
function Wait-CBorder
    Waits for a CloudBolt order to complete.
    The `Wait-CBOrder` function waits for a CloudBolt order to complete. Pass the session to the target CloudBolt instance to the `Session` parameter (use `New-CBSession` to create a session object). Pass the ID of the order to the `ID` parameter. You can also pipe order objects or IDs to `Wait-CBOrder`.
    By default, will wait 100 seconds for the job to complete, checking the status every second.
    Start-CBOrder -Session $session -GroupID 4398 -BlueprintID 383 | Wait-CBOrder -Session $session
    Demonstrates how to pipe an object from `Start-CBOrder` to `Wait-CBOrder`, which will wait until the order completes or the wait times out.

        # The session/connecton to the CloudBolt instance to use. Use `New-CBSession` to create a session object.

        # The job's ID.

        # The total amount of time to wait for the order to complete. The default value is 100 seconds. If the order doesn't complete, the function returns nothing.
        $Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 100),

        # The amount of time to wait between checking the order's status. The default is one second.
        $RetryInterval = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 1)

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
        Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $endAt = (Get-Date) + $Timeout

        if( $Timeout -eq [TimeSpan]::Zero )
            $endAt = [DateTime]::MaxValue

        $order = $null

        while( $true )
            $order = Get-CBOrder -Session $Session -ID $ID
            if( $order.status -in @( 'SUCCESS', 'FAILURE' ) )

            if( (Get-Date) -gt $endAt )
                Write-Verbose -Message ('Order "{0}" ({1}) hasn''t completed in {2} seconds.' -f $,$,$Timeout.TotalSeconds)

            Write-Verbose ('Status of order "{0}" ({1}) is "{2}". Sleeping {3} seconds.' -f $,$,$order.status,$RetryInterval.Seconds)
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $RetryInterval.TotalSeconds

        return $order