
function Get-CBEnvironment
    Gets environments from CloudBolt.
    The `Get-CBEnvironment` function gets environments from CloudBolt. Pass the session for the target CloudBolt instance to the `Session` parameter (use `New-CBSession` to create a session). All environments are returned. CloudBolt pages result sets, and the `Get-CBEnvironment` function makes one request per page of results. You can control how many environments to include in each page with the `PageSize` parameter. The default is CloudBolt's default page size. When getting all environments, CloudBolt only returns the environment's name and ID.
    `Get-CBEnvironment` can also return a specific environment. Pass its ID to the `ID` parameter. You can also pipe environment objects (any object with an `ID` property) or IDs to `Get-CBEnvironment`. When getting a specific environment, CloudBolt returns all information about an environment.
    Get-CBEnvironment -Session $session
    Demonstrates how to get all environments from CloudBolt. When getting all environments, CloudBolt only returns each environment's ID and name.
    Get-CBEnvironment -Session $session -PageSize ([int16]::MaxValue)
    Demonstrates how to increase the number of results per page/request to the CloudBolt API. The larger the number, the greater the strain on CloudBolt but the fewer requests will be made.
    Get-CBEnvironment -Session $session -ID 1
    Demonstrates how to get a specific environment from CloudBolt.
    $environments | Get-CBEnvironment -Session $session
    Demonstrates that you can pipe environment objects to `Get-CBEnvironment`. Each object must have an `ID` property.
    @( 1, 2, 3) | Get-CBEnvironment -Session $session
    Demonstrates that you can pipe IDS to `Get-CBEnvironment`.

        # The session/connecton to the CloudBolt instance to use. Use `New-CBSession` to create a session object.

        # The ID of the environment to get.

        # The page size. CloudBolt pages all lists of objects. The `Get-CBEnvironment` function will make an HTTP request for every page of results so that all environments get returned. The default page size is 10.
        $PageSize = $defaultPageSize

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
        Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        & {
            if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ById' )
                Invoke-CBRestMethod -Session $Session -Method Get -ResourcePath ('environments/{0}/' -f $ID)
                Invoke-CBRestMethod -Session $Session -Method Get -ResourcePath 'environments/' -IsPaged -PageSize $PageSize
        } | Add-CBTypeName -Environment -PassThru