod00HHcjpdymuS7iDS0
# 3YADxi9FpHSavx4PUOqebXjzn/pRJqk9ndGylFc++zmJG5ErVu9ny+YL4w45jMY1
# 9Iw93SXpAawXQn1YFkDc+dUoRB2VZDBhOmTyl9dzTH17IwJt83XrVT1vqi3Er750
# rF3+arb86lx56Q9DnLVSBQ/vPrGxj9BJrabjQhlUP/MvDqHLfP4T+SM52iUcuD4A
# SjpvMjA3ZB7HrnUH2FXSGMkOiryjXPB8CqeFgcIOr4+ZXNNgJbyDWmkcJRPNcvXr
# nICb3CxnxN3JCZjVc+vEIaPlMo4+L1KYxmA3ZIyyb0pUchjMJ4f6zXWiYyFMtT1k
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# SIG # End signature block