
function New-CmAzCustomExtension {

         Enables generic deployment of an ARM template as a framework extension.
         Has following features:
            * Self-loading deployments using the component: "extension" header value.
            * A library of reusable templates automatically resolved in a [REPO]/extensions directory.
            * The ability to plug into useful functionality like the name generator and service locator.
            * Ability to use keyvault reference for secure strings.
        .Parameter SettingsFile
         File path for the settings file to be converted into a settings object.
        .Parameter SettingsObject
         Object containing the configuration values required to run this cmdlet.
        .Parameter TagSettingsFile
         File path for the tag settings file to be converted into a tag settings object.
        .Parameter OmitTags
         Parameter to specify if the cmdlet should handle its own tagging.
         New-CmAzCustomExtension -settingsFile "extensions.yml"
         New-CmAzCustomExtension -settingsObject $extensions

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Settings Yml File")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Settings Object")]

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    try {

        Write-CommandStatus -CommandName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        $SettingsObject = Get-Settings -SettingsFile $SettingsFile -SettingsObject $SettingsObject -CmdletName (Get-CurrentCmdletName -ScriptRoot $PSCommandPath)

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess((Get-CmAzSubscriptionName), "Deploy Custom Extension")) {

            foreach ($name in $SettingsObject.names.keys) {

                $SettingsObject.names.$name.generatedName = Get-CmAzResourceName `
                    -Resource $SettingsObject.names.$name.resource `
                    -Architecture $SettingsObject.names.$name.architecture `
                    -Location $SettingsObject.names.$name.location `
                    -IncludeBuild $SettingsObject.names.$name.includeBuild `
                    -Name $SettingsObject.names.$

            function Resolve-Dependency {

                param (

                if ($Location) {
                    return Get-CmAzService `
                        -Service $Service `
                        -ThrowIfUnavailable:$ThrowIfUnavailable `
                        -ThrowIfMultiple:$ThrowIfMultiple `
                        -Location $Location
                else {
                    return Get-CmAzService `
                        -Service $Service `
                        -ThrowIfUnavailable:$ThrowIfUnavailable `

            foreach ($template in $SettingsObject.templates) {

                $templateParameter = @{}

                foreach ($parameter in $template.parameters.keys) {

                    $value = $template.parameters.$parameter.value
                    $type = $template.parameters.$parameter.type

                    switch ($type) {

                        "static" {
                            Write-Verbose "Static value: $value..."
                            $templateParameter += @{ $parameter = $value }

                        "dependency" {

                            Write-Verbose "Dependency value: $value..."

                            $property = $template.parameters.$

                            $template.parameters.$parameter.throwIfUnavailable ??= $true
                            $template.parameters.$parameter.throwIfMultiple ??= $true

                            $resolvedDependency = Resolve-Dependency `
                                -Service $value `
                                -Location $template.parameters.$parameter.location `
                                -ThrowIfMultiple $template.parameters.$parameter.throwIfMultiple `
                                -ThrowIfUnavailable $template.parameters.$parameter.throwIfUnavailable

                            if ($property) {
                                $templateParameter += @{ $parameter = $resolvedDependency.$property }
                            else {
                                $templateParameter += @{ $parameter = $resolvedDependency }

                        "secureDependency" {

                            $secretName = $template.parameters.$parameter.secretName

                            if (!$secretName) {
                                Write-Error "Please provide secret for parameter: $parameter" -Category InvalidArgument -TargetObject $parameter

                            Write-Verbose "SecureDependency value: $value..."

                            $template.parameters.$parameter.throwIfUnavailable ??= $true
                            $template.parameters.$parameter.throwIfMultiple ??= $true

                            $resolvedDependency = Resolve-Dependency `
                                -Service $value `
                                -Location $template.parameters.$parameter.location `
                                -ThrowIfMultiple $template.parameters.$parameter.throwIfMultiple `
                                -ThrowIfUnavailable $template.parameters.$parameter.throwIfUnavailable

                            $templateParameter += @{
                                $parameter = @{
                                    reference = @{
                                        keyVault   = @{
                                            id = $
                                        secretName = $secretName

                        "name" {
                            Write-Verbose "Name value: $value..."

                            if ($SettingsObject.names.$value.generatedName) {
                                Write-Verbose "Found name: $value..."
                                $templateParameter += @{ $parameter = $SettingsObject.names.$value.generatedName }
                            else {
                                Write-Error "Invalid name: $value for $parameter..." -Category InvalidArgument -TargetObject $value

                if ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($templatePath)) {
                    $templatePath = $
                else {
                    $defaultPath = "$((Get-CmAzContext).projectRoot)/extensions/$($"

                    if (Test-Path -Path $defaultPath) {
                        Write-Verbose "Template Found in extensions..."
                        $templatePath = $defaultPath
                    else {
                        $templatePath = Resolve-FilePath -NestedFile $


                if ($template.service.dependencies.resourceGroup) {

                    $resourceGroup = Get-CmAzService -Service $template.service.dependencies.resourceGroup -ThrowIfUnavailable -ThrowIfMultiple -IsResourceGroup
                    $deploymentName = Get-CmAzResourceName -Resource "Deployment" -Architecture "Core" -Location $resourceGroup.location -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

                    New-AzResourceGroupDeployment `
                        -Name $deploymentName `
                        -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup.ResourceGroupName `
                        -TemplateFile $templatePath `
                        -TemplateParameterObject $templateParameter `
                else {

                    if (!$template.location) {
                        Write-Error "Location is mandatory for subscription scoped deployment..." -Category InvalidType -TargetObject $template.location

                    $deploymentName = Get-CmAzResourceName -Resource "Deployment" -Architecture "Core" -Location $template.location -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

                    New-AzDeployment `
                        -Name $deploymentName `
                        -TemplateFile $templatePath `
                        -TemplateParameterObject $templateParameter `
                        -Location $template.location `

            Write-CommandStatus -CommandName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -Start $false
    catch {